What are the quantitative properties of matter?

Egbert Haynes

The quantitative properties of matter are characteristics of matter that can be measured -temperature, mass, density ... - and of which quantities can be expressed.

The physical properties of matter are characteristics of a substance, which can be observed and measured without changing the identity of the substance. They are classified into quantitative properties and qualitative properties.

Some instruments for measuring quantitative properties

The word quantitative refers to quantitative information or data that is based on quantities obtained through a quantifiable measurement process, that is, any objective basis of measurement. In contrast, qualitative information registers descriptive, subjective or difficult-to-measure qualities.

To understand the quantitative term, it is necessary to understand that its opposite, the qualitative properties, are those that can be observed through the senses: sight, sound, smell, touch; without taking measurements such as color, odor, taste, texture, ductility, malleability, clarity, luster, homogeneity, and condition.

Conversely, the quantitative physical properties of matter are those that can be measured and assigned a particular value..

Quantitative properties are often unique to a particular element or compound, plus recorded values ​​are available for reference (can be searched in tables or graphs).

Any quantitative property implies a number and a corresponding unit, as well as an associated instrument that allows it to be measured..

Examples of quantitative properties of matter


It is a measure of the warmth of a substance with reference to a standard value. It is the kinetic energy (motion) of the particles in a substance, measured in degrees Celsius (° C) or degrees Fahrenheit (° F) with a thermometer.

Melting point

Temperature at which the change from solid state to liquid state occurs. It is measured in degrees centigrade (° C) or degrees Fahrenheit (° F). A thermometer is used to measure it.

Boiling point

Temperature at which the change from liquid to gaseous state occurs. It is measured in degrees centigrade (° C) or degrees Fahrenheit (° F). The measuring instrument is the thermometer.


Amount of mass in a given volume of a substance. The density of water is 1.0 g / ml, and is often the reference for other substances.

It is measured in grams over cubic centimeters (g / cm3) or grams over milliliters (g / mL) or grams over liters (g / L), etc. And the method of marked volumes is used.


Conductivity ability of a substance to conduct electricity or heat. If it is electricity it is measured in Ohms (Ohm) and if it is heat it is measured in Watts per meter Kelvin (W / m K). A multimeter and a temperature sensor are used, respectively.


The proportion of water molecules that have gained a hydrogen atom (H3OR+) to water molecules that have lost a hydrogen atom (OH-).

Its unit goes from 1 to 14 indicating the amount of H3OR+. Indicators (chemicals in solution) are used to measure pH, which are added to the tested solution and react with it, causing a color change to known amounts of H3OR+.


The amount of substance (called the solute) that can dissolve in a given amount of another (solvent).

Commonly measured in grams of solute per 100 grams of solvent or in grams per liters (g / L) and in moles per liters (moles / L). To measure it, tools such as the balance and the marked volumes method are used..


The resistance of a fluid to flow. It is measured in Poise (P) and in Stokes (S). And its measuring instrument is called a viscometer.


Ability to resist scratching. It is measured with scales of hardness, such as Brinell, Rockwell and Vicker; with a durometer set to the desired scale.


It is the amount of matter in a sample and is measured in grams (g), kilograms (kg), pounds (lb), etc. And it is measured with the scale.


It is the measurement of length from one end to the other and the most commonly used units of measurement are centimeters (cm), meters (m), kilometers (Km), inches (in) and feet (ft). Ruler, indicator, odometer or digital micrometer are the measuring instruments.


It is the amount of space occupied by a substance and is measured in cubic centimeters (cm3), milliliters (ml) or Liters (L). The marked volumes method is used.

Marked volumes method


It is the force of gravity on a substance and its unit of measurement is the newtons (N), the pound force (lbf), the dynes (din) and the kiloponds (kp).


It is the duration of an event, it is measured in seconds (s), minutes (min) and hours (h). A watch or stopwatch is used.

Specific heat

It is defined as the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of 1.0 g of a substance by 1 degree Celsius..

It is an indication of how quickly or slowly a certain mass of an object will heat or cool. The lower the specific heat, the faster it will heat up or cool down.

The specific heat of water is 4.18 J / g C and is almost always measured in those units (Joules over grams per degree Celsius). It is measured with the calorimeter.

Parts of the calorimeter

Heat of fusion

It is the amount of heat necessary to melt exactly a certain mass of that substance. The heat of fusion of water is 334 J / g and like the specific heat it is measured with the calorimeter and is expressed in Joules over grams per degree Celsius.

Heat of vaporization

It is the amount of heat necessary to vaporize exactly a certain mass of that substance. The heat of vaporization of water is 2260 J / g (Joules over grams per degree Celsius). It is measured with the calorimeter.

Ionization energy

It is the energy necessary to remove the weakest or furthest electrons from an atom. Ionization energy is given in electron volts (eV), joules (J) or kilojoules per mole (kJ / mol).

The method used to determine it is called atomic spectroscopy, which uses radiation to measure the energy level.

Themes of interest

General properties.

Extensive properties.

Intensive properties.

Properties of matter.


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  6. Carter, J. (2017). "Qualitative And Quantitative Properties". Recovered from cram.com.

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