Tangible and intangible heritage

Basil Manning
Tangible and intangible heritage

Material heritage is any property of a tangible nature, movable or immovable, that has been created by social groups of the past..

Intangible heritage is all intangible assets that make up the cultural legacy of a group.

Both tangible and intangible heritage constitute cultural heritage, that is, the cultural heritage that a social group transmits to new generations, and that is what characterizes and makes them unique.

Tangible heritage Intangible heritage
Definition It is the set of tangible creations of a community that have a historical, cultural or natural relevance. They are intangible cultural expressions that define a community.
  • Architectural heritage.
  • Archaeological heritage.
  • Artistic and historical heritage.
  • Industrial heritage.
  • Natural heritage.
  • Oral traditions and expressions.
  • Arts and entertainment.
  • Social uses, rituals and festive acts.
  • Traditional craft techniques.
  • The Parthenon in Athens, Greece.
  • The Great Buddha of Leshan, China.
  • The university city of Caracas, Venezuela.
  • The ancient Mayan city and the protected tropical forests of Calakmul, Mexico.
  • Traditional Tibetan medicine.
  • Jamaican reggae.
  • The Sung Tales of the Ifugao Community in the Philippines.
  • The dance, dance and language of the Garifuna in Central America.

What is tangible heritage?

Material heritage, or tangible cultural heritage, encompasses all material creations made by groups or communities in past times and which, due to their characteristics, are considered relevant in the evolution of a society or people.

The material heritage classification was created by UNESCO in 1973, and the assets that are part of this list are considered "invaluable and irreplaceable", due to their historical-cultural value..

Tangible heritage can be made up of:

  • Movable property: are all those creations that can be transported (from small artifacts to large-format works of art).
  • Property: are all creations that, by their nature, cannot be separated from the environment to which they belong. Such is the case of architectural works or those that are integrated into nature, such as cave paintings.

Movable or immovable property has sub-classifications that depend on the legislation of each country. The most common categories are architectural, archaeological, artistic and historical, industrial and natural heritage.

Architectural heritage

It refers to all the constructions that reflect a relevant moment for the society that owns said heritage. Buildings, houses or monuments are some examples.

The campus of the Autonomous University of Mexico is an architectural material heritage.

Archaeological heritage

Archaeological heritage is considered to be any movable or immovable property that is found on the surface, subsoil or jurisdictional waters that requires an archaeological methodology for its study and that can provide relevant information on activities or ways of life in the history of humanity.

Paleontological remains, fossils, human remains, flora and fauna belong to this category.

Machu Pichu, in Peru, is an archaeological material heritage.

Artistic and historical heritage

It is all the production of movable and immovable property that serves to illustrate historical periods prior to the present. This includes everything from ancient structures, clothing or artifacts, to audiovisual resources (documentaries, films, etc.).

The historic center of Córdoba, in Andalusia (Spain), is a historical material heritage.

Industrial heritage

They are all the goods created since the Industrial Revolution to carry out production processes, and that serve to illustrate or understand historical, social, cultural or industrial changes. An old factory, a disused machine or old means of transport are examples of this category..

The shoe supply factory in Alfeld, Germany, is considered an industrial heritage and is still in operation.

Natural heritage

They are all the natural wealth that a society has inherited. This includes from natural formations, protected places or habitats of animal or plant species in danger of extinction.

Canaima National Park, in Venezuela, is considered a natural heritage.

What is intangible heritage?

Intangible heritage or intangible cultural heritage is the set of traditions, knowledge, techniques and customs that are practiced and inherited from one generation to another, keeping alive the sense of identity of a social group.

This classification was created by UNESCO in 2003, and according to this organism, it includes oral traditions and expressions, performing arts, social uses, rituals and festive acts, knowledge and uses related to nature and the universe and traditional artisan techniques..

Oral traditions and expressions

They are all the spoken forms in which cultural and social values ​​are transmitted, as well as knowledge that is passed from one generation to another and helps to build collective memory..

Oral expressions include myths, legends, narratives, nursery rhymes, poems, sayings, etc. It also includes language, since it is the vehicle that allows oral expression. In this sense, it is understood that the loss of a language implies the disappearance of all the oral traditions of a community.

The hudhud, the sung stories of the Ifugao community, in the Philippines are an example of oral tradition.

See also Custom and tradition

Performing arts

Includes music, dances, plays, sung poetry, etc. These types of demonstrations often serve to tell the story of a community, in addition, in many places they constitute an essential part of its tourist activity, such as the carnivals of Barranquilla, in Colombia..

See also acculturation and transculturation

Social uses, rituals and festive acts

They are all the customs that give life to a community, since they give it unique characteristics. Generally, these rituals have been created to mark an important event (change of season, stages of life, etc.), therefore they are essential in the construction of individual and collective identity..

An example of this type of heritage can be found in Seoul, South Korea. There, on the first Sunday in May, a rite is held at the Jongmyo Shrine, in which food and drinks are offered to the spirits of the ancestors..

Knowledge and uses related to nature and the universe

It comprises the set of knowledge that a community has compiled over generations in its relationship with nature. This knowledge can include rituals of passage, traditional medicine, shamanic practices and rites of possession..

The worldview of the Kallawayas, an ethnic group from Bolivia, includes a medicinal system based on the properties of almost a thousand local plants, and is an example of intangible heritage.

Traditional craft techniques

Although handicrafts are a tangible expression of the culture of a community, this classification of intangible heritage refers to the knowledge that is required (and its generational transmission) to keep the heritage of a social group alive.

Batik, the technique of weaving cotton and silk by hand, is very representative in Indonesia and they are intangible heritage. The prints are loaded with symbols that reflect the worldview of said culture and are used not only on ceremonial occasions, but on a day-to-day basis..

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