Onii Chan Meaning and origin of this expression

Alexander Pearson
Onii Chan Meaning and origin of this expression

Onii chan? Perhaps you have come across this expression while browsing the internet or in a series or movie, and maybe you have no idea what it means. 

The expression Onii Chan means older brother, but this is a pretty poor context for a word that really comes loaded with implicit meaning.

We invite you to read this post until the end so that you deeply understand the origin of this expression and the deep connotation that it carries. Maybe it's an expression that you can apply to many people, even if you don't have an older brother..

What is the meaning of Onii Chan?

Onii Chan translated into Spanish means Big Brother, but it is not the only expression in Japanese to refer to older brothers, in fact the word Onii itself designates the older brother or the head of a clan.

In this sense, the suffix Chan that is added is an expression that designates deep admiration and respect, therefore it is an affective expression, linked to love or deep affection.

Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize that the expression Onii Chan is not only used to designate a brother in the strict sense of the word, in fact this expression is used to designate those people who produce admiration or who in a certain sense give protection or protection. guide.

In fact, in some forums and places where this expression is discussed, there are those who argue that the expression is sometimes used to designate romantic partners when it is a source of economic, emotional or social security..

Suffixes to designate the Onii (brother) according to the degree of affinity

Taking into account the above it is also imperative to highlight that it exists for the word Onii (brother) different suffixes that can alter the final meaning of the word, these are:

Onii San

In this compound expression, the suffix "San" indicates that the person referred to is his brother in the strict sense of the word, whether he is a blood brother or stepbrother, although for this second there is another expression.

Onii chan

When the expression with the suffix Chan is used, it shows the admiration and respect that one has for said person, it can be used to designate an older brother, a boss, leader or a person who is greatly admired. This is undoubtedly the best known of the three in the Western world due to its incidence on the internet and television series.

Onii Sama

This is the least known and least used of the three, this refers exclusively to people who consider themselves superior, be they teachers, professors, monks and other people who play that teaching role linked to their own authority.

Other expressions in Japanese similar to Onii Chan that designate brothers

As we mentioned before, there are other Japanese words to refer to siblings, although always with a different specific degree. This is normal in all languages, for example in Japanese we have the word Otouto and the word Kyodai.


The word Otuoto unlike the word Onii designates a younger brother, and like the expression Onii Chan, the word Otuoto is used not only for younger brothers but to designate anyone who is being protected or taught something.


This word is quite interesting since it is the conjunction between Otuoto and Onii, since it designates a brother or a person who is on an equal footing with ours, it is curious that in this language there is such a specific classification, but due to to the tradition linked to honor and lineage it is something more than necessary.

Origin of the expression Onii Chan

The word evidently developed among Japanese language speakers and in this sense it is impossible to trace its origin with certainty, but the company is not so impossible if we go back to its appearance on the Internet.

It is assumed that the word had its first appearances in chats and chat rooms in Japan, and was included in the Urban Dictionary (a famous portal for unofficial words) in 2007.

The definition included in it indicated phraseological unity as an expression of deep affection and admiration..

After its dissemination on said site, the word became increasingly popular, and by 2008 the internet was full of forums and YouTube videos that explain its meaning, which generated a rebound effect, making it increasingly popular..

Onii Chan in the comics and manga.

The expression Onii Chan and its meaning achieved such a social impact that it did not take long for it to appear in different television series even appearing in different parodies and series for children such as My little ponny.

Finally its popularity was such in the comics and manga that one was even released with the name of Oniichan dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne! which featured 12 chapters in the light novel and seven in the manga production.

Oniichan dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yone!

The title translates: As long as there is love, what does it matter that he is my brother. This would explain a bit the origin of the term in its romantic sense. The series was about siblings who were separated for a long time and who after six years of not living together return to form a family and begin to live an incestuous love.

As we mentioned earlier, the light novel had two episodes and the manga had seven, a single-edition manga was also published between 2012 and 2013 in addition to the anime series that had the same twelve episodes as the light novel..

In general terms that is what we can tell you about him the phrase onii-chan. We hope that this information has been of interest to you and is relevant to you at least when you find it on an internet site..

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