What is the Anthroposphere?

Philip Kelley

The anthroposphere it is the environment of the earth's surface inhabited by human beings. Examples are urban, rural, and residential areas. The word comes from the Greek anthropos, which means "man", and the word sphere, which refers to "earth" or "terrestrial sphere".

Human beings, their activities related to their development and survival, and their interaction with other forms of life, make man part of the environment.

In natural sciences, the earth is made up of five layers, each with a medium and a component that characterizes them. For example, the hydrosphere is made up of the planet's waters. The atmosphere is the layer of air that surrounds the earth. The geosphere, on the ground. The biosphere for living plants and animals.

Finally, the anthroposphere is the geographical and social environment in which human life and its activity develop.

The relationship of man with the rest of the spheres of the environment has caused its impact to modify the pre-existing environments or layers. This new scenario has created a human mantle, beyond being an occupation zone.

It is said that since the 21st century the unspoiled nature is almost impossible to distinguish. At least in large spaces. Man has modified it almost entirely in what was known as the biosphere.

However, another stream of science sees the anthroposphere as the part of the biosphere that encompasses the human habitat.

Impact of the anthroposphere on the other layers of the earth

The areas of contact with nature have become inevitable interactions for humans. So much so that geography has been formulated as the integrative discipline in charge of this study.

For this reason, for geography, the anthroposphere is the socio-ecological contact area. In this, man, space, their processes, phenomena and dynamics come together.

In turn, this relationship produces an exchange of matter in the spheres of the environment in which the anthroposphere plays a fundamental role..

Exchange of materials 

Man contributes oxygen, nitrogen, and other gases to the atmosphere. And in turn, the hydrosphere also provides water, oxygen and hydrogen for the anthroposphere.

The soils of the geosphere have been taken advantage of through minerals converted into fuels, and food is extracted from living beings in the biosphere.

But the impact has not been entirely positive. In its wake, man has left pollution, earth movements, disturbances of natural cycles and loss of biodiversity.

This global change that originated the anthroposphere should not be taken in vain, since changes have been caused throughout the earth. However, the study of man as a natural environment different from the others gives a step to its recognition and improvement..

With this vision it is easier to promote the beneficial impact of human activity and its respectful integration with the rest of the terrestrial spheres..


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