Vertical thinking What is it and what are its characteristics?

Abraham McLaughlin
Vertical thinking What is it and what are its characteristics?

Vertical thinking refers to a way of thinking or processing and transformation of information following logic and reason.

This type of thinking necessarily occurs sequentially, and is the way of thinking that has traditionally been attributed to intelligence as the main value of its development.

In other words, this kind of thinking It is also known as logical thinking and is related to the rational processes through which areas of knowledge such as mathematics are developed and other exact sciences.

Traditionally vertical thinking is directly related to intelligence proper, although this is not entirely true since there is another way of thinking known as lateral thinking through which it was shown that intelligence can present itself in various forms in the human mind.

Vertical and lateral thinking

Vertical thinking uses reasoning and logic so it usually occurs sequentially as we can see in any mathematical procedure in which a series of steps must be followed or else an error would be made.

In this way of thinking, it is important that the final answers of any observer agree with the final answers of those who use a vertical thinking process applied to the same topic. Thus through the use of this thought, the result should be the same regardless of who performs the process..

The lateral thinking, on the other hand, is a more creative way of thinking that draws on unorthodox resources for problem solving. In this sense, the result of a lateral thought process can be completely different from the result of another subject placed in the same situation..

Examples of vertical thinking and lateral thinking

Next, we are going to see examples of each case:

In vertical thinking the person solves a mathematical operation, it does not matter if we change the subject, the result of the operation will always be the same regardless of who performs the process (as long as they do not make mistakes).

Whereas if we give an artist a log of wood, the result will be totally different from what another artist would do with the same log..

In this sense the resulting difference between vertical and lateral thinking, does not indicate conflict between one and the other, in fact, they are complementary processes that can significantly increase the capacities of a subject or group.

Characteristics of vertical thinking

To go deeper into the matter, we will briefly see the main characteristics, in order to understand a little better the functioning of this type of thinking in relation to the psychosocial context.

Logic and reason

Two of the main characteristics are the use of logic and reason. We put them together because, although they are not the same, they are closely related in this way of thinking.

On the one hand, logic is the process by which things and ideas are sequentially chained in such a way that, by something similar to cause and effect, one idea or thing explains the following and so on.

On the other hand, reason is the ability to link the concepts before and after a sequence with other elements that reinforce the idea or explanation around the thing that is being presented.


Another of the main features is the analysis. As you can deduce, this characteristic is essential, linking with the previous ones, to raise the problem first and then the solution or possible solutions.

Analyze the components of the problem and each of the levels of the logical sequence using reason as a tool turns out to be the very essence of vertical thinking, through which all the science and technology that we currently know has been developed.


Another characteristic in which vertical thinking differs a lot from lateral thinking is the prioritization of processes and not just results. Namely, in vertical thinking it is quite important to understand the process or procedure by means of which a conclusion or thing is reached. While in lateral thinking the processes do not matter but only the results.


In vertical thinking It is not possible to reach conclusions by means of subjective arguments or lacking logical support.

Or, in other words, vertical thought processes are only valid to the extent that there is evidence to support the different ideas or conclusions used to solve the problem.

This can be quite cumbersome in certain processes, but it is a requirement of vertical thinking to always walk on “Safe” ground when establishing the answers in each case..

Final thoughts on Vertical Thinking

After presenting the main characteristics of vertical thinking, we must clarify that these they cannot be thought of separately but as an indissoluble whole.

This set forms a form of thought that has prevailed in our society even to the present day, although lateral thinking has become increasingly relevant and is currently considered a form of expression of intelligence as valid as vertical thinking (in any case, the debate is still open in some academic sectors).

As we pointed out previously, the vertical thinking is of capital importance for the development of the scientific method and the exact sciences, therefore it is valid to affirm that those who have facility for these areas of knowledge have a broad development of the vertical thinking skills.

It is also important to note that vertical and lateral thinking are not mutually exclusive, in fact, it can be said that the great plastic artists or creative architectss have a very good combination of both types of thinking and in this way they manage to develop large sculptures or structures that in many cases seem to defy even the laws of gravity or physics.

In this sense, it is important to stimulate both types of thinking in the training processes and throughout life, obviously placing special emphasis on those aspects in which a subject shows special or innate abilities, since it will be the type of thinking that he will learn more easily.

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