Today, as I sit in front of this page, I remember a day when a new stage of my life was about to begin, at least I considered it that way. A stage in my life that meant the culmination of the adolescent period, with it leaving the institute and therefore having to decide on a future; In other words, a university degree that, after years of continuous work, would lead me to achieve independence, which, as we all know, is the law of life.
Not everything was so easy, if it is true that even though I had very clear ideas, it took a lot of perseverance to reach my big dream; study psicology. Perhaps this started as a purely personal matter; a whim, curiosity about the various topics it encompassed ... But not always everything comes out the first time, you have to persevere a lot to achieve the goals you really want. Today, I can proudly say that I am very happy with the path that life took me; since those same complications were the ones that led me and brought me closer to a truly wonderful group such as the People with disabilities.
That is why, what I intend with the following lines, is to contribute with my experience to change a little the vision of all those people who still unfortunately have wrong ideas and full of damages about the disability group.
On the other hand, I would like that with this story, all the people who have doubts about dedicating their lives to a job framed within the framework of the social, be they a social worker, psychopedagogue, social integrator… they dispel all those doubts; The performance of such a job is something totally gratifying, not only because the person who does it is aware that he is helping other people, but because daily performance, dealing with users ... They contribute to changing many aspects and behaviors that we previously considered correct; but they really are not and should be improved; in other words, said work also contributes to personal growth.
To end this brief introduction to the subject I will say just one sentence: The value of the human being goes beyond a pretty face and perfect intelligence; the true value of the human being is in his heart and this is the same for everyone; nothing differentiates us.
Often, we meet people on the street who are different from us in a certain way; The only difference that our eyes see with the naked eye is that they have a different physique, that they rely on crutches or a cane, that they need a wheelchair to be able to move around, or that they need a person to clean their saliva from their mouth that involuntarily spill; but do we ever wonder What do these people feel, when sometimes many glances are focused on them?; It is really difficult to empathize with that, since we think that we are safe, that we have not had to live it and we thank God for allowing us to lead the life that we have so far; it is there when we are simply faithful spectators to a reality that does not belong to us; without realizing it and ignoring that nobody owns their destiny and that they are never 100% safe.
However many times, life takes us on paths that lead directly to people with certain limitations; whether they are physical, intellectual, or both; then you ask yourself: how do I have to do it? How do I treat them? ... In the case of people who have studied a career in social work or a cycle aimed at this field, they often ask themselves the question: What if I don't remember everything I learned in the notes my teachers gave me? What characteristics were typical of this type of disability?? not; everything is much easier than that; once a user looks you in the eye and receives you with the best of his smiles, even though you are someone totally new in his life, even though he does not know you, he does not know how you are ... Still, deposit all their trust in you and offers you their unconditional affection; you realize that it is not necessary to have studied a lot to be able to treat them; it's something that just comes out without having to force it.
From my experience as a Technician in Social Integration, I can say that the first time I came to that foundation I was afraid; but not afraid of users, no; I was afraid of myself, not knowing what to do if, for example, a user cried, if he fought with another or if he simply told me his problems; But from the first moment I entered the occupational workshops where everyone worked and they looked at me with a face of admiration, a face and a look with which no one had ever looked at me before; They gave me their smile while they asked me my name and what I was doing there; my feeling of nervousness increased more and more, but it was no longer fear, now it was emotion, curiosity ... In short, a cluster of mixed feelings; But yes, from that moment I understood that I was in the right place and that I would love to work with them.
Before living this unique experience, I was also one of those people who, despite not judging, not having prejudices against them, if I was totally wrong in many aspects, that during the six months of work there, they served me a lot. and they made me grow as a person.
Often all people complain about their busy lives; stress, work, problems with studies ... Anyway, a multitude of things that a priori do not have the greatest importance. When you work with people with disabilities, you realize that for them these problems simply do not exist, they dedicate themselves solely and exclusively to living day to day and trying to be happy; being fully aware of what your limitations are and accepting yourself as they are.
How many times do people accept ourselves as we are? There are many faults that we find: if I gain weight, if I will not be able to pass this subject, when will the economic situation improve… But very few of us give thanks every day for being who we are and having what we have; however they do; They are grateful for everything they have at all times, they always have a smile and are full of love to give and distribute.
Something that really caught my attention, as I have said in previous lines, is the trust and affection that these people show. Normally, either because of disappointments or simply lessons, that unfortunately life has given us, people do not usually place that trust in an unknown person; We tend to be reluctant and walk with lead feet, before showing ourselves as we are; We do not know if that will be the right thing or we will simply be wrong.
As in all cases there are exceptions; In the same way, there are also users who do not accept their condition, they think that if they had done an exam well, (understood as the intelligence test and other tests to diagnose the degree of disability), they would not be in that situation, they could choose to much more; like studying a career or being able to apply for a standardized job. It is with these that you have to work, making them understand that they are much more than what a paper has said; that the success they will have as people throughout life will be given by their perseverance and acceptance of their person as they are; including that full awareness of all limitations, learning to make the most of them possible.
Alluding to this, from a personal point of view, I remember many of the situations that I experienced with them during my work there; I can say that each moment meant something very important to me; it is really gratifying, to see how people with disabilities wake up every day with renewed energy to start over; trying to overcome and fulfill their dreams, which are many, just as valid as those that a person without disabilities can have.
Working with them, you realize that many dream of things that are really impossible; such as wanting to be a firefighter, wanting to be an actress; a priori they are things that seem impossible; dreams that won't come true, yet you never know, it all depends on the person and the enthusiasm they show for achieving it.
I remember the case of a boy, who dreamed of being a firefighter, putting out fires and driving a big truck like the ones on TV; Well, one day an excursion to the Alcorcón fire station was scheduled; After a talk that the fire department gave us, the boys were told that they could take pictures in the truck, that they would also put out a fire with the hose to see how it was done; once they did all that they would receive a diploma thanking them for their participation. What was really gratifying about having performed the accompaniment on this outing was for me to see how that boy had fulfilled his dream that day; he had been a firefighter for a few minutes, that brought a smile on his face that was unmistakable as well, like the expression of pride and satisfaction he had. Another case that I was able to experience was that of a girl who wanted to be an actress; She was also able to fulfill her dream, thanks to an acquaintance of the entity, the girl, she was able to appear in the Christmas lottery advertisement one year; it was another person who had fulfilled his dream for one day, that was enough to be happy and proud.
All this should serve as an example. When we do not get one thing the first time, we think that everything is lost, that it is simply impossible; that is not like that; An example of this are people with disabilities, who they fight and fight to achieve their biggest dreams and they do. With all this, it is concluded once again that it is not only a group that must be helped due to its limitations; This shows us that many other things can be learned from them; For example, the attitude of perseverance and never giving up on something that we think we deserve.
Possibly that last sentence would have been perfect to close this story with a flourish; however, there is much more to tell; Many memories of Christmas last year come to my mind, where I shared with these people, a multitude of incredible moments, moments full of illusion, laughter, jokes ... But the most important thing is that in that environment surrounded by all of them, you breathed that which everyone says is Christmas; an environment of peace, hope and much happiness.
There were many activities that were planned for those days; Among them, a Christmas festival had been scheduled, in which all those who so wished would participate. I remember that day, as if it were yesterday; It was something incredible and I can assure you that I had never seen such illusion in a person; in this case all of them were euphoric, excited, nervous ... It was no wonder, there were many people who went to see his performance; among the public would be his relatives and, Who does not like to be surrounded by their loved ones in such special moments?; We all like to feel the warmth and security that comes from knowing that our loved ones are close, especially when we want them to feel proud of us and of the work that we have prepared with so much emotion; that was what happened to them, they were full of happiness.
Finally, when the festival ended, we all congratulated the parties together and danced; Without a doubt, it was one of the most beautiful and special days for me; at the same time it would become something indelible in my memory.
But that was not all, days later, the foundation had planned a Christmas meal for all the users and workers of the center.
Something that really caught my attention and made me think about many things, was the enthusiasm and dedication that each of them put into take care of even the smallest detail so that everything turns out perfect.
If we think about it, most of us tend to see Christmas as just another time of the year; Moreover, for some they are sad dates and of missing people who, unfortunately, are no longer there; that is why they only want them to pass as soon as possible. On the other hand, there is the case of children who wait anxiously, because they know that the Three Wise Men are coming, Santa Claus; that is, because they are aware that it is a time of illusion, Christmas carols and gifts.
People with disabilities, on these dates are like children; happy and excited children who anxiously await the arrival of Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve ... To have dinner, sing Christmas carols, eat the grapes with their loved ones. While it is true, not all of them can do it; Well, unfortunately there are families that put other things first before being with their children, brothers ... On such special dates.
I remember the case of a girl who told me that everything was perfect; His colleagues had given him many gifts, he had also received many congratulations from the monitors and educators of the center; That same day, her mother had gone to the foundation and had given her a very beautiful book and watch that the girl had loved for a long time, but at the same time she gave her the gift so desired for her, she told her that the day of New Year's Eve was going to have to stay at the foundation; because she had a very special commitment that she could not miss.
When I found out about this because the user told me almost with tears in her eyes, a question arose, What should have been more important to that mother, her engagement or her own daughter?. It is very sad but it is not the only case, there are many people who on such special dates cannot count on their families, they put other things before being with them; If it is true that they are not alone, because in the center there are many people who strive to make that night the closest thing to a family dinner for them; but it is also true that, as is normal, all the people who work this day are eager to go home to share with their loved ones; I personally think that people with disabilities are such wonderful beings that they deserve to spend a night with people who really want to be with them. because that's how they are born, not simply because it is part of their work.
As a conclusion to all the aforementioned, from a personal point of view, I am sure that the best gift that can be received at Christmas is the love and company of our relatives, friends ... And that no gift, no matter how beautiful and desired it may be, can substitute that.
We should bear in mind that gifts come and go, that after all they are still material things; But nevertheless, there may be many people who the only thing they expect from us on such special days as New Year's Eve, is our company, love and a first kiss that opens the beginning of a new year..
After Christmas, there was little time that I stayed within that foundation in which I had lived so many things that in one way or another had done me a lot of good, both on a personal and professional level; But since everything has a beginning and an end, in this case the end was already approaching; I only had a month left to finish my work there; the simple fact of thinking that I was no longer going to be with them every day, that other people were going to take my place; it provoked in me feelings of sadness; But at the same time, I was happy, because the simple fact of finishing meant the culmination of the internship period; consequently obtaining the title of Technician in Social Integration; a profession that I loved from the moment I entered that foundation, that I love and will always love.
The last month of work there, I tried to take advantage of every moment with them; in the breaks, in the classroom, in the workshops ... There were many things that I kept learning.
The days had already gone by almost without realizing it, the last week had arrived; That last week of March that I remember as if it were yesterday I tried to make the most of it, to make a count of all the moments that I had been able to live during those six months there; somehow, I was trying that all those experiences and situations lived would remain forever adhered to in my memory.
The last day came, that day, it was something I never imagined when I first entered that foundation. I remember that the last morning, when I was making the route through the rooms to wake up the users, there was a boy, who told me to come in; he wanted to give me something so that I wouldn't forget about him. That boy gave me a photograph of him, at the same time he told me that they had been wonderful months for him, that he had learned many things from me; that I had made him happy every day with my beautiful smile, that I would never forget.
From the moment I heard those words, it put a lump in my throat and I had to hold back the tears; tears of emotion, sadness, happiness… Well, we all like to be told how special we are in their life; If my work had served to make many people happy, that was the greatest thing I had achieved and, at the same time it made me feel proud, more than compensating for all the effort that studying for years had taken me.
But that was not all, when I got to another room, there was another girl who received me with a deep hug and a kiss full of affection; at the same time that he gave me a farewell letter; that letter still remains in my memory, they were deep words that I had written, that touched my heart.
In the letter it said the following:
Dear Diana, the day has come, but I want you to know that we will never forget you, because you have been very important to us, because you have loved us, you have made our lives easier, because you love us as no human being knows. Now you will be with other people who will also need your help. We will always remember you and we will always carry you in our hearts as friends. May you have good luck on the path you are going to undertake. We love you.
Those words, I have saved them in my head and in my heart, every time I read the letter again, I am more and more glad to have been able to share six months of my life, with people as extremely wonderful as the disability community.
Finally, I will say that many times we believe heroes to soccer players, actors, basketball players, singers… And we admire them for that; However, all this time, it has helped me to understand that the true heroes are those who are in silence and anonymity, fighting for their rights and happiness and whom you only have the privilege of knowing if you decide..
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