Research obstacles what are they and which are the main ones

David Holt

Between the main obstacles to the investigation The scarce investment, the subjectivism of the researcher, the little support for the training of next generations and aspects directly related to both the object of study and the methodology used stand out..

Research is a systematic and methodical process through which a search is carried out with the aim of obtaining knowledge on a certain topic. During this journey, different obstacles arise that may be inherent to the human condition of the researcher, be associated with their environment or the research topic itself..

The obstacles in an investigation can appear in the topic, the researcher himself or the methodology to be used. Source:

During the evolution of humanity, research has been a process of great importance because it has constituted a link to know in depth the reality that surrounds us, our antecedents and even give an assertive look to the future.

Research has been a source of stimulus for intellectual activity capable of creating and enhancing critical judgment of the human species.

Its importance in the future of humanity is such that researchers have managed to find ways to overcome the obstacles that arise at every opportunity to hinder access to knowledge..

Article index

  • 1 Main obstacles a researcher faces
    • 1.1 - Relating to the personality of the researcher
    • 1.2 - Relating to the object of study
    • 1.3 - Relating to the investigation process
  • 2 Main obstacles to investigations in Mexico
    • 2.1 Low investment
    • 2.2 Little support for the construction of relay generation
    • 2.3 Solitary research predominates
  • 3 References

Main obstacles a researcher faces

A researcher is a person who is dedicated to the exploration of topics and circumstances that are of transcendental interest as well as the deepening of existing knowledge.

It is in charge of increasing knowledge about a certain topic, proposes new theories and hypotheses, raises solutions to problems and submits to critical judgment the proposals that already exist.

That is why, thanks to the contribution of researchers, sciences and arts are constantly being renewed. This shows that knowledge is not only a collection of static knowledge, but that it is notions that are modified and perfected over time..

During the process of an investigation, difficulties of various kinds may arise that will make the process more complicated. These difficulties may be related to the personality of the researcher, be linked to the object of study itself or to the configuration of the research process..

- Relating to the personality of the researcher

As the researcher is a human subject, his personality, his circumstances, his beliefs and his entire framework of values ​​at a given moment can become a stumbling block for the development of his research..


It is a subjective trend in which some cultures are valued above others. Generally, this responds to historical patterns according to which one culture has predominated over the other..


This obstacle is one of the most common and it is a ghost with which each researcher constantly fights, since it has to do with his own quality of subject.

It consists of interpreting the facts according to the scheme of own values ​​and beliefs, which may even contravene what the same investigation is showing.


This tendency is present when an institution of any nature gets involved in the investigation to force some interpretation that suits it..

- Relating to the object of study

There are times when the object of study involves difficulties in itself. For example, such is the case if it involves poorly fostered knowledge: it may be that it was acquired through what is known as “common sense”, which is usually loaded with subjectivism and ethnocentrism..

There are also occasions in which this object of study is surrounded by knowledge that was well formulated at the time, but which must be overcome because a need to evolve has become evident in order to dismantle already obsolete discourses..

- Related to the investigation process

When defining the course of an investigation, important decisions must be made about the subject to be studied, the type of investigation and the methodology to be applied..

About the topic

It is common that at this point there are difficulties when delimiting the object of study. Curiosity and imagination are required to propose a topic that is innovative and at the same time feasible to analyze.

About the method

According to the topic, it is important to define which methodology will be used: if, for example, it will be inductive, deductive or scientific. After this selection, it will be necessary to follow the corresponding methodological guidelines..

About the hypothesis

At this point, serious obstacles can be encountered because for the formulation of a hypothesis the correct answers must be established..

Something that can hinder an investigation is that the investigator strives to fulfill his hypothesis. This can end up forcing the work when sometimes it is much more valuable to refute the initial hypothesis, since it is there where a true scientific contribution can be presented.

Main obstacles to investigations in Mexico

In addition to the impediments inherent to investigators and the course of an investigation, the Mexican panorama has particular obstacles. Among these, the following stand out:

Low investment

The cost of research is usually very high, it requires infrastructure, equipment and tools that are usually expensive. In addition, a researcher needs a remuneration that allows him to have a decent standard of living so that he can dedicate himself to research as his main job.

Beyond the funds that are delivered through the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt), one of the challenges posed by the Mexican scientific community is the diversification of sources of income.

For this reason, academic institutions, private companies and other initiatives must be sensitized and understand that investing in research implies promoting social development..

Little support for building relay generation

One of the serious problems of research in Mexico is the age of its researchers, whose average is over 50 years.

This is due to slow growth in research institutions and poor retirement and retirement plans. If this is not addressed soon, it will be an almost insurmountable problem.

Solo research predominates

One of the challenges facing research in Mexico is that individual research has always been encouraged, which has resulted in few multidisciplinary initiatives.

This type of initiative is usually more effective when faced with certain problems of social interest, such as projects that have to do with energy, health and renewable resources, among others..


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