Woman, between 12 and 25 years old, who initially worried about her appearance enters the universe of the eating disorder hand in hand with a diet (in 80% of cases).
The figures are clear and draw, year after year, the same profile. This is not to say that the disease is I forgot of the opposite sex, but the percentages are more than resounding: 95% of women, compared to 5% of men.
Put the data on the table, the most alarming thing is the age of onset in eating disorder. In this case, the dance of figures is as broad as it is chilling and very uninspiring: more and more cases of infantile anorexia, with patients who are only 9 years old.
They say of us that we are people with a high level of self demand and low self-esteem. A deadly and difficult combination for any mind to sustain. has not reached maturity.
The studies are extremely precise as far as our minds are concerned, approaching our psyches with the efficacy of a high-resolution microscope. So they add a very long string of mental traits that leave us defenseless against the threat of a disease such as anorexia.
Earrings opinion of others, with a tendency to depressive state, anxious, with difficulty with personal relationships and of obsessive thinking, are just some of the most common characteristics that fill the mental spectrum of the patient.
Without a doubt, yes. One of them ... although to do this, I must go back 29 years to find a 14-year-old girl who I lived with anguish not feel the same other girls.
Still no period, no curves, no budding breast and with the terrible need for boys to tell her things, just like her friends. I was not used to going out, so in a girls' school it was difficult for a single boy to notice me.
Summer 1986. I finished the course calm, like every year, but with an unfinished business that made me feel really useless: going out with a boy to be able to tell about it, as my friends did. I did not know how to do it and a mixture of embarrassment and blush made me hatch a plan with which I was sure I would achieve my goal: I had to be so powerful how I saw my classmates.
I started to think about the possibility of diet. A fleeting thought that was gaining strength over time. 'They don't notice me because I'm not pretty and I'm fat. Very fat ', was the argument I made for defend myself.
The trigger, the visit to the home of a friend of my mother who unfortunately commented: 'The girl is getting beautiful, look at what an ass and what legs you have!'. No more was needed.
It was hearing the phrase and a slap left me catatonic and gasping for air. On the table, the argument that would rule my life for more than 20: I was fat and had to be fixed!
I did not raise the possibility of dieting at home because I thought my mother would refuse (I was always a small and thin girl), so one night I tried going to the bathroom after dinner. It was time to go out and nothing better than to do it with a clear conscience have done things correctly (as I believed, of course).
Without premeditation I knelt in front of the toilet, As if all my life had done it. It was the first of countless times. I had never thought of him before vomiting as a solution, or at least I am not aware, so I think it was the most unexpected and inexplicable reaction that I have never had and what more times I have repeated throughout my life.
The worst thing that could happen to me that summer was getting the first flirt of my life. That's where my life sentence began. The idea of being thin took hold in me in such a way that I could never again understand the success without the thinness, nor thinness without success. I had just discovered the perfect binomial Y premeditated Y treacherously I did not intend to share it with anyone.
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