Multidisciplinary meaning, synonyms, antonyms, examples

Philip Kelley

The word "multi-disciplinary”Indicates the joint work of people from different specialties to seek a particular end or objective. It is a word synonymous with multidisciplinary.

It is usually used in fields of medicinal research, scientific studies and other branches where professionals from various disciplines or areas act. For example: "The medical school created a multidisciplinary team of traumatologists, physiotherapists and orthopedists".


Article index

  • 1 Meaning
  • 2 Example of multidisciplinary work
  • 3 Synonyms
  • 4 Antonyms
  • 5 Examples of use
  • 6 References


For the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, something "multidisciplinary" is an adjective that means that it covers many disciplines, these being doctrines, arts, sciences or faculties.

This word is widely used in Latin America, unlike in Spain, where it is more common to hear or read the word “multidisciplinary”. In themselves, they are the same but in any case the RAE does not define it, but takes it as a synonym for "multidisciplinary".

The multidisciplinary infers the surpassing of the typical limits of a line of thought. This characteristic arises with the advent of new concerns or needs that lead to carrying out work different from the one that had been done up to that moment..

So, the "multidisciplinary" is a methodological framework that describes a scientific practice and is subject to the incorporation of processes, methods, theories and instruments from different disciplines..

Example of multidisciplinary work

A clear example of a "multidisciplinary" work is carried out by the National Commission on the Disappearance of Persons, better known as CONADEP.

This commission was created in Argentina by President Raúl Alfonsín in 1983 and its purpose was to investigate the human rights violations perpetrated during the last military dictatorship..

It was made up of prominent and respected personalities of the country from different fields, such as the writer Ernesto Sábato, the cardiologist René Favaloro, Ricardo Colombres (lawyer and former rector of the University of Buenos Aires), the American Rabbi Marshall Meyer, the politician Graciela Fernández Meijide, the teacher and engineer Hilario Fernández Long, the mathematician and philosopher Gregorio Klimovsky or the journalist Magdalena Ruíz Guiñazú, among others.

CONADEP, once the investigation and collection of testimonies was done, which took 280 days of work throughout the country, compiled them in a work that was handed over to President Alfonsín in the hands of Sábato. After the judicial process, this compilation was transferred to a book entitled Never more (1984), which is a best seller throughout Latin America.

Lastly, “multidisciplinary” should not be confused with the English term (currently widely used in Spanish speaking) “multi tasking”. The latter is the ability of a single person to perform several tasks at the same time or simultaneously, so unlike "multidisciplinary", it is the work of a single individual and not many of different branches.


Some words that mean the same as "multidisciplinary" are "multidisciplinary", "interdisciplinary", "multidisciplinary" or "multifaceted".


Meanwhile, words that mean the opposite of "multidisciplinary" are "unidisciplinary", "discipline", "soloist" or "interpreter".

Examples of use

-"The multidisciplinary festival seeks to unite different artistic disciplines with experimentation and the avant-garde".

-"The multidisciplinary show that includes live musicians, painters and actors from all over the country began".

-"In the process of construction of the tunnel of what will be the new subway line, they found archaeological remains that led to the intervention of a multidisciplinary team to investigate it".

-"In the audiovisual project they applied a multidisciplinary approach to their production".

-"It was necessary to approach a multidisciplinary team for the study of his case".

-"To solve the case it was necessary the work of a multidisciplinary team made up of psychiatrists, forensic doctors and experts specialized in criminal science".

-"A multidisciplinary board of doctors met last night to study the rare pathology of the patient".

-"They propose that a multidisciplinary body made up of lawyers, journalists, writers and doctors, investigate the causes of corruption in the country".


  1. Multi-disciplinary. (2019). Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy. Recovered from:
  2. "Multidisciplinary". (2019). I founded BBVA. Recovered from:
  3. CONADEP. Recovered from:

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