I'm going to be a mom! Congratulations, excellent news about your motherhood. In fact, it is and so you assume.
Of course, all self-sacrificing and self-sacrificing mothers in your family call you to congratulate you and give you a rosary of advice and suggestions. All equally, they infect you with their enthusiasm and joy.
They all tell you that motherhood is the most beautiful thing that has happened to them. What is the climax of a woman's happiness.
Listening to it, you feel immensely lucky to be part of this select group of ladies..
"Mother: the person who does the work of twenty people for free." - Unknown author.
Throughout these months, your body will change, as will the hormones within you. Some grow fabulous hair, while others lose their hair. Some women experience discomfort at first and others seem like nothing is happening to them.
The belly is growing and with it the hope of hugging soon, that little portrait of you that you have in your belly.
The friends organize a party for you where your pregnancy is the protagonist of it. A wonderful afternoon where they only talk about the thousand benefits of motherhood.
Beautiful gifts, cards written with a lot of love and of course, best wishes for that new stage that you are about to begin.
“Motherhood is difficult and rewarding.” - Gloria Estefan.
The expected day has arrived, the day of the baby's conception. Deliveries or cesarean sections, neither are memorable experiences in a woman's life. Both are tied to pain, either during or after the baby is born.
To this, we must add the hormonal decompensation that appears days after delivery. However, that wonderful little thing is in your arms and under your care..
From being the lead over the course of several months, you will become a supporting actress overnight. Because nothing revolves around you anymore. EVERYTHING moves for and for the baby.
You want the best for your child and you try your best from day # 1.
“A man's work is all day, but a mother's work is never finished.” - Author unknown.
Regarding motherhood, the vast majority of women express themselves only in positive terms. It's hard to hear someone say something negative about it.
By being a mother, it is automatically understood that women must be submissive, discreet and assume the thousands of sacrifices that motherhood implies, without complaining and without saying anything. For the same reason, we enter a pregnancy with an overly romantic idea about what being a mother really entails..
This generates frustrations in the future because our expectations of this fact were completely different from reality..
Being a mother involves loving and putting aside MANY of our dreams as women. The life of a woman after the birth of the first child changes dramatically. Despite intensely loving that little angel, it is normal to feel that your life in one way or another in many areas is stagnant or is not moving at the pace you were used to..
“Being a mother is not easy. If you want a little thing to love, better have a puppy. " -Barbara Walters
If you ask your grandmother what she thinks about her motherhood. He will surely answer you that he was educated and raised for that. To be a wife, a housewife and a mom.
Currently all women who have small daughters have a more ambitious plan for them. We want them to study, to work, to travel, to stand out professionally. In short, make them independent women.
There is nothing wrong in it. On the contrary, I applaud it.
Now, when your daughter has her baby and tells you that her quality of life level has dropped and that she feels less happy than when she had no children. Don't judge her.
See what's behind it. And you will find that it is not easy for the modern woman to rush ahead with a baby in her arms..
You are no longer "independent" because your baby depends on you, your time, your care, your dedication. And if you happen to be a responsible mother you will realize that the title of "Superwoman" does not exist. It is in the heads of some who want to paint a different reality.
A day has only 24 hours. And even if you break into a thousand pieces, your performance in everything you want to do cannot be the same as you had before motherhood.
“There is a time to work, there is a time to be crazy and uncontrolled; and there is a time to enjoy motherhood. " - Diane Kruger
It is very important that you realize that motherhood, like life itself, is divided into stages.
Each one of them has its own levels of demand and responsibility. Like its advantages and disadvantages.
The first few months are truly chaotic and those sleepless nights can cause you a lot of irritation and bad mood. Breastfeeding does not always flow as one would like and that is also a huge source of frustration for modern women..
The advice is that you visualize and convince yourself that this is only a phase and that to the extent that the baby sleeps a full night, you will feel much more rested and with more energy the next day. Test number one passed.
In the next phase you realize that you hardly have time for yourself. That all your activities (even work) are thought and planned with a great influence of the baby. You feel that this way you won't get very far. And that you are going to stay behind.
Although there is some truth in this criterion, on the other hand, you must be smart enough to choose what allows you not lose emotional balance in your life.
You will go slower but at a safe pace, with health and mental balance. What's the use of becoming a "Superwoman" who supposedly has enough time for everything, but is actually only killing herself.
You don't have to feel bad about experiencing a certain degree of disappointment regarding motherhood. The reason is simple, with a child under your care you have less time for what used to produce a lot of happiness and personal satisfaction..
At the same time, be aware that babies grow very soon and in the blink of an eye they are no longer our little treasures. And they start to fly with their own wings.
Motherhood, without wanting to see it as a romantic and cheesy movie, also has many advantages. It is undoubtedly a source of happiness for modern women. Especially when she agrees to slow down and adjust her expectations in all areas of her life..
If you do so, I guarantee that you will feel good about yourself again. By planning and organizing your path differently, you will get closer to your goals, perhaps a little later, but simultaneously enjoying that great gift that life gave you..
“Being a mother is an attitude, not a biological relationship.” - Robert A. Heinlein.
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