Human resource policies types, examples

Charles McCarthy
Human resource policies types, examples

The human resources policies are the continuous guidelines on the orientation that an organization intends to adopt in managing its staff. Represent specific guidelines for human resource managers on various employment-related matters.

These policies establish the intention of the organization in different aspects of human resource management, such as hiring, promotion, compensation, training, selection, etc..


Therefore, they serve as a point of reference when developing human resource management practices or when making decisions about an organization's workforce..

A good human resources policy provides a general provision on the approach taken by the organization, and therefore by its employees, in relation to various aspects of employment. A procedure spells out exactly what action should be taken in accordance with the policies.

Each organization has a different set of circumstances and therefore develops an individual set of human resource policies. The location in which an organization operates will also determine the content of its policies..

Article index

  • 1 Formality
  • 2 What does it consist of?
    • 2.1 Purpose
  • 3 Types
    • 3.1 -Based on the source
    • 3.2 -Based on the description
  • 4 Importance
    • 4.1 Advantages
  • 5 Examples
    • 5.1 Support policy in XYZ
  • 6 References


A business owner who takes the time to establish strong, comprehensive human resource policies will be far better equipped for long-term success than a business owner who deals with each policy decision as it occurs..

Human resource policies that are applied inconsistently, or based on incorrect or incomplete data, will inevitably lead to decreased employee motivation, deterioration in employee loyalty, and increased vulnerability to legal sanctions..

What does it consist of?

Human resource policies are the formal rules and guidelines that companies implement to hire, train, evaluate and reward members of their workforce.

These policies, when organized and disseminated in a user-friendly form, can serve to avoid many misunderstandings between employees and employers about their rights and obligations in the workplace..

It's tempting, as a new small business owner, to focus on your business concerns and put off writing an HR policy..

Having policies in writing is important so that it is clear to everyone what they are and that they are applied consistently and fairly throughout the organization..

When issues related to employee rights and company policies are brought to court, the company's human resources policies, written or verbal, are assumed to be part of an employment contract between the employee and the company..


Today, human resource policies and procedures serve several purposes:

- Provide clear communication between the organization and its employees regarding their employment status.

- They form a basis for treating all employees fairly and equitably.

- They are a set of guidelines for supervisors and managers.

- Create a basis for developing the employee handbook.

- They establish a basis for regularly reviewing potential changes affecting employees.

- They form a context for supervisor training programs and employee orientation programs.


HR policies can be classified on the basis of source or description.

-Based on the source

Policies originated

These are the policies generally established by senior managers to guide their subordinates.

Implicit Policies

They are the policies that are not formally expressed, but are deduced from the behavior of the managers. They are also known as implied policies.

Policies imposed

Policies are sometimes imposed on companies by external parties, such as the government, trade associations, and unions.

Policies appealed

The appealed policies arise because the particular case is not covered by the above policies. To learn how to handle some situations, subordinates can request or appeal for specific policies to be formulated.

-Based on the description

General policies

These policies do not relate to any specific topic in particular. General policies are formulated by the leadership team of an organization.

This type of policy is called "general", because it does not relate to any specific issue in particular..

Specific policies

These policies are related to specific topics, such as hiring, compensation, collective bargaining, etc..

Specific policies should confirm the guidelines that have been established by general policies.


Policy setting can help an organization demonstrate, both internally and externally, that it meets diversity, ethics and training requirements, as well as its commitments regarding regulations and corporate governance of its employees..

For example, to fire an employee according to the requirements of labor legislation, among other considerations, it will be necessary to comply with the provisions of employment contracts and collective bargaining agreements..

The establishment of a human resources policy that establishes obligations, standards of behavior and documents disciplinary procedures, is now the standard guide to fulfill these obligations..

Human resource policies provide frameworks within which consistent decisions are made and promote fairness in the way people are treated.

Human resource policies can also be very effective in supporting and building the desired organizational culture..

For example, recruitment and retention policies can outline how the organization values ​​a flexible workforce..


- They help managers at various levels make decisions without consulting their superiors. Subordinates are more willing to accept responsibility, because policies indicate what is expected of them and can cite a written policy to justify their actions..

- They ensure the long-term well-being of employees and contribute to a good employer-employee relationship, as favoritism and discrimination are reduced. Well-established policies ensure uniform and consistent treatment of all employees throughout the organization.

- They establish the guidelines to be followed in the organization and, therefore, minimize the personal bias of the managers.

- They ensure quick action to make decisions, because policies serve as standards to follow. Avoid wasting time and energy involved in repeated analysis to solve problems of a similar nature.

- They establish consistency in the application of policies over a period of time, so that everyone in the organization receives fair and equitable treatment.

- Employees know what action to expect in the circumstances covered by the policies. Policies establish patterns of behavior and allow employees to work with more confidence.


A business may institute a no-smoking policy on campus. Others are written to show solidarity with social or political movements.

For example, many organizations have already written policies that include same-sex couples as recipients of health benefits and retirement plans..

Many HR policies include an active approach to protecting employees and ensuring fair treatment. These could include mandatory diversity and discrimination training, and harassment training.

XYZ Support Policy

Daily attendance is especially important for XYZ company hourly employees. This is because both customers and co-workers have the expectation to ship and deliver the product on time..

Personal emergency time is available to employees for unscheduled events, such as personal illness, illness of immediate family member, medical appointments, or death of a family member..

Personal emergency time

Employees accrue 2.15 hours of emergency personal time per pay period. Annually, this equates to 56 hours. Employees can use emergency personal time up to 56 hours.

Employees using emergency personal time should speak with their supervisor as soon as possible. This must be done no later than one hour after the start of their shift.

If the supervisor is not available, employees can leave a message for the supervisor with a phone number where they can be reached. The supervisor will then return the call.

Failure to call on consecutive days will be considered a voluntary resignation from employment at XYZ company.

The number of minutes an employee misses, or is late for work from lunch or breaks, will be subtracted from accrued personal time. Tardiness occurs when the employee is not at their work station, or working as scheduled.

Hourly employees can schedule time off for things such as medical appointments, classes, parent-teacher meetings, events, and religious services, as long as the time off does not adversely affect co-workers or clients..

Accumulated personal emergency hours cannot be carried over to the next calendar year.

Consequences of excessive use of emergency personal time

The accumulation of twelve late arrivals in twelve consecutive months is grounds for termination of employment. Disciplinary action, which may lead to termination of employment, begins upon registration for the sixth tardy in a three-month period.

For excessive use of emergency personal time, disciplinary action will begin when 56 hours of absences have accumulated.

It will consist of a written warning for the next eight hours lost, then a three-day suspension without pay for the next eight hours lost, followed by termination of employment when the employee has exhausted the hours greater than 72.


  1. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (2018). Human resource policies. Taken from:
  2. Susan M. Heathfield (2018). Sample Human Resources Policies and Procedures. The Balance Careers. Taken from:
  3. Susan M. Heathfield (2018). Sample Hourly Employee Attendance Policy. The Balance Careers. Taken from:
  4. Inc (2018). Human Resource Policies. Taken from:
  5. Study (2018). Human Resource Policies & Procedures. Taken from:

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