What is Hydraulic Pressure?

Charles McCarthy
What is Hydraulic Pressure?

The hydraulic pressure It is that generated by a pair of pistons where a light force is applied to generate a much greater force. As it is a hydraulic procedure, water pistons are used, which are the ones that form a pressure capable of lifting any object, such as a car or an industrial machine..

Hydraulic pressure is guided by the well-known principle of Pascal, a famous scientist who demonstrated through various experiments that it is possible to create a greater force by exerting a minimum force in a system similar to that of levers..

Hydraulic pressure appears mainly in industrial tools or machines such as the hydraulic press; It is commonly used in the automotive and aeronautical industries, among many others..

Blaise pascal

Blaise pascal

Blaise Pascal was a mathematician and physicist born in France in 1623, creator of Pascal's Law (or Pascal's principle), where he explains that any pressure exerted towards a fluid will expand uniformly over the entire space covered by the substance.. 

Pascal not only gave a great contribution to the world of physics by demonstrating concepts such as pressure and vacuum in his research on fluids. He was also part of the design and construction of mechanical calculators and the theory of probability..

Pascal's principle

Pascal's principle, or Pascal's Law, is a law enunciated by the French scientist Blaise Pascal, where he states that any pressure exerted anywhere in an enclosed fluid is constant.

This principle could be verified by an experiment carried out with a hollow sphere with a plunger, which was pierced in different places..

While the sphere was filled with water and pressure was exerted with the plunger, it was observed that the water came out of the holes with the same pressure.

Hydraulic pressure

Hydraulic pressure is a procedure that allows multiplying the force exerted by fluid pressure through two pistons that, according to Pascal's principle, will make it possible to lift a very heavy load.

This process is possible thanks to the application of a small force through one of the water pistons. It should be noted that any pressure applied from the outside expands to all parts covered by the fluid, which will generate a greater force.

The hydraulic press

The hydraulic press is an industrial machine that consists of two communicating inputs that are driven by water pistons that, through a lesser force, are capable of generating a much greater force than the initial one..

This force is capable of lifting objects as heavy as a car, for this reason it is used in the creation and maintenance of automobiles..

Likewise, it is used in food companies, in the aviation and military industries and in the creation of ceramics. For the proper functioning of these presses, it is necessary to keep them in optimal conditions and clean them well..

In this way the process by which the machine works and the water pistons will not be affected.


  1. Blaise Pascal. Retrieved on December 8, 2017, from Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org.
  2. Definition of Terms - Hydraulics. Retrieved on December 7, 2017, from Ag Power Web Enhanced Course Materials: swtc.edu
  3. Hydraulic Press. Retrieved on December 8, 2017, from Encyclopædia Britannica: britannica.com.
  4. Hydraulic Pressure. Retrieved on December 7, 2017, from The Free Dictionary: thefreedictionary.com.
  5. Hydraulics. Retrieved on December 7, 2017, from Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org.
  6. Pascal's Principle and Hydraulics. Retrieved on December 6, 2017, from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration: grc.nasa.gov
  7. Principles of Hydraulic Pressure. Retrieved on December 7, 2017, from Integrated Publishing: enginemechanics.tpub.com.

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