The BioPsychotherapy it is a comprehensive and universal technique of dealing with mental disorders. It is not simply a method but a form of therapy that in turn integrates various psychological therapies - recognized by the western scientific world - and natural therapies that have proven their functionality and are among the most advanced and efficient at the moment..
In therapy, tools such as Original Biological Decoding, German New Medicine, EMDR (Desensitization and Reprocessing by Eye Movements), Cognitive-Behavioral Psychology, Psychoeducation, Systemic Therapy and Family Constellations, NLP and Hypnosis, Mindfulness, the development of the intellect and the skills of listening to the body. Thanks to this wealth, BioPsychotherapy is successfully applicable to a wide variety of mental illnesses and clinical cases..
In its essence, BioPsychotherapy helps to carry out a global “cleaning” of the brain so that it is free from the conflicts that occupy it and therefore prevent it from being happy here and now. People with all kinds of diagnostic "labels" can physically heal their brain and become happy for as long as possible..
The location of the conflicts that originate specific mental illnesses is made easy thanks to the fact that the different approaches and paradigms of knowledge used in BioPsychotherapy provide a breadth of therapeutic vision. Therefore, BioPsychotherapists are universal specialists who can find the right solution to improve or help fully heal most mental disorders.
An illustrative example of the operation of the BioPsychotherapy It could be the case of a person addicted to toxic substances who simultaneously suffers from bipolar and dissociative disorders, and who also suffers from a somatic level of tinnitus and progressive hearing loss. When a BioPsychotherapist starts working with a person, he is interested in psychiatric and medical diagnoses merely for informational purposes. Above all, he is interested in biological symptoms, that is, bodily and / or behavioral.
More than anything else, it looks for the usefulness of each symptom for the survival of the organism of this human being in its environment. And this search leads him to the conflicts that originated the current state of the patient. Then, at this stage, apply tools that allow changing the information in the brain of the consultant for a healing and functional information for him.
In our case of the addicted person we would review their background looking for and reprocessing traumatic, disturbing memories or negative and limiting beliefs. We would review the situations that in your current life trigger that addiction or manic-depressive outbreaks and we would go to the history of drug use and outbreaks. As therapy progresses, we integrate the dissociated parts of your personality. And of course, we would review what this person hears on a daily basis.
All this forms a healing process and an evolutionary work that the patient has to carry out, probably with relapses and setbacks. Thanks to the fact that the brain will be more free of conflicts, the consultant will find it easier and easier to get ahead and move towards full healing
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