Moderato (tempo) origin, meaning and examples

Jonah Lester

"Moderate"Is a musical term that indicates a" moderate "tempo. At present, it is equivalent to 80 quarter notes per minute, between the andante (60 quarter notes per minute) and the allegretto (100 quarter notes per minute, or NPM). This term is used only in music, having even been the inspiration for a rock band from Mexico to bear his name..

This word comes from the Italian “moderatto”, whose literal translation into Spanish means “moderate”. The Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy has three meanings for "moderate" and all linked to the world of music. In the first place, it indicates that it is a movement of intermediate speed between the andante and the allegro.


A "movement" in music is the same as speed, musical pulse or tempo. The "speed", on the other hand, indicates the haste with which the piece should be executed, while the "allegro", like "moderato", also comes from the Italian language and means "lively" or "energetic". Instead, "allegreto" is a bit slower than "allegro".

On the other hand, the RAE indicates that "moderato" is a composition or part of it that must be executed as such. And finally, he defines it as an adverb with a medium speed movement between that of the andante and that of the allegro.

Like other aspects of music, "moderato" is not only a mark of tempo, but also suggests to the performer humor and character. It can be said that it is a personal feeling and a sense of music, and the “moderato” that one person indicates can be quite different from that of another, both in terms of tempo and character..

Thus, when used in conjunction with other types of musical terms, such as mood commands, "moderato" will indicate the NPM on its own. Thus, "moderate masterful" will mean an indication to play with dignified passion and a moderate black per minute indica..

On the other hand, to obtain the measure of the “moderate” the metronome is used and this term is also used after an indication of movement (that is, speed). An example of this is "allegro moderato", so it implies a more moderate.

Article index

  • 1 Other meaning
  • 2 Examples of use
  • 3 References

Other meaning

The word moderatto is also popular for the famous Mexican rock band Moderatto.

This group was born in 1999 and currently remains in force, has influences from bands such as Poison, Kiss or Motley Crew and is classified within "glam rock". They are originally from Mexico City and throughout their careers they have released ten albums.

Examples of use

"This weekend's program will feature Tchaikovsky's Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in Allegro moderato and will feature an exceptional violinist".

-"The conductor told us to play in a moderate rhythm".

-"I have problems interpreting the score, especially when the director indicates an allegro moderation".

-"Moderato-Allegro-Vivo, is manifested in a concatenation of silences that enable the flute to pronounce and turn the reaches of the melody".

-"The repertoire of tonight's audition includes classics such as" Andante moderato "and" Andante cantábile ".

-“Symphony number 5 in D minor by Dimitri Shostakovich was composed by the Russian teacher in 1937 under pressure from the regime of Joseph Stalin. It is made up of the four traditional movements such as moderato, allegretto, largo and allegro non troppo and has a very expressive and at the same time tragic tone ".


  1. Moderate. (2019). Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy. Recovered from:
  2. Music speed. Recovered from:
  3. "Nikolai Demidenki and Pablo González at the opening concert of the season".  Recovered from:

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