What are Research Sources?

Jonah Lester

The research sources are the multiple types of documents that provide information and useful knowledge required to carry out an investigation and, consequently, generate knowledge.

These types of sources can also be called information sources and vary according to the needs of the research process of which they are part. Examples of research or information are articles, videos, books, or interviews.

Every research process begins with the search for information related to a defined topic, and develops around the various available sources (hypotheses, theories, techniques, among other types of documents).

Research sources allow the researcher to carry out a critical analysis of the information. These are chosen according to the emphasis proposed for the research and can be both primary (interviews, news, original documents, etc.), and secondary (encyclopedias, review of abstracts, bibliographies, etc.).

The primary and secondary sources are equally valid. However, primary sources are known as first-hand sources, while secondary sources are those composed of summary information related to a specific topic..

All research needs to make use of different types of research sources, in order to ensure that the research is objective and is not biased by the opinion of the person conducting it..

Article index

  • 1 Characteristics of research sources
  • 2 How are research sources identified??
  • 3 Types of research sources
    • 3.1 1 - Primary sources
    • 3.2 2 - Secondary sources
  • 4 References

Characteristics of the research sources

- Research sources are a tool dedicated to the search for information, for the subsequent creation of knowledge.

- They allow the researcher to be aware of the changes and advances that take place within a given field or topic.

- They are informative resources that aim to give a concrete answer to previously posed questions..

- Its usefulness is determined by the information needs of users. These needs vary from one investigation to another and include locating and obtaining specific or general documents on the subject..

How are research sources identified??

Research sources are basically scientific documentation resources. To identify them, it is first necessary to define the topic to be investigated. Once said topic is defined, a review is made of the existing and relevant bibliography on the topic to be discussed..

It is important to make a critical selection of the material and to constantly review the focus of the investigation and the steps that will be followed throughout the investigation. These reviews reduce the possibility of duplicate information.

Research sources must always be objective, avoiding the inclusion of the researcher's personal opinion during the subsequent generation of knowledge..

On the other hand, the investigation process must be careful and thorough. Only in this way can it be guaranteed that the knowledge generated is of quality.

Types of research sources

There are two different types of research sources: primary and secondary.

1 - Primary sources

Primary sources are those used to have direct access to information.

They are all those that include first-hand information, original and without abbreviations. This generally includes high-quality documentary production.


- They are as reliable and accurate as secondary sources.

- Its content is based on direct evidence or testimony on the subject matter..

- They are written by a person directly involved with the research topic. Therefore, these sources treat the subject from within a particular event..

Classification of primary sources

- Monographs: they are usually found on the internet in full text form. The intellectual property of these writings and works has been assigned by the author, or has lost validity over time, and is now for public use..

Although the authors can be natural persons, many of these works are usually published by public institutions. This type of works is usually edited and disseminated on the network.

- Personal diary: it is a type of autobiography where the author narrates the events of his daily life. In it are registered thoughts, activities and events of the private life of the person who writes it (Porto & Merino, Definition.de, 2009).

- News: it is a piece of information that has never been communicated before. It is an informative text or segment that allows the public to be informed about an event (Porto & Merino, 2008). It is a source of first-hand research of a journalistic nature.

- Other: Other primary research sources include novels, minutes, interviews, poetry, research notes, autobiographies, letters, and speeches..

2 - Secondary sources

Secondary sources are those that are composed of synthesized or reworked information.

They are research sources designed to act as quick reference tools. They present the information in an organized and objective manner, which is why they become excellent sources of consultation.

Among the most prominent secondary sources are encyclopedias, specialized dictionaries, directories, bibliographic repertories, and statistics, among others..

Characteristics of secondary sources

- Analyze and interpret information given by primary sources.

- They are derived from the generalization of a theme.

- They analyze, synthesize, interpret and evaluate the information to make compendia of it.

Classification of secondary sources

- Abstract journals: journals are publications that are issued periodically and usually serve as support for any research work (University, 2017). They can be found in online format, which guarantees their access and dissemination in a massive and global way..

Abstract journals are an easily accessible, low-cost source of research. The quality of the images used in them is generally high and they allow communication between the author and the researcher. They usually contain information on various topics in relatively short segments or articles.

- Encyclopedia: the encyclopedia is the most representative reference source of all. It was created in order to answer questions, collect and share knowledge on various topics. It consists of both text and photographs, illustrations, drawings and maps.

- Specialized dictionaries: it is a work composed of terms organized alphabetically. This seeks to explain the meaning of these terms, within a specific area of ​​knowledge.

- Directories: they are lists of individuals (institutions, people, organizations, etc.), organized alphabetically or on a specific subject. Provide important and easily identifiable query data.

- Statistics: it is an important research source for decision making and analysis. It is essential to identify patterns of behavior and relevant data that summarize the behavior of a group of individuals in relation to a specific topic..

- Bibliographies: they are compendiums of bibliographic references selected with care and according to a defined method. These compendia are made up of both online and print references. Its main objective is to provide valid sources of information on the selected research topic.

- Other: Other secondary research sources include indexes, library catalogs, literary commentaries and reviews, and the source register for any academic work.


  1. Porto, J. P., & Merino, M. (2008). from. Obtained from Definition of News: definicion.de
  2. Porto, J. P., & Merino, M. (2009). Definition of. Obtained from Definition of diary: definicion.de
  3. University, B. G. (September 12, 2017). Healey Library. Obtained from Primary Sources: A Research Guide: umb.libguides.com
  4. Wigodski, J. (July 8, 2010). Investigation methodology. Obtained from Primary and Secondary Sources: metodoologiaeninvestigacion.blogspot.com.co
  5. Woodley, M. (February 7, 2016). McQuade Library. Retrieved from Three Types of Resources: libguides.merrimack.edu.

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