Orography of Veracruz Most Important Features

Robert Johnston
Orography of Veracruz Most Important Features

The orography of Veracruz includes mountain areas, extensive plains, valleys and hills. It is a narrow and elongated tract of land of about 800 kilometers in length, which stretches between the Sierra Madre Oriental and the Gulf of Mexico.

Most of the territory's surface is made up of hills and plains, occupying 37.15% and 35.58%, respectively. The rest of the region is made up of mountain ranges (20.38%), valleys (3.67%), beaches (1.89%) and plateaus (1.33%).

Satellite view of Veracruz

As for the most important mountain ranges, the state of Veracruz is crossed by part of the Neovolcanic mountain range. Its highest point is the Pico de Orizaba, with a height of 5747 meters above sea level.

Main Features

With an area of ​​71 820 kmtwo, the Mexican state of Veracruz is number 11 in the country in terms of extension.

It is located on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and connects to the north with Tamaulipas, to the east with the Gulf, Tabasco and Chiapas; to the south with Chiapas and Oaxaca and to the east with Puebla, Hidalgo and San Luis Potosí.

Mountain ranges

Much of the terrain of Veracruz is made up of different mountain ranges and mountain ranges.

The most important is the Neovolcanic Axis, which occupies just over 10% of the state's surface. It is located in the center of Veracruz and crosses it from part to part from the coast.

The next mountain range in order of importance is the Sierra Madre Oriental, which comprises about 5% of the state's territory. It is located in the northwest of the region and its largest peak is the Cerro del Potosí.

Then there is the Sierra Madre del Sur, which occupies about 3% of the surface of Veracruz. It is located to the west of the region, on the border with Puebla, and is home to several of the highest peaks in the entire state..

Also in this mountain range is the Pico de Orizaba volcano, the highest point in all of Veracruz.

There are also several smaller mountain ranges in the territory, such as the Sierra de Chiapas, Guatemala or the Central American Cordillera. In total they occupy just over 3% of the state's extension.

Hills and plains

Most of the territory of the state that is not covered by mountain ranges contrasts by its low elevation. About 75% of the surface is occupied by plains and hills.

Plains are large expanses of flat terrain with little or no elevation above sea level. On the contrary, the hills are ancient mountains of little stature that have been eroded little by little by the effect of the climate.

Due to this erosion, they are also found low above sea level and usually have a rounded shape..

Hills and plains are often found together in the state of Veracruz, so they are usually grouped into larger systems. The most important are the South Gulf Coastal Plain, which occupies 48% of the state's surface, and the North Gulf Coastal Plain, which occupies 30%.

Both spaces are groups of hills, smaller plains and even some minor mountain ranges and mountains..


  1. "Geography of Veracruz" in: Exploring Mexico. Retrieved on November 15, 2017, from Exploring México: explorandomexico.com
  2. "Veracruz" in: Wikipedia. Retrieved on November 15, 2017, from Wikipedia: es.wikipedia.com
  3. "Relief. Veracruz ”in: Cuéntame. Retrieved on November 15, 2017, from Cuéntame: Cuentame.inegi.org.mx
  4. "Relieve Veracruz" in: For All Mexico. Retrieved on November 15, 2017, from Para Todo México: paratodomexico.com
  5. "Physical Environment - Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave" in: Inafed. Retrieved on November 15, 2017, from Inafed: siglo.inafed.gob.mx

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