The somatic cells they are "differentiated cells" that make up tissues and organs, and that originate from embryonic stem cells. That they are differentiated means that they have specific functions different from all other cells in the body.
In the process of creating the fetus, embryonic stem cells undergo a process of cell division in which they proliferate to a point where they manage to develop groups of cells with specific functions, according to the tissue or organ in which they are found. These are somatic cells, and depending on their functions, they take on different names.
Somatic cells are any cell other than gametes (reproductive cells), and their role is to form systems within the human body in which all the cells involved have the same genetic information that allows their development..
Somatic cells possess genetic information about individuals within their nucleus. They are diploid cells, which means that they have two series of 23 chromosomes, for a total of 46 chromosomes, within each of them. Within each chromosome is contained the genetic information of the human being.
Because somatic cells have genetic information inside them, scientists have used different techniques and experiments on them to try to advance the discovery of the human genome..
On the other hand, somatic cells can multiply themselves with the same genetic information they possess, but only a limited number of times..
For this reason, they have a limited life expectancy and are not capable of self-renewal once they are formed. When they stop working, they are usually replaced by new somatic cells..
Another characteristic of these cells is that, unlike sex cells, they do not participate in the reproduction or generation of new cells other than themselves - a function that reproductive cells do.-.
Their function is reduced exclusively to ensuring the operation of the system to which they belong..
Somatic cells have different shapes and sizes depending on their specific function.
Finally, an important feature of these cells is that certain types of mutations - that is, certain changes in the genetic information contained in them - can stimulate their cell division and cause them to lose their natural reproductive limitation, so that they can divide infinitely..
This indefinite reproduction of somatic cells with a change in their DNA is the basis for the appearance of all types of cancer..
Somatic cells take on a great diversity of names once they are fully constituted within human organs and tissues..
Upon reaching that point, they have different functions depending on the system to which they belong. Some examples of somatic cells that we find in the human body are:
Like these cells, there is another great diversity of somatic cells that share a common characteristic: they all have specific and differentiated functions from other cells that allow the different tissues, organs and systems of the human body to function..
Therefore, what is important to take into account is that the main defining feature of somatic cells is that they are all those that have specific functions that, when complemented with other cells, give life to the vital functions of the organism to which they belong..
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