The real numbers they constitute the numerical set that includes the natural numbers, the integers, the rational and the irrational. They are denoted by the symbol ℝ or simply R and the scope they have in science, engineering and economics is such that when speaking of "number", it is almost taken for granted that it is a real number.
Real numbers have been used since ancient times, although they were not given that name. Already from the time when Pythagoras developed his famous theorem, numbers arose that could not be obtained as quotients of natural numbers or integers.
Examples of numbers are √2, √3, and π. These numbers are called irrational, in contrast to rational numbers, which do come from integer ratios. It was therefore necessary a numerical set that encompasses both classes of numbers..
The term "real number" was created by the great mathematician René Descartes (1596-1650), to distinguish between the two classes of roots that can arise from solving a polynomial equation.
Some of these roots can be even roots of negative numbers, Descartes called these "imaginary numbers" and those that were not, were real numbers.
The denomination persisted over time, giving rise to two large numerical sets: real numbers and complex numbers, a larger set that includes real numbers, imaginary numbers, and those that are part real and part imaginary..
The evolution of real numbers continued its course until in 1872, the mathematician Richard Dedekind (1831-1936) formally defined the set of real numbers through the so-called cuts by Dedekind. The synthesis of his work was published in an article that saw the light that same year.
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The following chart shows examples of real numbers. This set has as subsets the natural numbers, the integers, the rational and the irrational. Any number of these sets is itself a real number.
Therefore 0, negatives, positives, fractions and decimals are real numbers.
Real numbers can be represented on the real line R, as the picture shows. It is not necessary that the 0 is always present, however it is convenient to know that to its left are the negative reals and to the right the positive ones. So it is an excellent point of reference.
On the real line a scale is taken, in which the integers are found:… 3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3…. The arrow indicates that the line extends to infinity. But that's not all, in any considered interval, we will also always find infinite real numbers.
The real numbers are represented in order. To begin with, there is the order of the integers, in which the positives are always greater than 0, while the negatives are less..
This order is kept within the real numbers. The following inequalities are shown as an example:
a) -1/2 < √2
b) e < π
c) π> -1/2
-Real numbers include natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, and irrational numbers..
-The commutative property of addition is fulfilled: the order of the addends does not alter the sum. If a and b are two real numbers, it is always true that:
a + b = b + a
-0 is the neutral element of the sum: a + 0 = a
-For the sum the associative property is satisfied. If a, b and c are real numbers: (a + b) + c = a + (b + c).
-The opposite of a real number to is -a.
-Subtraction is defined as the sum of the opposite: a - b = a + (-b).
-The commutative property of the product is satisfied: the order of the factors does not alter the product: a.b = b.a
-In the product the associative property is also applied: (a.b) .c = a. (B.c)
-The 1 is the neutral element of the multiplication: a.1 = a
-The distributive property of multiplication with respect to addition is valid: a. (b + c) = a.b + a.c
-Division by 0 is undefined.
-Any real number a, except 0, has a multiplicative inverse of-1 such that a.a-1 = 1.
-If a is a real number: a0 = 1 and a1 = a.
-The absolute value or modulus of a real number is the distance between said number and 0.
With the real numbers you can do the operations that are done with the other numerical sets, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, empowerment, radication, logarithms and more.
As always, division by 0 is not defined, neither are negative logarithms of numbers nor 0, although it is true that log 1 = 0 and that logarithms of numbers between 0 and 1 are negative.
The applications of real numbers to all kinds of situations are extremely varied. Real numbers appear as answers to many problems in exact science, computer science, engineering, economics, and social science..
All kinds of magnitudes and quantities such as distances, times, forces, sound intensity, money and many more, have their expression in real numbers.
The transmission of telephone signals, the image and sound of a video, the temperature of an air conditioner, a heater or a refrigerator can be controlled digitally, which means transforming physical quantities into numerical sequences.
The same happens when making a banking transaction over the Internet or consulting instant messaging. The real numbers are everywhere.
We are going to see with exercises how these numbers work in common situations that we encounter on a daily basis..
The post office only accepts packages for which the length, plus the girth measurement, does not exceed 108 inches. Therefore, for the displayed package to be accepted, it must be fulfilled that:
L + 2 (x + y) ≤ 108
a) Will a package that measures 6 inches wide, 8 inches high, and 5 feet long make it through??
b) What about one that measures 2 x 2 x 4 feet3?
c) What is the highest acceptable height for a package whose base is square and measures 9 x 9 inchestwo?
L = 5 feet = 60 inches
x = 6 inches
y = 8 inches
The operation to solve is:
L + 2 (x + y) = 60 + 2 (6 + 8) inches = 60 + 2 x 14 inches = 60 + 28 inches = 88 inches
The package is accepted.
The dimensions of this packet are smaller than packet a), so they both manage to pass.
In this package:
x = L = 9 inches
It must be fulfilled that:
9+ 2 (9 + y) ≤ 108
27 + 2y ≤ 108
2y ≤ 81
and ≤ 40.5 inches
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