Accident Prevention at Home 10 Practical Tips

Abraham McLaughlin
Accident Prevention at Home 10 Practical Tips

The accident prevention at home is extremely important, since they are very frequent and one can happen to you at any time. In this article I will explain 10 basic tips to prevent accidents at home (for children and parents). If you practice them, you will avoid the negative consequences that an event like this can have.

Did you know that children suffer the most from domestic accidents? The results of a survey show that in Argentina, for example, the leading cause of death in children between 1 and 4 years of age is accidents at home.

The elderly are the next on the list of frequent victims of this type of accident. While accidents in the home are difficult to avoid 100 percent, there are many safety measures you can take to lower the odds..

Educating and informing about the importance of the risks of a domestic accident is one of the great keys.

10 tips to prevent and minimize accidents in your home

1-Pay close attention to the kitchen

This is usually one of the environments in the house in which the most accidents occur. In addition, accidents in the kitchen can have very serious consequences.

If you have children, avoid having them play in the kitchen. It is best not to let them in if you are cooking.

Electric ovens, gas hose connections, electrical outlets, and boiling liquids can cause serious accidents and serious injury, so children should be kept away from the kitchen..

Long-handled pans are often one of the most dangerous items.

In the kitchen, of course, there are also many sharp elements. Never leave a knife or other sharp or cutting element within the reach of a child.

If elderly people live in your house, you should also take into account that their motor skills and reflexes are slower than those of a young person.

This makes it difficult to handle a pot containing boiling water, for example. Therefore, the best thing is that if they have to cook or want to cook, you can keep a close watch or give them a hand in the most dangerous maneuvers..

2-Use non-slip mats

This suggestion applies to anywhere in the house where you put rugs. Although it would be best not to have any, it is also true that they are necessary.

Today there are mats available in materials that reduce the risk of slipping or tripping on the edges of the same.

3-Consider the design of the door latches

Both the type of locks and the models of handles have different designs that you can choose from..

In the case of locks, always choose the double command. These allow you to open them both from inside the room and from outside.

This can be a great solution if your children are inadvertently locked in a room or if grandma has not noticed a gas leak for example.

When it comes to the design of the doorknobs, avoid the ones with spikes. In a fall, these can cause serious blows to the head or face..

On the other hand, keep in mind that completely round handles can be difficult to turn, especially by children..

4-The sockets and electrical installations

This is one of the main elements to take into account to avoid accidents at home, and against which adults tend to be more sensitive when it comes to care.

However, there is never a lack of accidents caused by a plug in bad condition. Currently there are certain blockers on the market that prevent children from putting their fingers in the outlet.

On the other hand, avoid plugging too many appliances into the same outlet.

If you are going to use an extension cord, be of good quality, otherwise a short circuit due to overheating could cause a fire in the house.

To avoid accidents related to malfunctions in electrical operation, it is essential that you have cut-off keys and current circuit breakers. In the event of any irregularity, they will cut off the electrical current.

5-Fix the shelves

This is another of the classic accident causes. Both utility and functional or decorative shelving can be dangerous.

Avoid placing toys or other objects that children may want on the shelves, so that they do not try to climb on them to reach what they want, because it would be dangerous.

Fix the shelves to the wall to prevent the wall from falling.

6-Secure the decorative elements of certain materials

Although the suggestion may be a bit "ambiguous" to you, there are many decorative elements that can be dangerous..

Materials such as glass, ceramics or metals, can be elements that cause cutting wounds. There is nothing easier than tripping over a vase, for example, falling to the floor and breaking it. It is enough to step on a small piece, and thus generate a small major accident.

7-Accessibility of medicines

Although it is a harmless pain reliever, any medicine can be dangerous if left within the reach of children.

Not only because of the effect of the drug on your body, but because you can choke on the size of the pill. All medications must be kept out of the reach of children, without exception. It is best to have a lockable medicine cabinet to which only the adults in the household have access.

8-Cleaning and disinfection products

Children are very curious and some do not hesitate to put any liquid they find in their mouth.

Cleaning and disinfection products often contain potentially toxic chemicals. You must keep these products in a place inaccessible to children.

Another option is to store them in a cupboard by placing a special device on the door, which prevents children from opening it..

9-Includes fire alarms and gas leaks

There is a wide range of smoke and gas detectors on the market. They are not expensive, and they are surely worth much less than the health of your children or adults.

10-Beware of electric stoves in the bathroom

Water and electricity don't get along. Even if the stove seems to you to be in perfect condition, the steam from the hot water in the bathroom, for example, may be enough to trigger an electrical failure. If you need to heat the room, choose another method.

Remember that prevention is the best way to take care of the health of yours. Follow these tips to avoid accidents at home, which can have very serious consequences.

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