What is Greco-Roman Philosophy?

Anthony Golden

The Greco-Roman philosophy it was a system of thought emphasizing logic, empirics, observation, and the nature of political power and hierarchy. It took place from the 7th century BC (BC), until the 5th century AD (AD), approximately.

His study could be analyzed in two parts: the first with an eclectic orientation, and the second focused on the religious aspirations of the Empire. Both religions worshiped various gods; that is, both the Greeks and the Romans were polytheists.

In fact, many of the Roman deities were very similar or equivalent to the figures of Greek worship. The lifestyle of the Greeks, and successively of the Romans, favored the development of currents of thought on the behavior of nature, some scientific precepts and the bases of citizen behavior.

Greco-Roman philosophy laid the foundations of Western philosophy, since it was the first of humanity to manifest coherent explanations about the functioning of the world without the intervention of the gods of mythology..

Main exponents of Greco-Roman philosophy

The main exponents of Greco-Roman philosophy were:

- Thales of Miletus (636-546 BC).

- Anaximander (611-546 BC).

- Heraclitus (535-475 BC).

- Socrates (469-399 BC)

- Plato (428-348 BC).

- Aristotle (384-322 BC).

- Zeno (334-262 BC).

Socratic thinking

The before and after of Greco-Roman philosophy was determined, undoubtedly by Socratic thought. This current elucidated the basic moral, political and social theories of the new era.

One of the most emblematic phrases attributed to this remarkable philosopher is: "I only know that I know nothing", extracted from his book "Apology for Socrates", where he bases his philosophy on the basis of his ignorance.

For defending his dialectical criteria; that is, the search for the truth considering the contrary beliefs, and re-evaluating his own, Socrates was executed in the year 339 BC.

However, his legacy was maintained and strengthened thanks to his philosophical school, among which Plato stood out..

Plato and Aristotle

In turn, Plato was one of the most influential thinkers in Western philosophy. He founded the "Academy", an institution that remained in force for almost a millennium, and which in turn continued with the philosophical sowing and the generation of great thinkers such as Aristotle.

Aristotle based his work on the study of art theory, the analysis of physical phenomena present in nature, the verb and politics. For this classical philosopher, the intelligence of the individual should be considered as the most precious gift of the human being.

Aristotle founded, years later, his own philosophical school: "El Liceo". From there he became the mentor of the Roman Emperor Alexander the Great (356-323 BC).

By the 4th century AD, Christianity had taken hold over pagan religions. Subsequently, in the late 4th century AD, the Roman Emperor Theodosius promulgated the prohibition of the practice and dissemination of Greco-Roman philosophy, ending this important current of thought..


  1. Caldeiro, G. (2015). Greco-Roman philosophy. Recovered from: philosophia.idoneos.com
  2. Gale, T. (2007). Greco-Roman Religion and Philosophy. Recovered from: encyclopedia.com
  3. Greco-Roman Philosophy (2012). College Board. Recovered from: static1.squarespace.com
  4. Haque, J. (2013). Greco-Roman Philosophy. Recovered from: apworldhistory2012-2013.weebly.com/
  5. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia (2017). Greek philosophy. Recovered from: es.wikipedia.org

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