The free goods, in economics, they are those that serve to satisfy human needs but have the peculiarity that they are not owned by anyone. Its obtaining or consumption is not subject to payments.
These goods are found in abundance or excess in nature and do not require a production process for their creation. The most specific examples of free goods are air, sunlight, and untreated water..
These goods should not be confused with others of common or social property, nor with the so-called real estate or without an owner..
Sunlight is a good example of a free good. It is abundant in nature and its consumption is not rationed, as is the case with other types of scarce goods.
It has a use value because it is essential for life on the planet. It is a free good as long as it is not subjected to an industrial process.
This good provides vitamin E to the body. Nourishes the nervous system and activates metabolism through a cellular respiration process that occurs in the mitochondria, which are a kind of power generating plants contained in every cell of the body..
Air is a carrier of oxygen, another free good essential to activate chemical processes in the body.
As in the case of light, life on Earth would be impossible without air. It is possible to go several days without eating or drinking water, but it is not possible to go more than a few minutes without breathing.
Although cities pay for water services and this is a scarce commodity in many regions of the planet, water runs freely in abundance in other places such as lakes, rivers and seas, and anyone can drink it without any restrictions..
Of course, it is about non-potable water, because treated or mineral water services must be paid.
This good necessary for crops and soil fertility is distributed equally to all when it rushes from the clouds. Without the rain, the reservoirs of water for human and animal consumption would dry up.
Life on the planet would be very difficult and almost impossible without the presence of rain, because it is a good generator of life and activator of productive processes.
Sand is another free good available in deserts; It does not belong to anyone and it can be disposed of with no limitations other than the possibility of carrying it through the dunes..
- Created by nature
- Free
- Many are abundant
- Non-transferable
- Tools
- They have no exchange value
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