The research objective defines what is sought to be achieved, in a broad way, when carrying out an investigation. It is understood as the goal that must be reached at the end of the investigative process, stated clearly and in a single sentence.
As a general rule, the research objective is derived from the research question, included in the research problem statement section. Its writing should begin with the use of an infinitive verb, which broadly accounts for the scope of the investigation. Likewise, in its structure, it must contain the space-time context of the research and the categories that it intends to address..
The research objective must be stated with absolute clarity, minimizing the possibilities of deviations occurring during the investigative process. Additionally, its formulation must consider variables related to the feasibility of carrying out the investigation and the resources available to carry it out..
The formulation of the research objective is followed by the statement of specific objectives, which must be formulated in a manner consistent with the general objective of the research.
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Setting the objectives of an investigation is a crucial step for its execution, since the decisions that the researcher will make throughout the process depend on these, in order to solve a problem previously identified by him..
Its main function is to put into words, concisely and clearly, what is sought to be achieved once the research process has concluded. This allows you to know the tasks that have to be carried out. Where and when the research will take place should be indicated, as well as the categories and concepts that will be addressed by it..
Additionally, some objectives have the function of allowing the researcher to measure their achievements by means of indicators. This is the case of specific objectives, which must be formulated in such a way that their scope allows a subsequent measurement of results..
When writing a research paper, the objectives will occupy a main role in the final structure of the document. Normally, a chapter of the research work is derived from each specific objective, where it is shown what the researcher did to achieve his specific goals.
Generally, in an investigation or investigative work, one general objective and two or three specific ones are proposed. Likewise, the general objective can be correlational, causal or descriptive..
In any investigation, general and specific objectives can be formulated:
Hierarchically, it is the most important objective, since it illustrates the reason for which an investigation is carried out. This is directly linked to the research question, posed in the problem statement section, and with the results to be reached.. An investigation has only one general objective.
Its writing always begins with an infinitive verb, which must be broad and not measurable, since the measurements related to the scope of this objective will be made from the resolution of the specific objectives. It is not possible to include more than one infinitive verb within its structure.
In addition, its structure consists of a single sentence, where you must specify what will be the space-time frame of the investigation, and the categories and concepts that it wishes to address.
Some of the verbs that are used can be: analyze, understand, identify, demonstrate, design, review, propose or generate, among others.
The formulation of the specific objectives must guarantee the achievement of the general objective, in addition they are those that follow hierarchically.
Normally, they are raised between two and three specific objectives For an investigation, however, the decision on the number of specific objectives necessary, to optimally carry out an investigation, will depend on the investigator.
Specific objectives can be defined as the actions that the researcher must carry out to achieve the general objective. In this sense, they must refer to specific tasks whose execution leads to measurable results..
Like the overall goal, your writing should always begin with the use of an infinitive verb. However, its content should be oriented to investigate specific aspects of the investigation, which talk about the how, when, where, who and what of it..
Some of the verbs that can be used to write the specific objectives can be: define, relate, organize, discriminate, summarize or mention, among others.
The objectives, depending on the nature of the investigation, can be:
To write the general objective and the specific objectives of an investigation, the researcher must:
1-Establish what is your general research purpose. Usually, it is about solving the research question, indicated in the section of the Problem Statement.
two- Write the general objective of the investigation as a task that can be solved during the investigative process.
3- Write homework that will help the researcher to achieve the general objective. Simple, feasible and measurable tasks should be explored. Here, the viability will depend on the researcher's time availability and the resources available to him..
4- Break down this list from simple tasks into more elementary and specific ones.
5- Based on the identification of these specific tasks, write in a timely and clear way, what will be the actions that will be carried out to achieve said tasks. These will be the specific objectives.
1- Solve the research question in the problem statement: Where in Mexico City is there more pollution? (It is a descriptive objective).
2- Write the general objective: know which is the specific place in Mexico City with the greatest contamination.
3- Look for previous research on the subject, establish different zones to use an emissions meter.
4- (Simple tasks are established, step by step, necessary to fulfill the previous tasks).
5- Establish the specific objectives: 1-Know the area of Mexico City with the highest levels of ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide. 2- Know what are the sources of emissions of these gases.
General objective:
Specific objectives:
General objective:
Specific objectives:
General objective:
Specific objectives:
Investigation project.
Choice of research topic.
Scientific investigation.
Steps of the scientific method.
Objectives of a company.
Research justification.
Justification of a project.
Types of research.
Investigation report.
Scientific article.
General objective and specific objective.
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