Psychological reasons for resorting to cosmetic surgery

David Holt
Psychological reasons for resorting to cosmetic surgery

Carrying out an operation plastic surgery It is a decision that entails different advantages and disadvantages that each person must know in advance. It is also important to study whether the reasons that lead a person to undergo a surgical intervention plastic surgery are appropriate or, on the contrary, they hide other underlying problems such as lack of self-esteem, addictions, or even anxiety.

In the words of Dr. Mario Secorun, plastic surgeon at the Montpellier clinic in Zaragoza:

"Psychology in plastic surgery is very important because many patients who come to our office, actually transmit some kind of emotional discomfort that they are feeling. Someone may want to undergo a rhinoplasty because they have a big nose and another person may think that they have the detached ears. However, there are many patients for whom this does not cause any discomfort and others who do and it is the reason why they decide to undergo this type of operation. It is necessary to take this into account to know if performing the operation we are going to get what they're looking for. "

Psychological problems behind a cosmetic surgery operation

One of the most common problems of people who decide to have a cosmetic surgery operation is the dysmorphophobia. People who suffer from this disorder have an obsessive belief in some bodily detail of their own physique that is barely perceptible by the people around them.

In the words of Dr. Secorun: "Patients who suffer from dysmorphophobia find their body unpleasant. They have a phobia of the shape of their body. These are very difficult patients to treat and that in principle they are not candidates for surgery because if their body is unpleasant before After the intervention, there is a good chance that they will continue to look this way after the operation. In these cases it is better to initially seek psychological treatment ".

The social acceptance It is another reason why someone resorts to this type of intervention. In this case, there is a belief that having certain physical attributes will cause greater approval and acceptance from the outside. This belief usually appears in some women who decide to undergo a breast augmentation intervention..

The distorted thoughts are another reason that can lead a person to resort to the scalpel. These are thoughts that usually have little relation to reality and with the passage of time have been magnified by the person himself.

The low self-esteem It is usually the star factor when it comes to undergoing surgery. This point is especially important due to the problem of making self-esteem depend on external factors such as image. In these cases, it is very likely that self-esteem does not improve after the cosmetic operation has been performed. We must not forget that

So who is suitable to perform this type of intervention?

People with healthy self-esteem and who do not depend on external factors to feel approved and accepted. In addition, it is also important that they have a solid and stable self-concept over time.

People with stability and physical and psychological health who are able to clearly assess the risks and benefits of the intervention.

Based on the above, we can deduce that a cosmetic surgery operation is contraindicated for those cases in which a person has a unrealistic expectations on the results of the intervention or when your self-esteem depends entirely on your physical appearance. This type of intervention is also discouraged in patients who have impaired judgment or in their ability to make decisions rationally.

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