It is possible that in the last you have heard about coaching, even in the environment of your company. This trend started in the US but has made its way into Europe and more specifically in the big cities of Spain, without going any further, you can already find coaches who offer coaching in Madrid, Barcelona, Seville and other cities. It is a tool that can help you find your way to happiness and success, both personally and professionally..
Surprising as it may seem, experts say that it began its journey already in ancient Greece and that one of its first precursors was Socrates himself, through his method based on promoting dialogue with his disciples to reach knowledge.
The task of the coach is to, through personal training, take his client from the present state in which he is to the desired state. In this way, the level of awareness about the scenario we are currently facing is increased and allows us to define what we really want to achieve.
The first goal is to get going and take the first steps to achieve it. It could be said that coaching is a synthesis discipline, a progressive training and learning process that is situated in the sphere of action and application. Through an ongoing professional relationship with the coach you will increase your performance and improve your quality of life, which will have as a consequence visible results in the business or personal sphere.
This technique dynamically addresses technical and psychological issues. One of the most requested fields of work in personal coaching is time management, conflict management, beliefs, habits, stress and emotions, with the aim of achieving autonomy and solving important but difficult problems. everyday.
To make it work and we are not in the wrong place, it is important not to confuse this method with other help systems. Coaching is not psychotherapy, since it does not solve or treat pathologies. It is not guidance, as it does not offer advice, but encourages reflection and personal decision.
It is also far from training, since instead of transmitting knowledge, it focuses on learning to use your own skills and develop them to the fullest. Nor is it an art, since although it is based on a good relationship between the coach and the client, professional training is needed to be able to exercise it..
The main objectives of coaching are two: on the one hand to clarify what you really want. Many times we are not totally satisfied with some aspect of our life, but we do not know how to explain what is the situation that bothers us. This system helps to identify what these obstacles are and remove obstacles in your way. Finally, identify the steps to follow to achieve what you want. When you finally know what you want, the coach will help you assess and prioritize new options to build an action plan.
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