Unanswered questions that you will not be able to answer in this life

Robert Johnston
Unanswered questions that you will not be able to answer in this life

exist Questions without answer that you will not be able to answer even by thinking all your life, the reason is simple, most of these unanswered questions are actually paradoxes, that is, they have no answer or at least not one that satisfies all logic.

In the same way, it is very useful to know a couple of these and understand a little how they work, especially for family gatherings or for those funny conversations with friends or why not to push your imagination to the limit..

Unanswered questions that you will not be able to answer and you have to know

And we say that you have to know these Questions without answer, because you do not want to pass for incautious when it is someone else who asks one of these impossible questions.

  • It may interest you: 43 tricky questions difficult to answer

Unanswered questions to ponder

Before entering the world of complex paradoxes we will leave you a list of unanswered questions that will leave you thinking for a while and which are the basis of interesting conversations when you are accompanied by people who like to reflect..

Will the universe have a limit?

Can there be multiple universes?

Is there intelligent life outside of planet earth?

Is man born good and society corrupts him, or are we bad by nature?

Is there freedom? (This type of question applies to almost everything that is intangible or conceptual, for example: Is there a god, justice, life after death? ETC ...

Are we sure that we are not an alien experiment or other human beings like secret sects and things like that??

What came first the chicken or the egg, god or man?

Paradoxes or unanswered questions that you won't be able to answer

Now we are going to see the most popular paradoxes of all time, Some of these questions were asked thousands of years ago and as the title of this writing promises, no one has been able to answer them yet..

Theseus' ship

A very old boat was constantly repaired over time and in the end all its parts were replaced. Is it still the same boat, or is it a new boat? ... Well, many say that it is a new boat because there is not a piece of the old one, while others claim that it is the same boat after years of repairs.

God is omnipotent

This means that he can do anything, now well, can God create a rock so heavy that not even he can lift it? ... Difficult, if he creates the stone and cannot lift it, he is not omnipotent, but if he does not create it either is omnipotent.

The time Machine

If with a time machine someone travels in the past to give the plans of said machine to his younger self and he develops the first time machine, how can the object or information exist if no one really invented it??

It may be that the previous paradox is not well understood, but it is the same as the following: If with a time machine someone travels to the past and murders his younger self, how can he become old to go back in time and eliminate himself? The time traveler in such a case Did he die when he was young but is still alive?

Schrödinger's cat

This is undoubtedly one of the most famous paradoxes of all and this is because it has been the subject of many quite popular films. This paradox says that if there is a cat in a sealed box next to a poisonous gas (Deadly) that it has a 50% chance of being released.

Therefore, until we open the box we do not know if the gas was released or not, according to physics the cat is still alive and dead at the same time until we open the box generating a new timeline in which it is either alive or dead..

This sentence is false

A fragment that at first looks innocent enough as a simple statement, but it really is not simple at all ... It is a paradox that always leads to contradiction.

For example, if you affirm that the sentence is false and in fact it is false, it means that the sentence itself tells the truth so it is not false (Contradiction) But if on the other hand you affirm that the sentence is true, you accept that the sentence itself is false. As you can see in either case, the sentence refers us to an inevitable contradiction.


This is a Greek word for a symbol where a snake is eating itself, you have probably seen the image somewhere. Well, around this a whole paradox is generated only with the question Where is the snake? The paradox is that the snake is inside its stomach, but at the same time it is outside it, that is, the snake at that moment is inside and outside being eaten and devouring..

Silly questions you won't be able to answer

Finally we will leave you a couple of joke type questions What you can do in meetings or with your friends to entertain and laugh a little, the point is that probably everyone thinks they have an answer to these, but there really is no definitive answer for any.

"Why is" separate "written all together and" all together "written separately?"

"Why, if you blow on your dog, does it try to bite, but if you drive it by car it sticks its head out to let the wind hit it?"

"Why, if someone is right, do you have to give it to them? If you already have it, it is not necessary to give it to you "

As there are many unanswered questions that you won't be able to answer or pushing your intellect to the limit, it is possible that by referring these questions to your friends they will look for all kinds of alternative answers and break their heads appealing to logic, but most likely they will only get a good headache.

Although the questions found in this text do not have a conclusive answer, they are not useless questions, in fact thinking about the possibilities of each one of them is a excellent exercise to train and keep your mind active.

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