What is Scientific Method Hypothesis Formulation?

Abraham McLaughlin
What is Scientific Method Hypothesis Formulation?

The formulation of the hypothesis it is one of the steps of the scientific method. It is the part in which the researcher generates an assumption that will later be confirmed or rejected once the research goes through experimentation and analysis of results..

An example of a scientific hypothesis could be: "Individuals who grow up in a conflictive environment are 30% more likely to suffer from mental disorders such as depression or anxiety".

Steps of the scientific method

The use of the term hypothesis within the scientific research process dates back to the 19th century, when the pioneering ideas of historian William Whewell and the influence of renowned thinkers such as Hegel, Comte, and Engels, provided the frame of reference called the scientific method..

However, it is possible that from the work of the French doctor Claude Bernard, three stages are differentiated in experimental research: observation, hypothesis and verification.

For Bernard, orderly thinking is necessary in scientific work, as well as creating experimental strategies, all this determined by a method. Thus, any researcher is forced to propose one or more hypotheses, which once contrasted will allow the conception of scientific knowledge..

Article index

  • 1 What is a hypothesis?
  • 2 What is hypothesis formulation of the scientific method?
  • 3 How do you make a hypothesis?
    • 3.1 The variables
    • 3.2 Steps to formulate a hypothesis
  • 4 Examples of hypotheses
  • 5 Types of hypotheses
    • 5.1 1 - Research hypothesis
    • 5.2 2 - Null hypotheses
    • 5.3 3 - Alternative hypotheses
    • 5.4 4 - Statistical assumptions
  • 6 References

What is a hypothesis?

The term hypothesis is of Greek origin, it comes from “hypothesis” which means supposition, which in turn is derived from hypo: low, and from thesis: conclusion. According to its etymology, the hypothesis is an apparent concept that is based on certain supporting circumstances. It is that tentative explanation that helps a researcher or scientist to find a truth.

A hypothesis allows to establish relationships between variables and thus explain why something happens. They are fundamental for an investigation, since new theories can emerge from them, always based on an adequate theoretical framework. The hypotheses indicate that you have to start from what exists to arrive at something new.

What is Hypothesis Formulation of the Scientific Method?

Experiments in scientific research are rigorously controlled and structured. Via pixabay.com

Any researcher goes through at least two basic stages.

The first, when he performs an attentive observation that allows him to see the reality and the totality of concrete facts that surround the phenomena to be studied..

The second, when based on what is observed, formulates a hypothesis, which, subject to timely verification, provides data or enough information to approve or reject it..

Both stages are important, but the formulation and subsequent testing of hypotheses are the highest point in the generation of scientific knowledge..

When formulating a hypothesis, the researcher does not have the total certainty of being able to verify it, therefore it is undergoing a rectification process in order to improve itself in the face of the scientific method. A hypothesis must be able to be tested to see if it is true.

At the end of a study, the hypotheses will have been concluded, rejected, approved, or replaced by new hypotheses..

The hypothesis is of great importance for the scientific method because it helps to propose possible solutions for a given problem.

How do you make a hypothesis?

To make a hypothesis it is important that it be specific, in such a way that the signals to be used to measure the variables studied are determined..

Therefore, the hypothesis must contribute to the explanation of the facts studied from the relationships it makes between variables.


They can be defined as everything that manages to assume different values, from a quantitative or qualitative point of view or everything that is going to be measured, examined and studied in an investigation. Therefore, they are susceptible to measurement.

They are changing characteristics and, precisely, this variability is what the researcher measures or analyzes.

When writing a hypothesis, it must be taken into account to make it affirmative, without ambiguity and it must include the elements of the investigated problem with its variables and approaches.

To state scientific hypotheses, basic rules must be followed, they must give the essence of what is to be defined, be affirmative and use clear language.

Although many think otherwise, the biggest mistake when making a hypothesis is to think that this is the first step of the investigation, because for no reason it is..

Steps to formulate a hypothesis

1 - Group information

2 - Compare the information gathered

3 - Provide probable explanations

4 - Choose the most feasible explanation and

5 - Formulate one or more hypotheses.

After doing all these steps, comes the experimentation, in which the hypothesis validity is confirmed.

If the hypothesis is proven, then the hypothesis is true. In case it is not confirmed, the hypothesis will be false.

In this case, it is necessary to formulate another hypothesis with the real data that have been obtained.

Examples of hypotheses

A useful hypothesis must allow predictions by reasoning, including deductive reasoning. It could predict the outcome of an experiment in a laboratory or the observation of a phenomenon in nature. Prediction can also be statistical and deal only with probabilities.

Some examples of hypotheses are:

- Soccer players who train regularly using time, score more goals than those who miss 15% of training days.

- New parents who have studied higher education are in 70% of the cases more relaxed in childbirth.

- Vegans who take vitamin B12 are less likely to develop anemia.

- A daily use of bleach in the toilet could eliminate up to 95% microbes and 65% bacteria.

- If following the Mediterranean diet I have lost 1 kg. in a week, in four weeks I will lose 4 kg.

It should be remembered that these are only examples of hypotheses, many being invented, so they lack scientific rigor.

Types of hypotheses

There are many types of hypotheses, but we are going to base ourselves on the following:

1 - Research hypothesis

They are those proposals on the possible relationships between two or more variables. They are statements that researchers make when they speculate about the outcome of an investigation or experiment. Within these there are different classes:

- Descriptive hypotheses: they are used in descriptive studies, they indicate the existence of an event, variables are taken from a certain context where they can be observed.

- Correlational hypotheses: they assume the evaluation between variables and if any of them undergoes any change, it will affect the others. They reach the predictive and explanatory level, since knowing which two concepts or variables are related in a certain way provides explanatory information. The order in which we place the variables is not important.

- Hypothesis of differences between groups: they seek to determine the differences between groups, they do not necessarily establish why these differences occur.

- Hypotheses that establish causal relationships: they affirm that there are relationships between two or more variables, how these relationships occur and also propose a sense of understanding of them. All of these establish cause-effect relationships.

2 - Null hypotheses

A null hypothesis is a type of hypothesis used in statistics that proposes that there is no statistical significance in a set of given observations..

3 - Alternative hypotheses

They are alternatives to the research and null hypotheses. They offer different explanations than the ones they provide.

They can only be formulated when there are indeed additional possibilities to the research hypotheses and null.

4 - Statistical hypothesis

They are the transformation of the research hypotheses, null and alternative in statistical terms.

They can only be formulated when the study data to be collected and analyzed to test hypotheses are quantitative.


  1. APA, N. (2017). APA rules. Obtained from How a hypothesis should be written: Characteristics and types: normasapa.net
  2. Huertas, D. P. (May 27, 2002). Faculty of Social Sciences . Obtained from The Hypothesis Formulation: facso.uchile.cl
  3. The science. (2017). Obtained from The scientific method: its stages: quimicaweb.net
  4. Limón, R. R. (2007). Eumed. Obtained from Hypothesis Elaboration: eumed.net
  5. Wigodski, J. (July 13, 2010). Investigation methodology. Obtained from Formulation of Hypothesis: methodologiaeninvestigacion.blogspot.com.co.

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