Orphism History and Characteristics

Basil Manning

The orphism it is a religious current that arose in ancient Greece. Although he seems somewhat distant today, he had a great influence on his time. It marked one of the most important religions of today: Christianity. The basic discussion of Orphism is the existence of the soul and the subject of reincarnation.

In addition, part of Orphism was dedicated to investigating one of the most inspiring questions in the field of philosophy. That is, try to discover what is the origin of the human being and what are the possible causes that generate the suffering of men and women on Earth..


It is inspired by creations whose authorship is attributed to Orpheus. This is a mythological character who, although it is very possible that he did not exist, had many followers who even organized groups and sects in his honor..

Article index

  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Orpheus descends into hell
    • 1.2 Death of Orpheus
    • 1.3 Constant reincarnation
  • 2 Features
    • 2.1 Ceremonies
    • 2.2 Offerings
    • 2.3 Sacred representation
  • 3 Meaning of orphism in philosophy
  • 4 References


Orpheus is also the creator of the musical instruments known as lyre and zither. This he did to pay tribute to the nine muses. With his music, Orpheus was able to dominate living beings, and even the gods.

Its presence is located in the stories of Plato, 700 years BC. C. Previously, 1,500 years BC. C., there was a character in Ancient Egypt that can be considered Orpheus's predecessor: it is Osiris.

Osiris was a mythical hero who is credited with the founding of Egypt. According to the stories, he was assassinated and descended into hell, but resurrected to later enlighten the world with his knowledge..

Orpheus goes down to hell

About Orpheus there is a story that evokes the ancient Osiris, who also enters and leaves the underworld. Orpheus had a wife whom he loved: the nymph Eurydice.

One day she is chased by Aristeo, a minor god son of the god Apollo and Círene, the huntress. During the flight, Eurydice is the victim of a snake bite and dies.

Desperate, Orpheus descends to Hades (hell) and with his music manages to negotiate his liberation with the gods; but there is one condition: Orpheus must leave before and not look back. He accepts, but almost when he reaches the door, he turns desperately and Eurydice returns to hell..

After 800 years, in Greece there is a mythological story about the origin of humanity. Zeus, highest god on Olympus, impregnates a mortal.

From that relationship, Dionysus was born, a figure that represents joy and the arrival of the harvest. Dionysus was destined to be the heir to his father's throne.

Faced with this situation, Hera (Zeus's wife) burns in anger and seeks revenge. Order the Titans to kill Dionysus. Obedient, they carry out their assigned task: they capture, murder and devour Dionysus. In response, Zeus strikes the Titans with his lightning bolt..

Mythology tells that humanity is born from the steam that rises from their charred bodies. Hence, the origin of the human being is the Dionysian (divine) and the titanic (cruel and violent). This narrative is found precisely in the songs attributed to Orpheus.

Death of Orpheus

There are two different accounts of the death of Orpheus. One says that he dies the victim of a group of angry women for his loyalty to Eurydice. Another account that is killed by Zeus when revealing what he saw and knew on his trip to hell.

A whole religious trend develops on the figure and texts of Orpheus. It has the basic elements of all religion: doctrine and liturgy. The doctrine is reflected in its sacred narratives; the liturgy contains the symbols, rituals and festivities.

Constant reincarnation

Pindar called Orpheus the father of songs. The experts relate the orphistic practice with the ruling classes (kings and priests).

In the Odyssey, Euripides qualifies him as teacher of the sons of Jason with the queen of Lemnos. Orpheus is credited with authorship of books on astrology, medicine, and natural sciences.

His religious vision is based on the belief that the body and the soul exist. The soul is not damaged by the death of the body. The soul simply transmigrates (metempsychosis); that is, reincarnates.

This was so because there was a crime that every human being had to pay: the murder of Dionysus. If they comply with the religious norms, when the initiates (believers) die they can enjoy an eternal banquet; but those who do not will go down to hell and will be condemned to reincarnate again and again until they expire their guilt.


One of the characteristics of Orphism is permeability, since it shares practices with other religious or philosophical currents. Another feature of this religion is the sema-soma (prison-body), which forces conversion to stop reincarnation..

It also highlights the expiation of guilt. This is fulfilled through vegetarianism, by not killing animals or equals, and by dressing with vegetable fibers such as linen, always white.

Orphism requires initiation to teach the soul how to act in the transition to the hereafter. In addition, it requires honoring the initiatory texts.


To understand how Orphism marks contemporary religions, it is necessary to review its liturgical process. The ceremonies (the telephones) were carried out under the sign of secrecy by the initiates and the priests. There the rites (orgies), the purifications and the offerings were carried out. The objective of the ceremonies was the personal liberation of the faithful.

To be an Orphotelist, he had to be trained within the family. They were women and men who did not have a fixed temple; that's why they practiced their rituals in caves.


The offerings could not be bloody (usually they were honey or fruit cakes). Incantations were linked with magic; to practice them, gold foils were necessary where instructions for the deceased were written. Amulets were also implemented as elements of protection.

After the offering came the banquet, with food and wine. This wine was the symbol of liberation, the liquor of immortality.

Sacred representation

Immediately afterwards the sacred representation took place. It was a drama worked as an instrument of formation in the sacred texts. These representations were used as symbolic elements.

Some of these elements were toys of the child Dionysus (buzzer or gurrufío, articulated dolls, ball and sieve. Also a mirror, apples and a piece of wool), a basket, a sieve and a crown, as well as light and purifying fire..

Meaning of orphism in philosophy

The belief in the soul and the possibility of reincarnating to continue with the expiation of guilt relates Orphism to Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism and Islam..

The punishment is not eternal, it has an end with total conversion, which would allow the soul to enjoy a banquet for eternity.

The offering, the transformation or incantations and the banquet may well be assimilated with the Catholic liturgy. Emphasizes the offer, totally deontological or ethical, to avoid suffering through a life of simplicity, honesty, justice and equity.


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