I would like to start this article with a true story that reflects the validity of the principle that I mention in the title.
It was the year 1519 and Hernan Cortes he was at a crossroads of gigantic proportions. He had used all his patrimony to make his great company viable: to conquer Tenochtitlán, capital of the Aztec empire. After having conquered Cuba in 1518, his men, tired of being far from home, wanted to return to their families. On the morning of August 16, 1519, an event occurred that would alter the course of the conquest and of history. Cortés ordered his subordinates to they will burn the ships and enter the island from Antigua, as there was no possibility of turning back. The rest of the story is well known.
What teaching can be drawn from this event? The excellence it is only possible if we are willing to leave the safe harbor of the known to step into the limitless potential that resides in the unknown. What set Cortés apart from the rest of the expeditionaries was his skill and his unshakable and unflappable vision about what he wanted to achieve. Nothing and no one could stop him, but there was a way available, it only remained to create a new way that would allow him to capture his ideals..
With this obviously, I do NOT endorse the policy or the strategy applied by Cortés, but the practical application of leaving the comfort and safety zone to achieve a new conception of oneself.
If we really want to grow and expand our minds, we have to find a new way of doing things. As i said Albert Einstein: "Insanity is doing the same action over and over again hoping to get different results". However, few change their habits and rituals to create powerful and satisfying new results.. Why does this occur? The reason is that we try to modify the effects and not the causes that generate the determined thought, habit or action.
To give a graphic example: Imagine that you want to study more hours and that they are also more effective. However, you do not find enough motivation or energy to produce that change and you decide that the reason that induces this lack of motivation is the disorder and disorganization that exists in your particular study room.. The real cause, however, it is your lack of sleep and rest, that is, no matter how hard you try to tidy up your study room if you do not "attack" the main cause, the effort invested will be of no use.
This that I just mentioned can be extrapolated to many areas of our life.. We row with all our might against the current, wasting resources, strength and time in the attempt.
It is true that the idea of a drastic transition or abrupt change it can produce some initial fear and rejection. However, there are moments in life when it is necessary to make a binding decision that totally transforms the way we see ourselves, as well as the new skills that we are willing to create.. How can we give consistency and clarity to the change we want to make?? Exercising the immense power that a conscious decision gives us.
A real decision It's not like a preference, a possibility, or a "I'm going to try." The word decision comes from Latin decision whose meaning is translated as "incision to cut from". A decision is when we opt for a specific possibility with which we are committed without anything superfluous that can disturb our path or vision. At the root of a true decision is a total commitment with the new vision that we want to create and sustain.
A conscious decision is made up of a huge power. We have been able to verify throughout the history of Humanity how certain decisions made by people with unshakable faith, were the spur of great revolutions, movements and prospects. When rosa Parks In 1955 she decided not to get up from her seat to give it according to the regulations to a person of "higher status" than herself, this "small" decision had a huge implication in what later became the largest movement for civil rights in the US..
The same thing happened when a 19-year-old boy decided to stand in front of a row of six tanks in Tiananmen demanding peace and the cessation of the revolt. This small act brought enormous implications in the conception of Chinese society at that time..
We have to take control of our life in order to create the highest vision that we have been able to imagine about ourselves. In each of us lies the great possibility of manifesting our most deep longings and illusions. But for this we have to be prepared to "burn our ships" and "our supplies" that keep us in the illusion of comfort, in order to truly discover the path of growth that belongs to us..
Unlimited and expansive potential is at our disposal NOW. Do we go into the island?
"A true decision is measured by the fact of having taken a new action. If there is no action, it means that you have not really decided".
- Tony robbins
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