What is neuropsychology and how is it applied?

Anthony Golden
What is neuropsychology and how is it applied?

Neuropsychology is a science that is responsible for studying the relationship between the different structures of the brain and human behavior. In this article we are going to delve a little more into this interesting branch of psychology and we are going to know its different forms of application.

Origin and history of neuropsychology

Today it is possible to train in this discipline and become an expert in neuropsychology. However, until relatively recently there were no techniques that allowed us to observe the brain live.

The only way to study brain injuries was directly after a foreign body penetration injury. Obviously this was not the best way for an evolution to take place in this scientific field.

From there, an attempt was made to find a way to establish a correlation between an altered conduct or behavior and a specific brain injury. To achieve this, scientists of the time mapped the brain in such a way that they were able to establish a series of relationships between behavioral and cognitive disturbances of the subjects and the area of ​​the brain that depended on them.

Thus, in the event of any behavioral or cognitive alteration, they could launch hypotheses about which area of ​​the brain would be altered or affected..

Although the initial procedures of neuropsychology were somewhat rudimentary and rarely fulfilled the postulates of the scientific method, they did lay the foundations of the science that would become established over the years..

Characteristics of neuropsychology

Today neuropsychology is defined as follows:

“It is a branch of neuroscience in charge of studying the relationships between the brain and behavior both in healthy subjects and in those who have suffered some type of brain damage. Therefore, its object of study is the knowledge of the neural bases of complex mental processes ".

Among its main characteristics we can highlight the following:

  • It takes care of the study of higher mental functions (memory, language, etc.)
  • It is a discipline that has a neuroscientific character (uses the scientific method)
  • It draws on the knowledge of other disciplines (psychology, medicine, biology, pharmacology, etc.)
  • Its main focus of study is the associative cortex, since this area is usually more affected after an accident or illness.

Application of neuropsychology today

Today neuropsychology has a wide range of application. From cardiovascular accidents, tumors, trauma, and ultimately any event that may alter the proper functioning of the brain as a physical organ, requires a professional trained and trained in neuropsychology to minimize the neuronal damage caused..

A neuropsychologist is a professional who normally has a background in psychology and has completed a specialization in neuropsychology. Among its current functions we can highlight:

He is in charge of carrying out neuropsychological evaluations to detect if there is any brain damage or alteration in a patient. To do this, he usually uses memory, attention or intelligence tests to carry out these evaluations..

It also has an important brain damage prevention function. Therefore, a neuropsychologist is usually involved in the creation and implementation of programs aimed at protecting brain health. In addition, it is also frequent to resort to the figure of this professional in programs aimed at reducing drug use since it can perfectly explain the damage that these cause in the brain.

Of course, prior to the design of application programs, there is a wide field of investigation which is essential for any type of discipline.

In addition it will also allow to devise a plan of cognitive and motor rehabilitation to minimize behavioral and behavioral sequelae for patients. Thanks to cognitive neuropsychology, the quality of life of people with brain disorders has improved substantially and has promoted the development of this discipline at all levels.

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