NTICX definition and contents

Philip Kelley

NTICX is the acronym for New Information Technologies and Connectivity, and it is a subject taught during the last years of high school in Argentina. It arose with the purpose of offering a new curriculum summary format that promotes the use of technology in the different fields of knowledge..

This acronym is related to curricular design and planning in Argentina, since in 2005 a series of consultations began on the modification of teaching teaching. From that moment on, the integration of the NTICX was done progressively in the classrooms..

Source: Pixabay.com

According to experts, the integration of this subject is due to current changes in the use of technology in the digital age, as well as the urgency of preparing students for a world of constant technological, social and political changes. In the end, it seeks to promote a comprehensive and more nurtured education.

Article index

  • 1 Definition
  • 2 Main elements of the NTICX
  • 3 Contents
    • 3.1 Computer-computer literacy
    • 3.2 Literacy in digital information networks:
    • 3.3 Literacy in information management
    • 3.4 Literacy in handling visual image components
    • 3.5 Literacy in digital means of communication and collaboration
    • 3.6 Multimedia literacy
    • 3.7 Digital citizenship
  • 4 References


NTICX is understood as follows: New Information Technologies and Connectivity. In acronym it refers to the connection that is present in the digital age.

This is mainly due to the appearance of a series of devices and devices that allow connectivity and communication between people..

The fundamental piece in this case has to do with the Internet, since this is the new informational and communication resource that has been integrated into society over time..

From there, the need arose to integrate this resource in the classrooms to create a curriculum template capable of being flexible and adaptable regardless of the context..

However, it is worth mentioning that in previous years an analysis was also made of the constant changes and how these should be approached in class. From there came the ICT, or also called Information and Communication Technologies, which was presented at the time as a variable subject to constant changes.

Main elements of the NTICX

Later, ICTs changed to mutate a new perspective thanks to the appearance of the Internet, giving rise to NTICX. That is why three observable elements or characteristics stand out:

-Allows connectivity.

-In relation to the above, this connection also allows new types of relationships worldwide..

-Anyone is able to communicate with another no matter where they are and through the format they want. The information is present depending on the needs and demand of the users.

Therefore, new technologies collect these properties to obtain and process information, for its instrumental management and thus promote spaces for interaction and exchange..


The contents regarding this matter are expressed in the following modules:

Computer-computational literacy

It covers all content related to the operation of computers, electronic devices and even computer systems. It also includes teaching the operation of the Central Processing Unit (or CPU), as well as familiarization with basic hardware and software..

Literacy in digital information networks:

It includes a series of basic knowledge about Internet connectivity and development at a global level. In general terms, it explains the function of digital networks and how they can be used for communication and the development of daily activities..

Includes: types of information (analog and digital), LAN, WAN, MAN and PAN networks, Intranet, Extranet and Internet, bandwidth and TCP-IP protocols.

Information literacy

This point is important since it implies that the student must develop the necessary skills to discriminate the information found on the Internet, for daily and professional use. Likewise, this seeks to teach how to locate, evaluate and synthesize what is obtained in the most optimal way possible..

Includes: WWW, HTML language, HTTP protocol, hyperlink, chat, podcast, hypermedia and hypertext, hyperlink and RSS, search engines, meta search engines, web 1.0 and 2.0.

Literacy in handling components of visual image

It implies the development of capacities to read and compose images and also promote learning through it. In the same way, it seeks that the student is able to make images in different media in order to communicate efficiently.

Includes: connotation and denotation of images, symbols, signs, main elements of advertising, color, isotype, logo and isologo, concept and mind maps, use of formats for preparing presentations, use of video and image editors , image and video file formats.

Literacy in digital media of communication and collaboration

This literacy is focused on making people understand the functioning of the large mass media, as well as the impact that these currently generate..

Likewise, it is desired that students have knowledge about the production of digital materials and the ways in which they can be disseminated..

Includes: digital journalism, concepts related to mass media, collaborative digital media such as wikis, weblogs and social networks (highlighting the main features).

Multimedia literacy

Its function basically consists of providing the necessary tools for the production of a type of mediatic and interactive language. This will be achieved through the integration of image, text and sound..

It includes: proposing the new types of language and how they can be used, digitization of sound, image processing, graphics development, types of images and their formats. Likewise, it will be taught about the multimedia guide, elements of the script and the story board.

Digital citizenship

Although it seeks to teach about the use and production of multimedia content, this module is responsible for imparting the importance of being aware of the influence of technology and its application in different fields of human knowledge.

This also implies knowledge of legal and responsible practices, the democratization of the digital space and freedom of expression..

Includes concepts such as e-leaning, b-learning, Commerce (e-commerce), government and the influence of electronic voting.

Each module is interconnected, so it is not only intended to teach about terms and uses of technology, but also to promote a scheme that covers integral and equally important situations..


  1. Creating tools to teach computer science: the NTICx case. (2014). In Ibero-American Congress of Science, Technology, Innovation and Education. Retrieved: October 8, 2018 at the Ibero-American Congress of Science, Technology, Innovation and Education.
  2. Curricular Design for Secondary education. (2010). In General Directorate of Education and Culture. Retrieved: October 8, 2018. In the General Directorate of Education and Culture of servicios.abc.gov.ar.
  3. Computer science is already part of the plan at CABA. (s.f.). The nation. Retrieved: October 8, 2018. In La NaciĆ³n de lanacion.com.ar.
  4. New Information and Connectivity Technologies (NTICX). (s.f.). In General Directorate of Culture and Education. Retrieved: October 8, 2018. In the General Directorate of Culture and Education of services2.abc.gov.ar.
  5. Prepa Three. (s.f.). In UAEH. Retrieved: October 8, 2018. In Prepa Tres de uaeh.edu.mx.

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