What is Informatics for?

Philip Kelley
What is Informatics for?

Information technology is used to control computer systems in a more efficient way and put them at the service of the general well-being of human beings. Computers are used for hundreds of services, from everyday use for watching movies to military use..

Computer science is the science that focuses on the study of information and how it is treated, transmitted and automated. Seen as a company, the product or raw material used by computing would be the information and the objective of this would be to ensure its correct operation and treatment.

This science was born together with computers, that is why it is relatively contemporary. It is used in many fields: for the creation and improvement of programs, for the construction and development of new devices and even to create new sources of employment.. 

Main uses for which computing serves

Agility for medical centers

Medicine currently uses computer science as an extremely important tool.

A medical center would be torturous were it not for this resource. The way in which patient records are kept, how medical examinations are examined and even internal hospital records are safeguarded thanks to this technology.

To cite an example, in 2012 in a chemical laboratory called MedStar Montgomery Medical Center located in the United States, there was a failure in the computer system that regulated the two main chemical analyzers.

This caused great delays and inconvenience to patients who were waiting for their exams..

For various reasons, the medical center was without service for more than 12 hours, forcing people to go elsewhere to analyze their tests..

There were no major inconveniences for the patients, but the estimated losses due to the failure during this period were US $ 70,000, corresponding to the 6 hours of inactivity.

Effectiveness in education

In this field, computing plays a fundamental role. For some time now, ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) have been very present in the world.

Technologies at this point have made educational development, both for teachers and students, effective.

As already mentioned, computing helps to improve and correct applications and programs. It is no secret to anyone that information and programs such as those offered by Microsoft Office are frequently handled in the educational sector.

When researching some type of information, the field of computer science is involved. Education is one of which uses computer science most frequently.

The contemporary generation already uses computers as the first resource to investigate history, solve their doubts and carry out their duties.

Journalistic tool

Today computing has advanced so much that in professions that require rigor and truthfulness such as journalism, you can search for news from different sources and make comparisons.

In social networks and on pages like Google News, you can get many nuances of a fact and check the certainty of doubtful information.

Many journalistic media look to their competition on the web, to know how to headline and be original. All this data is registered in the cloud, which is and was managed, processed and automated by means of information technology..

The infinite information available to anyone in the world is stored by the capacity that this science possesses.

Create jobs and make the entrepreneurial journey easier

Through computing, different types of programs were created for various professions. Engineers, artists, editors and even businessmen use it to make their lives easier, or even as a tool to work.

Even the programs and applications that designers work on, to cite one example, were made through this science..

Many companies today use systems for planning, registration and order of their companies. Without this in between, the work to do everything mentioned above would have to be done manually, late and tediously..

Computing has gotten a lot more done with little effort. This science has brought with it evolution and development since its inception.


  1.  "WHAT IS INFORMATICS" I School. Accessed September 11, 2017.
  2.  "The Importance of Informatics" Labs Are Vital. July 22, 2013. Accessed September 11, 2017.
  3.  "Definition of Computing" Concept Definition. Accessed September 11, 2017.
  4.  "The Science of Informatics" Amia. Accessed September 11, 2017.
  5.  "Computing Revolution" Google Sites. Accessed September 11, 2017.

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