What are lotic waters?

Sherman Hoover
What are lotic waters?

The lotic waters they are the waters that are continuously in motion, regardless of speed. There are different ways to classify the waters that are present in a certain geographical area. One of those forms is related to kinetic energy (body in motion).

Most of the Earth's surface is covered with water, and this substance is one of the most important in the formation of the world in which we live, and an essential element for the very life of all the beings that inhabit it..

Rio Bravo in the upper area

Within the group of so-called surface waters are lotic waters or currents. Rivers, streams and springs are a good example of these waters because they always move in the same direction.

The surface waters that are part of a lotic water body, generally have a basic and very important function: to carry back the excess water produced by external causes, such as rain or thaw, to the sea..

Characteristics of lotic waters

The amount of moving water that the streams and rivers of the world carry to the sea and the ocean is a very important percentage of the water that accumulates in them..

The most outstanding characteristics of lotic aquatic systems are the following:

-In the lotic system, the flow of water is continuous and always goes in the same direction. Generally, the rivers and streams that make up these systems are not as deep as the lakes.

-Both the volume of the water and the speed of the current vary constantly due to different causes.

-Lotic waters are the perfect tool to transport and dilute erosion material.

-The chemical and physical parameters of lotic waters are not stable like those of the lentic waters of a lake. The lotic system is in continuous change.

-Another particularity that is directly related to lotic waters is the interaction that these water currents have with the shore or coast itself..

For example, the leaves, branches, aquatic insects etc. that fall or live in water, participate in the chemical and physical formation of water.

-All living organisms that have lotic waters as their habitat receive the advantage of being able to easily disseminate seeds, spores and any other reproductive element through moving waters..

-In general, lotic systems include two regions that are characterized by temperature, water velocity, and the type and amount of sediment and nutrients..

Waters that reach high speed have much lower temperatures than those whose speed is slower..

-Both lotic and lentic waters are part of all the world's ecosystems, and are a very important element of the life cycle.

For this reason, it is essential to study these systems, and to know their evolution and influence on the environment..


  1. "Complete information on Lentic and Lotic Aquatic Systems" in Preserve Articles. Retrieved on: August 17, 2017 from preservearticles.com
  2. "Dictionary of hydrology and related sciences" in Books Google. Retrieved on: August 17, 2017 from books.google.com.ar
  3. "Surface waters" in EcuRed. Retrieved on: August 17, 2017 from ecured.cu

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