Why many believe that brunette women are better leaders and smarter than blondes

Charles McCarthy
Why many believe that brunette women are better leaders and smarter than blondes

The color of women's hair is something that throughout history has generated many prejudices both among men and among women themselves. Beyond the intrinsic machismo in these types of thoughts, there is a psychological component that reinforces these types of beliefs. Let's see what it's about.


  • A prejudice deeply rooted in our society
  • Experiments in this regard
  • Overcoming these beliefs is not easy, but it is necessary
    • References

A deeply ingrained prejudice in our society

The question of whether blondes or brunettes are more intelligent or the myth that blondes are stupid are prejudices that are very established in the public and that are difficult to overthrow.

These stereotypes are closely associated with the model of society in which women continue to be valued and judged for their physique and in which, furthermore, in which men continue to hold the majority of positions of responsibility and a significant wage gap continues.

However, as we can imagine, there is no scientific evidence to support any of these formulations. The explanation is rather psychological and social, since they are not if not social constructions that have been transmitted over the years, downplaying the importance and negative weight of being treated as a kind of joke or joke..

However, these types of statements are not innocent, as it may seem, but they hide an important discrimination that many people suffer directly in their real life.

The reason for this is that blonde women are often associated with an ideal of beauty. This causes them to be labeled superficial and, therefore, silly. However, beyond the fact that the question of beauty is something completely subjective and personal, it is not at all proven that blonde and beautiful women are therefore more foolish..

This thought is what leads, by comparative offense, to presuppose that the dark-haired woman is more intelligent and a better leader. However, this is not fair to any person, since a judgment is made from a physical characteristic that does not explain or have anything to do with their abilities or with their IQ.

Experiments in this regard

Different experiments have been carried out in this regard. One of them was done by a New York media, who carried out a test in the middle of the street to see how passersby behaved in the same situation, one of them starring a blonde girl and another, by the same girl but with a brown wig.

The girl had her skirt on badly, so that part of her buttock was left outside, in the middle of the street. The result was quite curious: when the girl wore a brown wig, in just 15 minutes three people approached her to warn her of the problem with the skirt.

However, the girl with the blonde wig spent almost an hour in the same situation and no one came to say anything to her. They just walked by and looked, but none of the people who saw him went to warn him.

This little experiment makes us see how people, on many occasions without realizing it, judge appearances by beliefs rooted in our subconscious. That is, although we do not know it, we have those prejudices that have been established in us since our earliest childhood.

The problem is that these myths are deeply ingrained in the collective mind and it is difficult to get rid of these subjective thoughts. This fact is also closely related to advertising, where brands have historically exploited the icon of feminine beauty, represented above all by blonde women..

Overcoming these beliefs is not easy, but it is necessary

Therefore, as we say, it is difficult to abstract from all these beliefs, although it is necessary to make an effort not to fall into these types of thoughts that are totally discriminatory and unfair to the whole of our society.

And it is that although it may seem that this type of prejudice does not hurt and are even funny, they do have real effects on many people, since they are judged by their physical appearance and, worse still, by something as superficial as their hair color.

This generates greater inequality and even fewer opportunities are offered to some people in the workplace. As for the personal section, it is also very dangerous to fall into this type of belief and judge people by their mere hair color.

In short, hair color does not determine in any case the level of intelligence of any person. This type of prejudice is reinforced by a historical social environment that causes many people to have this type of belief without any logical foundation..


  • https://www.soycarmin.com/belleza/Los-hombres-confian-mas-en-las-morenas-20151011-0002.html
  • http://www.accessecon.com/Pubs/EB/2016/Volume36/EB-16-V36-I1-P42.pdf
  • https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3830984/Can-hair-color-stop-helping-woman-need-New-Yorker-poses-blonde-brunette-one-gets-help-embarrassing- wardrobe-malfunction.html

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