What does 7u7 mean and when is it used?

Robert Johnston
What does 7u7 mean and when is it used?

Know what 7u7 means It may not be a big deal, but not knowing its meaning can confuse you a bit when using social media. Mainly because this type of writing generates ambiguities. 

Many say that it is a symbol of sadness while many others maintain that it is used for humor. This confusion is due to the 7u7 symbol not being defined in the list of common emoticons. 

That is, there are ways to directly write the emoticons like the old known XD or the smiley face 🙁 or sad :(, these are the "easy" ones, but there are other less known.

The above makes people think that the 7u7 entry is a key to some emoji, but this is not the case and this writing does not officially represent any emoticon.
Today you will learn what does 7u7 mean and when is it used.

We will also show you the difference of this pseudo emoji with others of its kind, that is, other pseudo emoticons that do not appear in the official lists.

What does 7u7 mean on Facebook Messenger?

The 7u7 symbol on Facebook Messenger does not refer to any emoticon on the official list and is usually used on a much more personal level. You may never have come across it or have done it a few times.

In any case, no one wants to be left with the doubt of what they want to say, especially if it is someone we like or if it comes out in the middle of an argument or something like that..

It is usually said that the 7 that appear on the sides refer to closed eyes with jets of tears coming from them and that the u refers to a twisted mouth in the shape of a pout with a gesture like a baby.

There are many others who say that the U must be inverted, that is, with the arc facing upwards, representing the classic sad mouth. But in the absence of a key that places this inverted letter, the U is used.

On the other hand, there are those who argue that this combination clearly represents a excited gesture crying with happiness, This can make a lot of sense if we stick to the image as such, since the U can represent a big smile surrounded by the tears that make up the sevens (7).

The use of 7u7 in other social networks

As is well known, the Facebook messenger is one of the most used conversation spaces on the web, however it is not the only one, there are other quite popular and widespread spaces on the web.

But what happens if I find the 7u7 when I browse or chat on a social network other than Facebook?

The answer is simple: the use of 7u7 on other social networks is just as ambiguous as on Facebook, precisely because the emoticon does not appear in any official list.

This is why, if you find this expression in any social network, you should know how to read the context very well and rely on the descriptions that we gave you previously. Although you must be careful because the 7u7 has a hidden meaning that we will reveal to you below.

The hidden meaning of 7u7

It is possible that in the middle of a conversation via chat with the person you like or called crush, you receive the 7u7 key as a response, this may be a bit confusing if you stick to the above.

But there is a possibility that the combination is being used with another intention. What happens is that among some slightly older Internet users, this pseudo emoticon has a double meaning.

The relationship that is made with double meaning is the mischievous face that appears in the comics and manga where the character appears with his eyes almost closed and his mouth wide open as a sign of strong desire.

This mischief is transported to the emoji, so it can sometimes refer to a sensual or double meaning context in expressions such as: "Hey, what are you going to do later 7u7" clearly referring to a romantic context.

This way of interpreting the symbol is increasingly popular as the Internet audience grows both in number and age of users. Although many more adult users consider the use of these types of emoticons silly, the number of millions of daily messages that contain these symbols is really surprising..

Also keep in mind that there are variations of the pseudo emojis that can refer to similar contexts such as UwU, 7w7 and U.U that depending on the subject and the interlocutor may even replace the use of the 7u7.

Differences from UwU and 7u7

The differences between emojis are usually very marked from the key symbol that is written, as is the case of the example that we put at the beginning between 🙂 and 🙁 where clearly one of the symbols is happy and the other sad.

But not all cases are that explicit, for example the difference between 7u7 and UwU is that the second cannot be used in a flirting context and refers to a somewhat sad or moved face while 7u7 can be used in both contexts..

On the other hand we have the symbol 7w7 which, unlike what it means, is not used in melancholic or sad contexts and is used exclusively for flirting..

The 7w7 combination refers to a way of declaring romantic intentions and can be accompanied by not so forceful phrases reinforcing the argument and making it clearer.

For example: "I would like to have something with you one day 7w7" clearly the intention of the meeting is going to be romantic, which gives rise to clarity about what is wanted in this regard.

Our intention in this article was to make a little clearer what 7u7 means and mark the differences with its closest emoji relatives, the point is that emoticons are a metalanguage even worthy of the most extensive research.

But now that you know what does 7u7 mean We recommend that you use it at your discretion, lest you use it with someone who does not know its meaning or does not understand the context and generates a whole misunderstanding.

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