Main characteristics of tweens

Robert Johnston
Main characteristics of tweens

The circumstances in which each child's life has developed greatly determine their way of being and their character, but there is a whole set of traits that are common in preadolescence..

In this article today we will try to describe them.

Defining traits of tweens

1- The character of a 10 or 11-year-old boy has normally already reached a considerable degree of balance, as if it were the maturity of his childhood stage. Now he will present more defined traits of affirmation of his personality, of curiosity and of sociability.

2- He is restless, researcher, moved. It cannot be still. He speaks with a fluency and wit that is often amusing to adults. It is continually asked why of each thing. He scrutinizes the adults, studies them with a penetrating gaze, makes X-rays of every gesture, every reaction, every way of speaking.

3- He likes to explore, investigate, discover, go where he is not called. He has a noisy spontaneity without much discretion that makes him easily alternate the witty and sympathetic with the inopportune or rude.

4- His emotional life presents strong contrasts. In no time you can go from spectacular anger to an explosion of laughter. He is fickle in his mood. He can be grumpy and unbearable in the morning and upbeat and playful in the afternoon. Other times it will alternate good days with dark days. The bad mood can appear at any time, but it does not usually last long: it is not resentful.

5- You need to be heard. It's easy to see him raising his voice or eagerly seeking the limelight. You have, by nature, the desire to attract attention. It is not advisable to pay too much attention to it if with it we stop being for others.

6- He is naughty and tireless. In the face of their antics, it is not convenient to be too rigid or just let them pass. You have to know how to find a middle ground.

7- He is curious, outgoing and talkative, he even seems a little anxious. He still lacks a sense of measure and nuance. Sometimes he does not quite understand the scope of his actions; when someone jokes with him, it is easy for the boy to end up disrespecting him.

8- It is often better outside than inside the home. This shows that if you want, you know how to get along.

9- It is easy for him to behave rebelliously, or to say that he is already grown up and that he can do whatever he wants. But in the face of difficulties, he will like to have an adult by his side.

10- It is not normal for me to seek isolation. Rather, he prefers company or having people around him, even though he sometimes expresses a desire for independence. He is interrupting and annoying, but he is also very cheerful and smiling. He usually plays the clown and we adults usually laugh with him.

11- He prefers to contradict to answer. He does not do it out of malice, but is part of the consolidation of his character. Other times he likes to establish cordial exchanges of opinions and deepen his knowledge of everything..

Another vision of the world and of adults

At this age he already sees adults with different eyes, with less admiration and more critical sense. Censor their behavior and their words. There is even an excess of suspicion to look for defects, a certain spirit to be contrary, a certain inclination to insult, to yell, or to respond rudely. Despite this behavior, this does not mean that his affection for us has diminished..

You usually try to tell the truth, but if you think the truth may cause you problems, you can get into the habit of lying. To prevent this from happening, we must not be too rigid, and we have to thank you for your sincerity..

Girls will already start to be interested in boys. In contrast, boys take little interest in girls, and may even say they are corny or boring. It's easy to see them play with separate groups of boys and girls.

When they are in a group they tend to be more mischievous, and do things that perhaps they would not do alone. They like to tease small groups of the opposite sex.

At twelve, however, things may have changed and boys suddenly become interested in girls..

Other important changes

1- With the passage of time, you will begin to claim the right to make your own decisions, and you will enjoy doing it. This will make you more responsible.

2- You will want more freedom from your parents. It will try to look great. He will claim that he is no longer a child and will want to not be treated as such. All of this is part of the process of affirming your personality. It is not a uniform process, but it is done in pushes. Parents and educators must know how to be patient, wind up when necessary, and cut when necessary.

3- He is usually very enthusiastic. He is passionate about a food that he likes, for a friend who has liked him, for a movie or for a whim. He immerses himself in what interests him. He likes debate and discussion, exercising his intelligence, and making displays of memory or wit. It is a good time to encourage a love of reading.

4- It is also the age of surprising initiatives, which you will want to carry out immediately, since you usually have a good dose of confidence and self-assurance.

5- Although he does not understand abstract ideas well. It is better to speak to him in a specific language, and use pictures and examples.

6- You are already beginning to understand the emotions of others, and you are sensitive to the feelings of others. He is curious to know what other children are like. It is often asked if he is strange or different.

7- Expect the adults security and coherence, wise and mature decisions.

8- Accept fair authority and discipline.

9- In general, he is not as fearful as before, but he may be afraid of being left alone in the dark, or of being in the forest without the company of an adult. Or your viewing of a horror movie may affect you, raising new fears..

10- Contrast with this that he has no fear of speed or physical risk, usually due to lack of experience. If you suffer falls or accidents that will make you come back more cautious.

11- You are concerned about the way you dress, and you insist on being "fashionable". If you have seen someone wearing certain jeans, or a T-shirt or a jacket, you do not want anything else. He ends up having a good understanding of clothing and sports shoes brands..

12- Little by little he loses the resistance to work that he showed when he was younger. You acknowledge your duties and are not normally opposed to fulfilling your obligations. Perhaps he will not do it on his own initiative, and it will take us to remind him, but he shows good will. What happens is that he wants to finish everything in a minute. In general, it is a more responsible sample if we are not on top of it..

13- It may be difficult for you to start doing your homework. You know that in the end you will have to get things done, but often you need the initial push to make up your mind, or a little sermon from us to make you feel guilty..

14- He takes criticism very seriously, although we do not always get him to change his behavior.

15- He is sincere about the things he does not like. If you feel you are being treated unfairly, you will not be afraid to protest.

16- Although he may still have some childish behaviors: fights, chases, hiding things from a partner, throwing things at another child ... and he will enjoy these things.

17- Normally girls are more outgoing than boys to get things from adults. Guys can be a bit rough. Girls are more diplomatic, they know how to be more affectionate, they better recognize the feelings of others, and they know how to find the right moment to ask for something or get permission..

18- It is easy for them to admire and even idealize an older brother, 15 or 18 years old. Usually this brother is more attentive and understanding with him than his own parents. In this way, this brother can have a great influence on him and his education..

19- He usually demands from his parents and teachers leadership capacity, authority, justice and understanding.

20- Give great importance to the group. It will add to the things the group does, even the bad ones. When in a group, they are capable of martyrdoming a classmate or making fun of a teacher in front of them.

21- If they see their teacher unsafe or soft, or that he cannot maintain discipline, they will try to tease and make fun of him. On the contrary, they will be most formal before a confident and firm boss or teacher. This double personality, this difference in behavior may surprise, but it is a consequence of the importance that the group has for him..

22- You may even admire teachers who are energetic, know a lot, excel in sports, or are capable of leading the class with authority and a sense of humor at the same time.

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