Nugatory concept, synonyms, antonyms, examples

Jonah Lester

"Nugatory”Refers to a disappointing event whose origin was a scam. In the field of legal law, it means the annulment of a legal act. It is a really little used word, whether in books, newspapers and of course, much less in the field of popular speech..

The Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy defines "nugatorio" as an adjective that is a mockery of the hope that had been conceived or the judgment that had been made. In addition, it highlights that it is a little used word, while indicating that it derives from the Latin "nigatorius".


A person who went through a “nugatory” situation was the victim of a scam, a lie or a deception. It occurs without the person realizing it, so it is also close to being classified as a scam. In these cases, a person who falls into a "nugatorio" is manipulated by the fraud in order to fall into the trap.

Once the victim realizes what happened, they begin to feel disappointed. This moment is key and even necessary to fulfill the characteristics of a "nugatorio", since it is the moment in which the person does not see fulfilled what they had placed expectations on..

First that subject is surprised and then feels sorry for himself. Later that feeling can lead to disappointment, and ultimately to frustration..

However, this is not the only meaning for "nugatorio", since it is also used in the field of law. In this case, a “nugatory” event is an action that invalidates a legal act.

Article index

  • 1 Synonyms
  • 2 Antonyms
  • 3 Examples of use
  • 4 References


Some words that mean the same as "nugatory" are "misleading", "false", "misleading", "feigned", "illusory", "frivolous", "insubstantial", "insubstantial", "fallacious", "liar" , "Cheater", "trickster", "liar", "illusory", "deceiver", "unreal", "apparent", "non-existent", "chimerical", "simulated", "artificial", "fake", " disguised ”,“ bent ”,“ disloyal ”,“ imaginary ”,“ vain ”,“ fictitious ”,“ bolero ”,“ phony ”,“ hoaxer ”,“ sloppy ”,“ cheater ”,“ frustrated ”or“ fulero ”.


Meanwhile, the words that mean the opposite of "nugatory" are "truthful", "reliable", "accurate", "reliable", "reliable", "certified", "confirmed", "checked", "true", "True", "clear", "effective", "incontestable", "clean", "evident", "obvious", "axiomatic", "undeniable", "positive", "sure", "irrefutable", "indisputable ","

Examples of use

-"Violations of the legislative process nullify the right of minorities to take an active part in the legislative process and deviate from the principle of representative liberal democracy".

-"Making a diagnosis of participatory democracy in Mexico City implies speaking in a necessary way about the kidnapping of the participatory role in favor of interests that made the true empowerment of the citizen null and void".

-"It is possible that the President himself will call for a revocation consultation, something that 33% of some of the Chambers of Congress or 3% of the voters could also do, which will make the right of the citizens of the same almost nugatory".

-"It would be good to take advantage of the modifications that the Government has in mind to carry out for the Customs legislation in order to amend structural flaws and defects that led to the system being completely nugatory".

-"In Uruguay the right to education for people with disabilities is nugatory".

-"The practice of sterilization became widespread without their free, prior and informed consent and their access to justice is nugatory, according to the UN study".

-"The unions are condemned to disappear because the project affects the right to strike and makes it almost nugatory, unviable and useless".

"To carry this out, it is necessary to eliminate the locks and requirements that make the right to participate in politics by citizens in public deliberations null and void and add structures that expand it, such as an Open Parliament".


  1. Nugatory. (2019). Recovered from:
  2. Martin Alonso Pedraz. "Encyclopedia of the language": Recovered from:
  3. Nugatory. (2019). Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy. Recovered from:

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