Research project parts, how it is developed and example

Jonah Lester
Research project parts, how it is developed and example

A investigation project It is a written document where a schematic planning is proposed, step by step, prior to the investigative work. Its purpose is to propose in advance the subject of study, and what is expected to be obtained with it. It can also be seen as an evaluation of the research, the scope it could have and even the importance of carrying it out..

Usually, undergraduate, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral projects require a research project, which must be reviewed by a tutor or jury to be further developed..

Research projects also occur at the corporate and government levels. An employee of a pharmaceutical company could present his project to develop a drug against a disease. Also, a scientist working for a country could carry out a research project to allow him to carry out research.

On the other hand, it is necessary that these projects be evaluated by impartial and qualified juries. For example, when there are companies or NGOs that seek financing and that present their research projects to international organizations, such as the IDB, FAO or UNESCO, they evaluate it to decide if financing is appropriate..

Article index

  • 1 Parts of a research project
    • 1.1 Title
    • 1.2 Statement of the problem
    • 1.3 Background
    • 1.4 Justification
    • 1.5 Theoretical framework
    • 1.6 Objectives
    • 1.7 Methodological framework or methodology adopted
    • 1.8 Bibliographic references
  • 2 How to do a research project step by step?
    • 2.1 Step 1: define the topic
    • 2.2 Step 2: conduct a bibliographic search
    • 2.3 Step 3: specify and limit the objectives
    • 2.4 Step 4: define the methodology that we will use
    • 2.5 Step 5: write the project
  • 3 Example of a research project
    • 3.1 Title
    • 3.2 Statement of the problem
    • 3.3 Background
    • 3.4 Justification
    • 3.5 Theoretical framework
    • 3.6 Objectives
    • 3.7 Methodological framework
    • 3.8 Bibliography
  • 4 Topics of interest
  • 5 References

Parts of a research project

Every research project is made up of different parts

Every research project is characterized by having duly organized and hierarchical parts, through which the researcher presents the information and his work plan. It is an order that serves as a guide to carry out the investigation.

Not all projects contain the same points, as it will depend on the nature of the investigation, but they do have certain similarities.

For example, the research project on a possible vaccine against COVID-19 will contain parts that will not be necessary in one on the Arab invasion of Spain, since the first is scientific, and will require tests, and the second is historical, and requires records and books.

Beyond this consideration, any research project should have more or less the following parts.


The title is the name that will be given to the research. The title seeks to summarize the approach and the topic to be investigated as much as possible. Examples of titles are:

  • "Project on a new drug for the COVID-19 disease".
  • "Project on a new technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions".
  • "Project on new techniques to reduce pollution of the seas".

Problem Statement

An introduction is usually made where the investigation is explained and framed, why and how it is going to be done.

Those who have done research projects know that the introduction is something that is done at the end, when the research has been completed. It is the last thing that is written.


It is essential to refer to previous research on the subject, which is important to review. Likewise, it is necessary to explain what is new about the investigation that will be carried out.

In the example of the COVID-19 vaccine, it will talk about how and why the virus arose, about the effects of the drugs that have been used since the pandemic began, and why it is thought that this vaccine will be different..


The justification is closely related to the antecedents, since it develops more fully the reason why the investigation is wanted; with it, the existing needs that justify the work are exposed.

Theoretical framework

The theoretical framework is exactly the theoretical basis on which the research work is based, the sources used, the concepts and notions on which the research is based, and within which the study is developed.


The purpose to be achieved, and the specific objectives related to the different phases of the investigation, will be explained in detail..

Specific objectives must be precise, using infinitive verbs, and develop the general objective through specific actions.

Methodological framework or methodology adopted

Here it will be explained how the investigation will be done, the procedures that will be followed and why they were chosen over others.

In this section, the work schedule, a budget or a disbursement schedule is usually presented, in cases where the project is presented to an organization to request financing..

Bibliographic references

It is the list of all the bibliographic sources consulted to carry out the research, both those that are cited in the work itself and those used in a general way to frame the project.

How to do a research project step by step?

Suppose we are a 4th year engineering group and some of us study in a secondary school in a rural town. We know that this town is surrounded by rivers, polluted by human action.

We want to understand what the problem is and if we can solve it.

Step 1: define the topic

Concerned about the environmental situation, we decided to carry out a study to verify the degree of contamination of the river from which the town draws its supply and to see the possibility of cleaning it up..

Step 2: conduct a bibliographic search

We will have to search the bibliography on water pollution, on the town and the river, on sanitation solutions available in places with characteristics similar to those of the town..

In short, gather as much information as possible, and make a first reading of all the material.

Step 3: specify and limit the objectives

Having already read the first information, we will know more precisely what we want to achieve (in our case, the sanitation of the river).

Here we will explain why we want to clean up the river, the consequences for the health of the town and the dangers of using non-potable water for drinking, cooking, etc..

In addition, highlight the need for non-polluting human waste management systems or sewage pipe networks.

Step 4: define the methodology that we will use

This step indicates the authors and concepts on which we will base the research, what we are going to do and how we will do it, what we will use to determine water pollution, and we will indicate the type of research that we are going to develop.

Step 5: write the project

With all this information, we are ready to write the research project. The parts of the project will serve as a guide to organize the data and undertake the first step of all research, which is to do the project.

Example of a research project

So that you better understand what it is and how you can do a research project, we propose the following example:


Spread of COVID-19 in two neighborhoods of Mexico City: San José Zacatepec and Polanco.

Problem Statement

Due to the very high spread of the virus in some neighborhoods of the city compared to the low contagion in others, we want to determine the factors that influence the fact that there is a greater number of cases in some neighborhoods and practically not in others.


At the end of 2019, the first cases of COVID-19 appeared in China, declaring the epidemic in that country. In February 2020, the WHO declared a health emergency due to the massive contagion that occurred in Europe, and in March in other countries of America.

Precisely in March, Mexico declared a national health emergency and mandatory quarantine was established, suspending international flights and commercial activities, except those related to essential areas (health, food and transportation).

Likewise, the mandatory use of the mask was implemented and social distance was established. However, despite the government taking the appropriate measures, in some neighborhoods there were many more cases of COVID-19 than in others.


Evaluate why in the neighborhood of San José Zacatepec there are a notable number of infected in contrast to that of Polanco, which does not present as many cases.

Theoretical framework

Here, global data from WHO on the behavior of the virus, its way of spreading and prevention methods will be used, as well as the official records of the Ministry of Health and the hospitals located in the aforementioned neighborhoods..

Official records from other countries will also be used, such as Italy, Spain, Brazil and the United States..


The general objective is to determine the causes for which there are more infections in the San José Zacatepec neighborhood than in Polanco..

Specific objectives:

  • Collect existing information on infections in both neighborhoods.
  • Compare socioeconomic and cultural information of the inhabitants of both neighborhoods.
  • Compare the health infrastructure and prevention campaigns carried out in the two neighborhoods.
  • Determine the alternative measures used to reduce infections in both neighborhoods.

Methodological framework

Official and journalistic sources will be used on the behavior of the pandemic from the beginning to the present. The official sources will come from the Ministry of Health, from the various hospitals in the studied areas and from interviews with health personnel and officials in general..

Likewise, interviews and surveys will be conducted with population groups in both neighborhoods, discriminated against by age and sex..


Secretary of Health of Mexico.

World Health Organization.

Hospital records of the San José Hospital in Mexico City.

Hospital records of the Elipse - Tultitlán hospital in Mexico City.

Hospital records of the Hospital Español de Ciudad de México.

Themes of interest

Choice of research topic.

Scientific investigation.

Steps of the scientific method.

Objectives of a company.

Research objective.

Research justification.

Justification of a project.

Types of research.

Investigation report.

Scientific article.

General objective and specific objective.


  1. Henríquez Fierro, E., Zepeda González, M.I. (2003). Preparation of a research project. Taken from
  2. Berry, R. (2004). The Research Project: How to Write It. New York: Routledge, 5th ed. Taken from
  3. Böcker Zavaro, R. (2007). How to do a research project. Guadalajara: XXVI Congress of the Latin American Sociological Association. Taken from
  4. Thomas, G. (2017). How To Do Your Research Projet. A Guide for Students. London: Sage Publications Ltd, 3rd ed. Taken from
  5. What is and how to do a research project? (2020). Taken from Té

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