What makes a woman powerful?

Alexander Pearson
What makes a woman powerful?

During the last decade, women have taken on a different power, more representative, more unanimous, more listened to, many times more controversial and, without a doubt, more proactive.

Countless speeches are heard about it. They talk about female empowerment, the fight for women's rights and freedoms and several tips are also presented for a woman to be more powerful.

And in all this change there is something that I love and that I want to highlight and that is that some of the covers that previously only announced about how to have a skin to conquer, or about the most attractive fashion, now also provide a space that gives value to enrichment Y mental and spiritual development.

Now women are also encouraged to seek their emotional well-being beyond physical attractiveness or meeting social standards.

Finally many more too motivate women to learn to be powerful as the result of a whole and to consider all aspects of their lives.

This is positive, it is necessary and it is an issue that brings with it several reflections.

What makes a woman truly powerful?

The answer to this question depends on the essential values ​​and preferences of each person..

For some, the power is in the amount of money they have and that's fine, no one is going to argue that having money gives you power. Others claim that a woman reaches her maximum power when she builds a family. And yes, many women have learned to use their strengths only after having a family and for them that is the most important thing..

There are also those who claim that power comes with a position. A title that grants superiority in any way. It can be an academic degree, a job position or a political one.

And all these answers are correct in their form since each woman can be empowered according to her own criteria and aspiration of abundance..

Each of these factors can represent more or less power in a woman. But there is a problem and it is that many women have all that and do not feel powerful at all..

So what is it?

Where does the power of women lie?

From my point of view, after having worked empowering hundreds of women in recent years, I am sure that power lives within each one.. Each woman has an immense flame inside her with which she is capable of achieving all the goals that she sets for herself..

The main thing is to want to feel powerful, to know what it is you want, and to consciously use your strengths to build the life you deserve. What makes a woman truly powerful is that she is the owner of the decisions that will lead her to build the life she wants.

Here are 3 factors that make every woman feel more powerful.

Be the owner of your decisions

A woman is powerful when, worth the redundancy, she has power over her life and the only way to achieve this is by making decisions that consciously contribute to her life purpose.

Y take decisions it is a challenge for many. Either because they did not learn to do it, because they live in a culture that does not encourage it, or because, not knowing what they really want, they give higher priority to satisfying the expectations, desires or requests of others instead of work for your own aspirations.

But when a woman dares to have that inner conversation, to rediscover herself and allow herself to be the woman she wants to be, then she is filled with strength and takes control of her life..

Stay in constant development

The Constant Learning and permanent brain development, invites reflection, motivates personal and professional growth and leads to a healthier lifestyle. And in turn, all this allows, not only women, but each person to feel more powerful..

In this process of constant development there are mainly two paths, the first is that guided by anxiety, by the infinite search for information that instead of becoming action solutions become distractions and frustration for not moving forward.

The second path is the one guided by discovery, by learning, by the affirmation of being and by the constant evolution that is achieved with proactive and positive decisions..

This second path is the one that contributes to the well-being of feeling truly powerful because connects you with your essence, because you allow yourself to strengthen your skills and abilities and consciously affirm that the lifestyle you lead is in accordance with the life purposes you have established.

Feel good about yourself

A woman with good self-esteem recognizes her power and feels comfortable with herself. This satisfaction is stable despite the challenges that arise in life and regardless of whether she is alone or with someone. In addition, her self-assessment does not depend on the approval of others, but concentrates on exposing her perspective while respecting herself without contradicting or minimizing the opinion of third parties..

We call it inner peace and it is reflected in a life in balance and harmony with essential values ​​and life goals.

A woman who feels good about herself recognizes her weaknesses and strengths, understands her mistakes, and focuses on the positive learnings, live in peace with the past being aware of your present and your ability to build the future you want.

And contrary to what many believe, feeling powerful is not a state accompanied by euphoria or extreme emotions, but rather it is a state of actions with emotions of tranquility and calm.

How to support so that more women feel powerful?

In my opinion based on my experience, the best way to support women is to teach them and to let them to be.

I have defined an empowered woman as a woman who feels satisfied with herself and with the life that she builds daily.

In this way the Personal development of each woman according to her own definition of abundance and well-being, according to her culture, aspirations and preferences.

I think it is essential to allow and motivate them to make their own decisions, give opportunities for their growth and development and, above all, allow them to be the woman that each one wants to be..

Now I would love to have your opinion;

What do you think makes a woman powerful?

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