Introverts personality and recommendations

Simon Doyle
Introverts personality and recommendations

The introverts they are those who tend to feel better in situations where they are alone. Contrary to what most people think, this trait has nothing to do with shyness; in fact, they are two totally different concepts and they do not have to come together.

The main characteristic of an introvert is that they tend to feel tired and low on energy in social situations, as if they exhausted them. On the contrary, when being alone, introverts tend to activate and feel in a better mood..


The difference between introversion and extroversion is a central idea for most models of the personality. It is also one of the features with the most scientific evidence. According to various surveys worldwide, approximately 50% of the population would fall within the group of introverts.

It is not known exactly what causes a person to be an introvert or an extrovert. Over the past decades, various theories have been proposed in this regard. In this article we will study what they are, in addition to the most common characteristics of introverts and some recommendations on how they can take advantage of this trait.

Article index

  • 1 Personality characteristics of introverts
    • 1.1 What makes a person an introvert?
  • 2 How to know if you are an introvert
  • 3 Recommendations for introverts
  • 4 Conclusion
  • 5 References

Introvert personality characteristics

An introvert is a person who prefers a calm environment without too much stimulation to one with high energy. Introverts tend to feel tired after socializing with other people, and they "recharge" when they spend time alone..

This may seem like a minor difference, but it actually affects just about every area of ​​life. An introvert will tend to achieve happiness in different ways than an extrovert; You will enjoy different hobbies, you will interact in other ways ...

The main problem for these people is that our society is built with extraversion as an ideal. Until recently, introversion was associated with something negative, and it was believed that it was necessarily related to problems such as social anxiety, lack of charisma or loneliness.

However, in recent years this negative view of introverts has begun to change, thanks to the new information we have acquired on the subject. Today, we know that introversion is not something that can be chosen or changed, but is mainly determined by our genes.

What makes a person an introvert?

Eysenck, the creator of the first personality model to describe this trait, theorized that the main difference in the way people respond to social situations was in their brain..

This researcher believed that extroverts had a lower level of base stimulation (arousal), so they needed to look for it in external elements.

In contrast, the brain of introverts produces its own stimulation in large quantities. This causes that, in environments with high energy levels, these people feel saturated and need to rest often from them.

Neuroimaging studies have provided evidence to support this theory. For example, extraverts have been found to have an increased sensitivity to dopamine. This would make them feel better in situations where there are many social reinforcements.

As for introverts, some studies show that they have a greater amount of blood flow in certain areas of the brain, such as the prefrontal lobe. This could explain why they tend to get lost in their own thoughts and prefer to spend time reflecting on deep or complex issues..

How to know if you are an introvert

Below you will find some typical traits of individuals with this personality type. You don't have to identify with all of them to consider yourself an introvert; in each person, this characteristic in slightly different ways.

You enjoy being alone

Perhaps the most distinctive trait of an introvert is that they don't mind spending time alone. Although he also likes to be with people, he is able to enjoy time alone. In addition, many of his hobbies can be done alone, reading being one of the most typical.

An extrovert, on the other hand, prefers to be with other people all the time, and most of his hobbies are practiced in groups. Some of the most common are team sports or partying.

Some social situations wear you out

Contrary to what happens to other people, certain situations where there is a lot of stimulation leave you without energy. For example, although you can enjoy a nightclub where the music is very loud, after a few hours you would prefer to go home or go out to talk to your companions.

This, of course, does not happen in all situations equally; each introvert has their own preferences and will enjoy some activities more than others.

You feel more comfortable in small groups

Although they may enjoy being in situations with many people, introverts tend to be more at ease when dating a small number of friends..

For them, having few relationships but doing it on a deeper level is more stimulating than having many acquaintances and treating them superficially..

You tend to get lost in your own thoughts

Introverts greatly enjoy reflecting on all kinds of topics in a deep way. In general, when they are interested in an area, they investigate it and dedicate a large part of their mental activity to thinking about what they are discovering.

This also applies to your own life. Introverts are, in general, much more likely to analyze their way of being, behaving or feeling than extroverts. For this reason, it is very common for them to give the impression of being "in the clouds" or of not paying attention to their surroundings..

You don't like being the center of attention

Because they prefer environments with few people and feel overwhelmed when there is a lot of social activity, introverts often feel somewhat uncomfortable when everyone is paying attention to them. They usually prefer to listen, and only intervene at times when they have something of value to say..

However, the more socially adapted introverts have learned to take charge of an interaction or group in the moments when it is necessary to do so. They simply prefer not to do so unless it is absolutely essential..

You feel different from the rest

There is no doubt that our culture is designed with the most outgoing people in mind. Do you want to be successful in business? You have to network and polish your social skills.

Would you like to meet someone? Party and talk to strangers in a bar. Do you want to have fun? Go to places full of people and with a lot of stimulation.

Because of the way our society teaches us that we have to live, many introverts have spent much of their lives feeling like they don't fit in. They may feel insecure about not enjoying the same things as their more outgoing acquaintances, or wonder if there is something wrong with them..

However, introverts can also have extremely pleasant lives filled with good times. To achieve this, they just have to learn to take advantage of their innate strengths and design a lifestyle that makes them really happy..

Recommendations for introverts

As we have already seen, introverts have a series of characteristics that cause many of the things that we see as "normal" are not the most suitable for them. In large part due to how society is set up, introverts tend to feel less happy than extroverts.

However, having this personality trait does not have to be an impediment to leading a life full of joy and good experiences. In this second part of the article you will find several tips that will help you experience more positive emotions and achieve everything you set out to do if you are an introvert..

Accept your personality

Many introverts feel bad about not enjoying the same activities or situations as other people. When someone prefers to stay home reading than partying, for example, they may think it is "weird" or that they have a problem. However, as we have seen, this preference is totally normal..

The reality is that there is no one correct way to live our lives. What makes one individual immensely happy can make another totally miserable. Therefore, a large part of the way to go to be well consists of discovering what makes us really enjoy.

Work on your social skills

That said, just because you prefer to be alone at times doesn't mean you can afford to be extremely shy. Humans are social animals; therefore, most of your time will have to be spent in the company of others.

If you think you are shy, afraid to talk to other people, or have trouble relating, consider working actively to improve your social skills..

Many introverts have trouble in this area, because they don't practice it as much as extroverts. However, it is possible to improve extremely in this field.

Design a life that makes you really happy

Because society is primarily intended for extroverts, many of the "must-do" things may not help you achieve happiness. Therefore, if you want to be really well, as an introvert you will have to make a conscious effort to discover what you need for it..

For example, most people think that to be successful at work you need to enter a large company. However, have you ever thought how much energy that is going to require of you being an introvert? You would have to spend all day talking with your colleagues, bosses, going to meetings ...

Although of course there are exceptions, most introverts would be more comfortable in alternative jobs, for example working from home or creating their own business in which they are the only employees themselves. This mindset of seeking a different path can be applied to almost any area of ​​life.

Find your own strengths

Although many of the qualities that are normally considered positive can be difficult for introverts to acquire (such as leadership skills or being the center of attention), this personality type also carries a number of strengths that can help you a lot. time to improve your life.

For example, it is very likely that you are good to listen or that you can learn to do it without too much effort. You may also have an easier time with tasks that require greater concentration, such as adventure sports, writing, or art in general..

Many introverts do not realize what their strengths are, comparing themselves to others only where they have the least natural facility. Don't make this mistake: commit to finding your innate qualities and making the most of them possible.

Set goals and go for them

This advice is valid for anyone regardless of their innate tendencies. However, the reality is that extroverted people, due to their higher level of activity, tend to apparently achieve more things and to advance faster than those who are not..

If you are an introvert, it is very likely that you would rather spend more time analyzing what is happening than acting. This can be very beneficial; But if you really want to improve your life, at some point you will have to set a goal and seriously work on it..

The good news is that your ability to think will help you correct your course, so if you are able to act consistently, you are likely to achieve your goal long before an extrovert. Just remember that reflection without action will get you nowhere.


Introverts, by their very nature, have a series of advantages, disadvantages, attributes and characteristics that will make their life slightly different from that of extroverts..

If you think that your personality is similar to the one described in this article, we recommend that you investigate more about this trait so that you can get the most out of everything you do.


  1. What Is an Introvert? Definition & Guide to Introversion ”in: Introvert Dear. Retrieved on: October 08, 2018 from Introvert Dear:
  2. "Introversion" in: Psychology Today. Retrieved on: October 08, 2018 from Psychology Today:
  3. "What are common introversion traits?" in: Very Well Mind. Retrieved on: October 08, 2018 from Very Well Mind:
  4. Are You an Introvert? Here's How to Tell ”at: HealthLine. Retrieved on: October 08, 2018 from HealthLine:
  5. "Extraversion and introversion" in: Wikipedia. Retrieved on: October 08, 2018 from Wikipedia:

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