In recent months I have received some gifts that have traveled from other countries to here: a necklace from Costa Rica, a figurine from Colombia, a bracelet from Ghana, a magnet from Lithuania, tea and curry from Sri Lanka. Every time I receive one of those gifts I think: "This comes from far away, from a place that has nothing to do with my life, with what I know, and this person has remembered me and decided to give it to me ..." and then I feel immensely grateful, and excited ... and how good that emotion makes me feel!
Practicing gratitude is one of the easiest, fastest, inexpensive things that brings great benefit to ourselves and to others..
Many times we believe that what we have, what we are, the people around us, just have to be there, we forget that it's really a privilege. We forget to thank friends and family for being there. We forget to be grateful for being able to enjoy the Sun, the sea breeze, the sound of the waves, the smile of a colleague from work, a good movie, a message from a friend, etc..
If throughout the day we think about all the little things or gestures that have made us feel good, surely there are many more than we think. If we are grateful, it is possible that these small gestures are repeated in our lives.
As I said before, being grateful is very easy: a smile, a "thank you", a small note or message. It is a very small effort compared to what it causes.
This lets the other person know that their actions are important and that they have helped us in some way with what they have done or said. Do you remember a gesture or moment when someone thanked you for something, how did you feel? Possibly… grateful! Yes, it's funny, but one of the characteristics of gratitude is that it generates more gratitude! It seems that this attitude is not wasted!
In addition, being grateful brings us more benefits. Others will hold you in high esteem, will like to be and interact with you, and will value the efforts you make for them. Improve communication and your relationships with others. It makes you feel a better person and valued by others, which contributes to raising your self-esteem and self-confidence. In addition, by focusing your attention on doing good and being grateful, it also improves your own mood..
1. Pay attention to your surroundings, to what happens to you every day that makes you feel good, that gives you positive emotions and stop to savor it and enjoy it. Try to focus on all the good that surrounds you and take the opportunity to enjoy that moment as much as possible.
2. Many times we take for granted that others know what we think and feel, but the reality is that the other person does not have to know that you are grateful if you do not tell or show them. Be grateful in the way that you consider appropriate or most you feel like at that moment, but that is from the heart, really, sincere.
3. The more you practice it, the more you will automate it and it will end up leaving you alone, without having to think about it.
4. Know that others do not have to act like you. That is, do not expect everyone to reciprocate in the same way because then it is very possible that you will end up frustrated. Everyone is free to act and think as they want. Be grateful but without expecting anything in return, just because it makes you feel good.
If you haven't done it yet, start practicing gratitude and take note of the benefits it brings you.
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