Psychopathy vs Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Anthony Golden
Psychopathy vs Narcissistic Personality Disorder

From behavioral parameters, the Narcissistic Personality Disorder manifests similarities to psychopathy.

A Narcissistic may not have psychopathy and yet will develop with a psychopathic attitude in the world.

This is because in both disorders, there is the impossibility of a symbiotic relationship with the complementary one. By definition, this relationship is always parasitic.

The complementary is never considered in any of the disorders as a person of integrity with rights and needs, but rather is reified and seen as a means to an end.

The mere use of the word "complementary" to refer to the people who come into relation with this type of personalities, already alludes, to what extent they are considered as agents who provide them with something they need and not as people of integrity.

Next we will do a review comparing the Similarities and Differences Between Psychopathy and Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Affective disconnection

The affective disconnection occupies an important place in both disorders.

While the psychopath lacks deep emotions, the narcissist may fantasize an idyllic relationship that he is simply unable to carry out. The narcissist will attribute the failures to the inadequacy or incompetence of the other, to safeguard their self-esteem.

Would you like to know if you have psychopathic features? You can take the test to find out if you are a psychopath.

Absence of feelings of guilt

Both disorders present similar difficulties experiencing feelings of guilt, grief, or empathy with the suffering they generate. However, there are some substantive differences.

While the psychopath does not possess such a repertoire of responses, the narcissist is offline of those emotions. In this way you can safeguard an injured self-esteem.

The Narcissist cannot afford a really lucid and equitable vision, where the other person is considered as an equal. A vision from which he can be seen as responsible for failures, but will always project the blame on the other.

Absence of regret

The narcissist, just like the psychopath, will manifest no true regret for acts that are beyond what is "ethically acceptable".

The psychopath simply does not feel the regret. In the case of the narcissist, he will project onto others the responsibility for his failures to safeguard his image of impeccability. And also because, as his disorder indicates, he considers that should be treated with privileges.

Regarding their deeds or the suffering caused, both personality types can show simulated regret. It will never be a real feeling of understanding that motivates you, but the intention to continue to benefit from the complementary through deception.

The thrill of anger

In the psychopath and in the narcissist anger is an emotion on the surface.

Both arelimited in feeling emotions of deep character. Instead, angry responses or reactions as a result of this primary emotion are likely..

Sadistic behaviors

In both disorders, sadistic behaviors.

On the one hand, the psychopath may experience pleasure simply by inflicting pain on the other. Importantly, most well-adjusted psychopaths do not commit criminal acts and murders as the movies show. However, they do not stop being and behaving within the parameters of psychopathy..


In the Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or Narcissistic Perverse psychosexual alterations or paraphilias may occur.

These types of alterations can involve sadistic behaviors: vexing the partner, through submission and pain.

These practices respond to the very logic of the disorder. Through humiliation they seek to verify the admiration and affection of which they can be the object. Through the partner decline, and the concessions it makes, the Narcissist sees his self-worth reaffirmed.

Lack of empathy

In both cases there is a empathic disconnection towards the other person's feelings, for the satisfaction of their own needs. They are toxic people.

The psychopath takes pleasure in causing pain. The narcissist, for his part, obtains pleasure through the submission of the other and the enhancement of his own value.


It is also important to note that both disorders can occur in both men and women, but, both appear more frequently in males.

Both disorders would benefit from the fact that the victim considers them from the idea of ​​similarity and feelings of empathy.

This means that the victim is left in a state of confusion. In both cases, your self-esteem and energy will progressively diminish..

Therefore, a gear is generated that the complementary one finds it very difficult to dissolve, because it remains anchored.

First, out of consideration for the virtues that he believes compensate for suffering. Later, because he thinks he is a person whom he will be able to change with love and help..

It is important that in any of the cases we are attentive to the signals. And let's learn to distinguish what begins to make us feel bad very early. So we can get away from this type of people who are characterized by having predatory and toxic behavior.

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