Promoter meaning, synonyms, antonyms, uses

Simon Doyle

The word "promoter”Is synonymous with promoter and refers to the person who promotes something or someone. Its use is uncommon in popular speech, although it does have a more frequent use in Mexico.

It should be noted that the correct way to write it is "promoting" and not "promoting", since it comes from the verb "promote" and verbal adjectives always have the ending "ente", as in this case.


Article index

  • 1 Meaning
  • 2 Synonyms
  • 3 Antonyms
  • 4 Examples of use
  • 5 References


The Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy does not recognize the term "promoter", since it is little used and the use of its synonym "promoter" is more common. There is the exception of Mexico, where it is used regularly, especially in the legal field, as a specialized term.

In this case, "promoter" can be understood as an entity or agency of the Federal Public Administration that is interested in a good and that promotes the valuation, appraisal or consulting service before the National Property Appraisal Commission.

In turn, this is the name of the person who promotes a case, who made the complaint or who takes it forward. Thus, in errors or in texts, that person is called "promoter".

In a more colloquial way, "promoter" is also used to refer to the person who promotes something, that is, the promoter of an idea, the one who supports an action, the one who promotes something or the one who encourages a person..


Some words with a meaning similar to "promoter" are "promoter", "organizer", "founder", "initiator", "cause", "generator", "culprit", "factor", "creator", "inspirer" , "Encouraging", "computer", "reformer", "producer", "creator", "dynamic", "diligent", "guilty", "colonizer", "conqueror", "instigator", "precursor", " constituent "," inventor "," producer "," initiator "," supporter ", or" reformer ".


Meanwhile, words with a meaning contrary to "promoter" are "idle", "lethargic", "ineffective", "unproductive", "fruitless", "ineffective", "useless", "inert", "sterile", " wasteland "," useless "," null "," inoperative "," unfruitful "," unfruitful ".

Examples of use

-"The magistrate indicated that what was requested by the petitioner could not be fulfilled".

-"The claim by the petitioner of the revocation was not accepted".

-"He indicated that the decision was delivered to the petitioner, that is, to the Secretary of National Defense".

-"A visit was made to the applicant's home to take testimony given her delicate health".

-"The promoter of such a work was this government".

-"The chancellor was the main promoter of the initiative".

-"When you want to be an entrepreneur, you must be a promoter of your business".

-"Upon receipt of the case by the petitioner, he must present it to the court of appeal within a period of three days".

-"The main promoter of the crime wave in the country is the guarantees of the judges".

-"The petitioner has already received the resolution and they can already express themselves in this regard".

-"Indicate to the petitioner that there is no place to agree favorably on his petition".

-"There are nine legislators for the state who presented a total of 41 initiatives as promoters".

-"The main promoter in the fight against drug trafficking was assassinated".

-"The arguments of the petitioners are unfounded".

-"Today it is time to present the results to the promoter of the work".

-"The club has hired a new youth player promoter who will discover talents across the country".

-“I broke the contract with my promoter. I think he did business at my expense without notifying me ".

-“I am dedicated to managing the career of artists. I am a promoter ".

-"Being a promoter of an idea needs strong convictions about what is said and tenacity to sustain it over time and spread it".

-"The main promoter of the revolution has been imprisoned".

-"The promoter of the relationship between us was a mutual friend, who insisted that we meet".

-“It is good for the entrepreneur to discuss his idea with peers. You have to be a promoter of your project with the best ".

-"The Government must be the main promoter of the calls for investment of foreign capital".

-“She is a very energetic person. It is very promoting ".


  1. Promoter. (2019). I founded BBVA. Recovered from:
  2. Promoter. (2019). Promoter or promoter. Recovered from:
  3. Promoter. (2015). Recovered from:
  4. Mexico. (2012). "Federal Code of Criminal Procedures". Recovered from:

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