I Can't Sleep 8 Natural Remedies for Insomnia

Sherman Hoover
I Can't Sleep 8 Natural Remedies for Insomnia

I can not sleep, I don't know what to do, this affects my life and makes the nights importable. If this is your case, calm down! there are many ways to combat this nightmare.

Insomnia is a condition that many people suffer from around the world, and in most cases, this is due to the stresses of today's life. However, there are many ways to counteract the dreaded insomnia and today we want to show you some so that you stop saying ¡I can not sleep! and start to rest like angels.

What can i do to sleep better?

There are multiple medications for fight insomnia. However, sometimes they tend to be counterproductive because you can become addicted, and the idea is that you can sleep, not that you become dependent on something.

Thinking about this, today we are going to tell you some home remedies and techniques that will help you sleep through the night like a baby..

1. Natural infusions

There are some natural teas and infusions recommended to combat insomnia. Among them, ginger tea stands out, which promotes relaxation and sleep..

Other medicinal plants widely used to combat insomnia are: Coriander, passionflower, valerian, poppy, mint, lavender, hops and rosemary.

To prepare the infusion, all you have to do is heat a cup of water, when it is boiling, add a bunch of the chosen plant, sweeten with honey, cover and let it rest for about three minutes. Then you drink it hot and go to sleep!

2. Warm milk with honey

Milk sweetened with honey is one of the most widely used grandmother's remedies. All you have to do is heat a cup of milk, add a tablespoon of honey and drink it before going to sleep..

You can also sweeten milk with sugar, but honey is always healthier and beneficial for your body. This is undoubtedly one of the top home remedies to regain sleep.

3. Hot shower

Taking a hot shower before going to sleep is excellent for relaxing your body and releasing all the tension of the day. This will help you fall asleep more easily..

4. Music therapy

Music is used for everything, even to help us sleep better. Pick a relaxing music playlist and listen to it before going to bed. The ideal is to listen to classical music or sounds of nature. This helps your nervous system relax and you can fall asleep more easily..

5. Meditation

Meditation has multiple benefits for our physical and mental health, that is why it is used as a technique to improve many areas of our life.

Meditation can help you have better sleep habits. If you are not a beginner in the subject or you still find it difficult to harmonize yourself, you can listen to guided meditations that help you in that purpose. In addition to sleeping better, you will notice that your life improves in many aspects.

6. Relaxing massages

This option is ideal for those who have a partner or who live with someone else. An oil massage will help relax your muscles and offer you a pleasant feeling of well-being. This will help you fall asleep more easily..

7. Read

Pick a book and read before bed. The idea is that you dedicate the last 30 or 40 minutes of your day to reading, so your mind will change radically, you will forget the problems of the day and it will be easier for you to sleep later.

This habit, in addition to helping you fall asleep, will significantly improve your culture, so, without a doubt, it is an excellent technique. But yes, do not choose a book that excites you to the core, because perhaps the good plot will achieve the opposite effect..

8. Aromatherapy

Stimulation of the senses is often of great help to calm your nervous system and help you sleep better. This is why aromatherapy is commonly used to treat sleep problems..

Ideally, get essential oils that scent the space you sleep in, this will help invoke a good night's rest. My favorite essences for this purpose are: Lavender, Roman chamomile, lemon verbena and roses..

Other tricks to fall asleep and sleep like a baby

Healthy food: Poor digestion can be the cause of your sleep problems. Therefore, the ideal is that you improve your daily diet, prioritizing fruits and vegetables.

Something very important is that you take the last meal of the day at least 3 hours before going to bed so that your body can digest food well. Choose light dinners that will avoid common digestive problems that directly influence the quality of your sleep.

Goodbye to mobile devices !: Believe it or not, sleeping near phones and mobile devices substantially affects your nights of sleep. Therefore, the ideal is that you move any device away from your bed, if possible, the best thing you can do is turn them off and leave them in another room.

Control caffeine: As you may already know, caffeine is a powerful stimulant, and it is often the cause of your lack of sleep. Our recommendation is that you regulate your consumption of caffeine and black drinks.

It does not mean that you should leave them completely, it is enough that you set a goal of not consuming anything that has caffeine after 3 in the afternoon.

Techniques to manage stress: Many times the stress of everyday life is the stone in the shoe for good sleep habits, however, the bed is the worst place to carry your problems. Practice techniques to relieve stress, and you will notice that your sleeping habits will improve in an incredible way.

Cool room: Keeping your room clean and cool will help you sleep much better. You've probably ever experienced the delicious sensation of lying on cool sheets. This works for your whole room in general, if you have a ventilated space and with everything in place, your mind will relax more easily.

Sleep at the same time: If you choose a fixed time to go to bed, it is likely that your body and mind will adapt to this new routine and it will be easier to overcome insomnia. This technique really works, because human beings tend to easily get used to things that become habits. If in addition to this, you start to get up early, you will eradicate sleep problems.

If you use one or more of these techniques, you will make insomnia a thing of the past. If you know other techniques that you want to share, do not hesitate to leave them in the comments!

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