What would you do if you won a million euros?

Sherman Hoover
What would you do if you won a million euros?

This has been the question of a survey of 3000 people in the UK. The survey shows different results that we will analyze below.

Most of the responses are related to the stability, In this sense, we found that 20% of those surveyed would dedicate their money to buy a house, 25% would use it to pay your debts and 24% I would cancel the mortgage.

The next most chosen option to spend that money from the sky would be a luxury vacation, option chosen by 12% of respondents. As minority options we have to donate the money to charitable causes (7%), the buying a car (6%) and start a business (3%).

When it comes to the sexes, there are some differences in the way men and women spend money. The most significant differences are found in the percentage of people who they would dedicate the money to pay the debts (27% of men versus 23% of women). Another important difference is found in the luxury vacation theme, where women prove to be more travelers (14%) than men (10%).

At the time of buy a car We also found a small difference, although not so great than we might think a priori, as a consequence of the historical masculinity associated with motor vehicles. In this sense, we find that 7% of the men surveyed would spend part of the money to buy a new car compared to 5% of the women surveyed..

In other areas such as paying the mortgage, buying a house, or allocating part of the money to charitable causes, there are hardly any differences between the choices of men and women. However, we did find a little female swing towards stability preferring to pay the mortgage and buy a house a couple of percentage points above men.

Faced with the general question about whether that money would lead them to make the decision to quit your job, 41% of those surveyed answered affirmatively while 36% would not change jobs. A very significant percentage (23%) would choose the option of take a long break.

If we divide the results of this same question at the level of sex, we observe a very marked difference in the responses of men and women. A higher percentage of men (45%) would leave work compared to 34% of women. This data reaffirms the feminine tendency to stability that we commented previously. Regarding the percentages of people who would continue to work in the same place for each sex, we find very similar data between men and women with 37% and 38% respectively.

Where we do find a little more difference is in the possibility of take a long break, where 25% of the women would prefer to rest compared to 21% of the men surveyed. This preference for women's rest is surely closely related to their taste for travel and probably this rest is made precisely to travel.

When we analyze the data as a whole and compare it with data from similar surveys conducted in the United States, we find very significant differences between the two populations. In this sense, the most chosen option to use the money is to pay the debts (38%). Data that is not strange if we take into account how normal it is in this country to request loans to pay for children's studies or even to carry out expensive medical interventions, something that rarely happens in European countries.

There is also a big difference in the percentage of people who they would remain in their jobs, with 46% of those surveyed in the United States compared to 36% in European countries.

This survey does not stop offering statistical data taken on a segment of the population. However, it is also curious to read the personal stories of some lucky people who won the lottery and discover what they did with the money.

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