As a result of the irruption in the media of Francisco Nicolás (also known as little Nicolás), the word "megalomania" has come to the fore. Without evaluating the falsehood or veracity of what this boy tells, the coroner who examined him came to the conclusion that Francisco Nicolás suffers a "florid delusional ideation of a megalomaniac type".
For an idea to be considered as delirious must meet the following requirements:
Once we know that these are the 3 necessary requirements for an idea to be considered delusional, we will go on to assess the content of the idea, in this case being the megalomaniac guy.
The word megalomania derives from two Greek roots that are "mega" (big and "mania" (obsession). In this sense we can say that megalomania is the obsession for the great.
According to Wikipedia: The megalomania it is a psychopathological state characterized by delusions of grandeur, power, wealth, or omnipotence. The term is often associated with a compulsive obsession with being in control.
Once we have put these concepts on the table, what really strikes me is that in the interview with Francisco Nicolás last Saturday in "Un Tiempo Nuevo", none of the journalists managed to get a 20-year-old boy with a delusional ideation fall into no contradiction during the entire interview.
Given this, I only think of 2 options: that he tells the truth and therefore the diagnosis is wrong or that the diagnosis is correct but more informed journalists on the subject are needed to make him fall into these contradictions.
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