Methods to improve your visual health

Philip Kelley
Methods to improve your visual health

Eye care is of the utmost importance, even more so today, when you are exposed for many hours to the computer and television, as well as to a poor diet that does not provide the necessary nutrients for good health. However, there are several ways, from medicinal products, food and exercises, with which you will improve the health of your eyesight..

Products for your eyes

The vision vitamins in Farmacia Soler, can be used for the sight of those who have eye problems, as in the case of cataracts or glaucoma.

There are many nutrients that will improve the health of your eyes, such as antioxidants or fatty acids, and although you can get them in various foods, you may need higher concentrations to improve it.

Omega-3 acid DHA and vitamin A are compounds that will not only maintain normal vision, but will also combat oxidative stress, thus helping to improve the health of your eyes..

There are supplements oriented only for the eye, where you will find numerous vitamins with antioxidant properties and with the ability to protect the nerves of your eyes, such as vitamins C, E, D, zinc, copper and magnesium, among others.

Within online pharmacies you will get all these products from the best brands and with guaranteed results.

What foods improve your eyesight

There are various foods that you can add to your diet, or consume a little more, that will help you improve your eyesight..

1 onion

It has a high content of vitamins A and C, as well as quercetin, with which you will avoid cataracts. 

To consume it you should eat the onion peel. It is also responsible for generating pigments to prevent problems in the retina, giving it more tolerance to the sun's rays and natural light..

2) Carrots

Helps prevent cataracts, as it provides crystalline cells. Adding the vegetable to the daily diet will improve your night vision, since it is rich in vitamin A, influencing the retina.

3) Spinach

They are ideal to prevent diseases caused by aging, protect eyesight from the sun and cataracts.

4) Broccoli

Consuming this food on a daily basis will help you increase the density of the macular pigment in the eyes, which takes care of the perception of colors and movement, in addition to protecting you from UV rays.

5) Blueberries

The consumption of this fruit will help you to better adapt to the brightness. It has flavonoids, antioxidants that do not allow free radicals to accumulate, which cause eye cells to age, as well as injuries inside the eyes. They serve the same way, blackberry or grape.

6) Brazil nuts

It has high levels of Omega-3, beneficial fat for the body. As well as vitamin E and selenium, both essential for cataract prevention.

7) Peppers

They are ideal given their high content of vitamins, such as A, C, B6, among others. All the nutrients help to prevent cataracts from forming in the eyes, as well as macular degeneration to occur in the person.

Recommendations to take care of visual health

In addition to consuming the necessary nutrients, It is also possible to perform various actions that will help you have optimal visual health.

It is recommended that a correct distance be maintained from all electronic screens, from computers, mobiles, televisions, since this can cause visual fatigue or the so-called computer visual syndrome.

You will need to take some breaks when using computers or other devices, since these decrease the number of times we blink, causing dryness and irritation.

Wear sunglasses on days where the sun's rays are very intense. UV rays have a detrimental effect on the eyes, causing cataracts, macular degeneration or the formation of cancerous lumps.

Within your work, wear protective glasses if required, as this will keep your eyes away from any danger.

Through these methods, from medical products, a more nutritious diet and these recommendations that you can do on a daily basis, you will ensure that your visual health is in the best state, also preventing problems that arise over time due to the little care given to the eyes.

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