Civic program

Anthony Golden

The civic program It consists of a series of activities that take place around a commemorative date, generally of a historical nature. The planning reflects the events that will take place, and the place and date of each.

It also includes an introduction by the host, who will make a short summary of what will be done during the activity. Although it commonly takes place in school settings, it is also typical of cultural and social activities organized by public institutions, as well as formal events in private institutions of various kinds..

The most important part of the civic program is the detailed exposition of the planning that gives structure to the activity..

Article index

  • 1 Basic structure of a civic program
    • 1.1 Basic requirements
  • 2 Examples of civic programs
    • 2.1 Example 1
  • 3 Protocol of civic programs in Mexico
    • 3.1 Flag honors with escort flag
    • 3.2 Flag honors with outside flag raising
    • 3.3 Flag honors and cremation
    • 3.4 Flagging
    • 3.5 School civic programs
  • 4 References

Basic structure of a civic program

The guidelines to be found in the program will vary depending on the event to be presented; However, a series of guidelines can be established to highlight during the development of the program:

  • Welcome.
  • Presentation of authorities.
  • Honors, preceded by an escort and the presentation of the flag.
  • Welcome words.
  • Words of the guest of honor, if the case arises.
  • Awards delivery.
  • General message.
  • Fired.

Basic requirements

  • Large space. Especially if the flag will be incinerated. It should be noted that this ceremony is carried out when it presents tears or has lost tone over time..
  • Flag escort, made up of six members.
  • National flag.
  • Master of ceremonies.
  • Sound of the event.

Examples of civic programs

Example 1

“Good morning and welcome to today's event to commemorate the birthday of Don Benito Juárez, born on March 21, 1806. We will begin with the program below:

  • Presentation of the flag honors.
  • Intonation of the National Anthem by the Oaxaca State Symphony.
  • We will enjoy a brief profile of Don Benito Juárez by the Secretary of Government of the city.
  • Delivery of awards to Benito Juárez by the Secretary of Government and by the secretary of education of the city.
  • They will talk about the influence of Benito Juárez in politics in the country and the world.
  • Presentation of floral offering by a representation of the Military College.
  • Farewell to the National Flag.
  • Words of thanks and final speech ".

Example 2

“Teachers, dear young people and colleagues, good morning and welcome!

Today, Monday, it is up to you to direct this civic act to Second Grade students, under the following program that is presented below:

1-To start the civic part of the event, we will receive our tricolor insignia, with due respect and in a firm position.

2-Next, we will present the swearing in before the National Flag.

3-Then, to the beat of the music -with a strong and clear voice, and standing at attention- we will sing the glorious notes of the National Anthem of our country.

4-Continuing with the order of our program, now we will dismiss our flag in the same firm position.

5-Start of the cultural cycle of the event when a corresponding reading is made of the national ephemeris corresponding to this week of ephemeris.

6-Next, there will be a reading of the folksy ephemeris corresponding to this week of ephemeris.

7-To culminate this civic act, we will sing the notes of the Campechano Anthem, standing at attention.

8-Second Grade students, we thank you for your kind participation in this simple but meaningful civic ceremony. Thank you for your assistance!".

Civic Programs Protocol in Mexico

Given that the national flag is an essential part in the development of civic programs, the Law on the Shield, the Flag and the National Anthem, proposes a series of instructions for the different types of ceremonies.

Flag honors with escort flag

  • Arrival of authorities and guests.
  • Reading the ephemeris.
  • Presentation of the presidium.
  • Honors to the national flag.
  • Singing the national anthem.
  • Guardian of the flag.
  • End of act.

Flag honors with outdoor flag raising

  • Arrival of special authorities and guests.
  • Presentation of the presidium.
  • Raising of the flag by the most important authority in the place.
  • Intonation of the national anthem.
  • End of event.

Flag honors and cremation

  • As stated above, the incineration of the flag is the destruction of it due to the defective conditions in which it is found..
  • Arrival of authorities and special guests.
  • Flag ceremonies.
  • Presentation of the presidium.
  • Message related to the act of incineration of the flag.
  • Incineration of the flag.
  • Intonation of the national anthem.
  • End of event.


This act consists of receiving the flag by some authority. According to the law, this act will be valid for public and private institutions.

  • Arrival of the authorities and special guests.
  • Presentation of the presidium.
  • Take and flag the person representing the institution.
  • Singing the national anthem.
  • Guardian of the flag with their respective honors.
  • Conclusion of the event.

School civic programs

According to the Manual for the preparation and organization of civic events, in the school environment the following will be taken as basic points:

  • Flag ceremonies.
  • Singing the national anthem.

These programs will try not to overload participation to maintain the respect and solemnity that should characterize this type of act..

On the other hand, it also indicates the importance of separating artistic or cultural acts from civic programs, since the former are not considered part of civic acts..

However, it should be noted that on certain occasions the inclusion of both elements explained above may be allowed.. 

Likewise, the event will be similar to the aforementioned, except that these include the participation of teachers and staff of the school institution..


  1. Gipsy American College. (2012). Civic tribute. In Google Docs. Retrieved from Docs at
  2. Manual for the preparation and organization of civic events. (s.f.). In Cesee. Recovered from
  3. Script program. (s.f.). In Info Cobach. Recovered from
  4. Programs for civic ceremonies. (s.f.). In the Ministry of the Interior. Recovered from the Government of

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