What does it mean to be a Luchona Mama?

Abraham McLaughlin
What does it mean to be a Luchona Mama?

Do you really think you know what it means to be a Luchona Mom? "Mamá luchona" is a term that appeared approximately since 2015 in social networks, and that has been the subject of thousands of jokes and memes that cause general hilarity.

The expression "Mama Luchona" has a powerful cultural and social significance, and behind it lies a great degree of ignorance, lack of empathy and violence against women.

What is a fighting mom?

As shown by the internet, the term struggling mom refers to those single mothers who are not 100% dedicated to caring for their children, Instead, they keep many things from their lifestyle before motherhood, such as partying, making friends, and engaging in other activities that their children are not involved in..

Read like this it does not sound so serious, however, the jokes, memes and jokes that exploded in social networks around the "struggling moms" are a clear example of discrimination against women and to the different ways of living motherhood.

Evolution of the term

The expression "Mama Luchona" was born in Mexico, a country clearly patriarchal and with many macho features. Initially it was assigned to adolescent single mothers. Later the term was extended to all those women who raised their children alone, whether they were divorced, young or old..

This term began to be used in opposition to "Warrior Mom" ​​who was the one who dedicated herself 100% to her children regardless of their age. The Difference between fighting mom and warrior mom It was because the warrior mother devoted herself fully to her children, while the struggling mother explored other facets of her existence.

What is hidden behind the expression "Fighting Mom"

Many people make fun of struggling moms because one Saturday night they leave their children with their grandmother, aunts or friends to go out to party, what no one says is that this teenager or woman is a single mother because the child's father abandoned the paternal role and she had to face the whole process of motherhood alone.

What hides behind the struggling expression is then, the amale bandon of the paternal role. Celebrating jokes about "Fighting Moms" is consequently, being an accomplice of a problem that does not discriminate in age.

Single mothers have existed in all eras of history, and if this happens, it is because fathers who abandon their children are also a constant, but nobody talks about this..

In the same way teenage pregnancies are a problem in all parts of the world, and it is not something new either. For centuries there has been adolescent motherhood, the difference is that before they did it under the figure of marriage.

It is enough just to look at the stories of the grandmothers and great-grandmothers, to understand that most of them married some time after having their first menstruation, having an average of 13 to 17 years, because forming a family after the age of 20 was something that generated discredit.

In addition to the above, it is necessary to take into account that sex is a taboo subject at any time in history, including this one in which we are supposed to have greater access to information.

Fighting moms from a new, more empathetic perspective

It is true that there are struggling moms, single adolescent mothers who ignore their children and who prefer to go out partying and leave the responsibility to grandmothers or other older women..

However, the fact that the teenage pregnancy continues to be a problem in the 21st century, it has to do with the educational and training systems of societies.

The idea is not to de-responsibility adolescent mothers, however, it should also be noted that this problem is also the responsibility of parents, friends and the educational system. Children and adolescents are products of the societies in which they grow up and therefore, a minor who is influenced by various cultural factors cannot be judged in a radical way.

Most struggling moms are not women who neglect their children, they are mothers who experience motherhood from a different perspective, because they recognize that to be mothers they do not have to abandon themselves.

Many of the girls who cannot fully dedicate themselves to their children is because they have to go out to work or finish their studies to be able to provide them with a better quality of life for your children.

Other of the behaviors by which struggling moms are judged is to continue with their life in a normal way. For having friends, boyfriend, for dressing as they like, for going out to party or for doing various projects of a personal nature.

However, it is hardly understandable that in the XXI century women consider motherhood as a normal facet of their lives that does not interfere with their personal development as a woman..

A struggling mom is then a single mother who is brave and dares to develop her personality with autonomy and individuality.

Apart from the cases in which mothers ignore their children and give up the upbringing to another mother figure, a single mother is a woman capable of bringing her children forward without the figure of a father to support them in the training processes..

Now that you know what does it mean to be a struggling mom, I think that from now on you will know that it is not synonymous with mockery or a joke to spread on social networks.

The Internet is a very powerful place through which we transform consciences, so share this article with all your friends so that we demolish prejudices and everyone really knows what is being talked about when talking about a struggling mother.

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