Psychologists at home, a new way to overcome your difficulties

Sherman Hoover
Psychologists at home, a new way to overcome your difficulties

Our house can be a place of peace or conflict, as psychologists say we can identify our home as a protection zone or, on the contrary, as a risk zone. And it depends on what happens in your home and how you manage it, you can identify yourself in one category or another..

What if the psychologist comes home?

This way of doing psychology has not been invented by new technologies, it is not a new or novel psychology, it is not disruptive, however not all psychologists attend to their patients at home. What does it depend on then?

After 7 years intervening psychologically in people's homes, Natalia Pedrajas and her team are still asked if they go to the patients' houses in those cases where people cannot move. But the truth is that they serve those people who want a more ecological, more situational, practical and less stigmatized therapy. It is also important to point out that it is a type of therapy that is highly indicated for those people who have certain resistance to psychology and are going to show certain qualms and attend a professional consultation..

Psychology at home takes care of all the problems and difficulties that the person may have, whether or not they are directly related to the environment where they live and the people they live with. It is a familiar and comfortable environment for the patient where the transfer of learning is maximum, where the information that is not counted is seen, and subjectivity goes into the background, giving rise to an objective observation of the well-being of the person and of your family in many cases. They are people who have probably already tried everything and have gone to many consultations from different experts and specialists, so they only have to try the therapy at home.

When a psychologist comes to your home, the therapeutic variables change substantially, to begin with, there is no established place for therapy, there are no pre-established rules, except those of civility and good behavior, and everything becomes unpredictable..

Many people wonder how therapeutic it is for the psychologist to come to your house, and it is right at this moment when you think of other colleagues, such as doctors, physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, among others, who are not questioned their training or professional competences due to having changed the context, the question or the doubts lose their meaning.

Psychology is not a magic pill. Its usefulness depends on 5% of the therapist, 10% of the therapy and 85% of the patient, so with these percentages, before knowing if a psychologist is more or less effective at home than in consultation or if the therapy It is more or less professional, we should ask ourselves, Where does the patient want to give the maximum to get closer to 85% that allows him to overcome his difficulties and achieve well-being? At home or in the office?.

Psychological Support At Home is a team of professionals specialized in different fields that, as PSICOCODE, has the mission of bringing psychology closer to people.

Psychological Support At Home is a team of professionals specialized in different fields that, as PSICOCODE, has the mission of bringing psychology closer to people. Below we give you the possibility that you can do a free psychology session by clicking HERE. Do not forget to put the free CODE: PSICOCODE

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