Environmental chemistry field of study and applications

David Holt

The enviromental chemistry studies the chemical processes that take place at the environmental level. It is a science that applies chemical principles to the study of environmental performance and the impacts generated by human activities..

Additionally, environmental chemistry designs prevention, mitigation and remediation techniques for existing environmental damage..

Figure 1. Diagram of the terrestrial atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. Source: Bojana Petrović [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], from Wikimedia Commons

Environmental chemistry can be subdivided into three basic disciplines which are:

  1. Environmental chemistry of the atmosphere.
  2. Environmental chemistry of the hydrosphere.
  3. Soil environmental chemistry.

An integral approach to environmental chemistry additionally requires the study of the interrelationships between the chemical processes that occur in these three compartments (atmosphere, hydrosphere, soil) and their relationships with the biosphere..

Article index

  • 1 Environmental chemistry of the atmosphere
    • 1.1 -Stratosphere
    • 1.2 -Troposphere
  • 2 Environmental chemistry of the hydrosphere
    • 2.1 -Fresh water
    • 2.2 -The water cycle
    • 2.3 -Anthropological impacts on the water cycle
  • 3 Environmental chemistry of soil
    • 3.1 The soil
    • 3.2 Anthropological impacts on the soil
  • 4 Chemical-environment relationship
    • 4.1 -Model Garrels and Lerman
  • 5 Applications of environmental chemistry
  • 6 References

Environmental chemistry of the atmosphere

The atmosphere is the layer of gases that surrounds the Earth; constitutes a very complex system, where temperature, pressure and chemical composition vary with altitude in very wide ranges.

The sun bombards the atmosphere with radiation and high-energy particles; this fact has very significant chemical effects in all layers of the atmosphere, but in particular, in the upper and outer layers.


Photodissociation and photoionization reactions occur in the outer regions of the atmosphere. In the region between 30 and 90 km in height measured from the earth's surface, in the stratosphere, there is a layer that contains mostly ozone (O3), called the ozone layer.

Ozone layer

Ozone absorbs the high-energy ultraviolet radiation that comes from the sun and if it weren't for the existence of this layer, no known form of life on the planet could survive..

In 1995, atmospheric chemists Mario J. Molina (Mexican), Frank S. Rowland (American) and Paul Crutzen (Dutch), won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their research on the destruction and depletion of ozone in the stratosphere..

Figure 2. Scheme of ozone layer depletion. From nasa.gov

In 1970 Crutzen showed that nitrogen oxides destroy ozone through catalytic chemical reactions. Later Molina and Rowland in 1974, showed that the chlorine in chlorofluorocarbon compounds (CFC's) is also capable of destroying the ozone layer.


The immediate atmospheric layer to the earth's surface, between 0 to 12 km high, called the troposphere, is mainly composed of nitrogen (Ntwo) and oxygen (Otwo).

Toxic gases

As a result of human activities, the troposphere contains many additional chemicals considered air pollutants such as:

  • Carbon dioxide and monoxide (COtwo and CO).
  • Methane (CH4).
  • Nitrogen oxide (NO).
  • Sulfur dioxide (SOtwo).
  • Ozone O3 (considered polluting in the troposphere)
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOC's), powders or solid particles.

Among many other substances, which affect human and plant and animal health.

Acid rain

Sulfur oxides (SOtwo And so3) and those of nitrogen such as nitrous oxide (NOtwo), cause another environmental problem called acid rain.

These oxides, present in the troposphere mainly as products of the combustion of fossil fuels in industrial activities and transportation, react with rainwater producing sulfuric acid and nitric acid, with the consequent acid precipitation..

Figure 3. Acid rain scheme. Source: Alfredsito94 [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], from Wikimedia Commons

By precipitating this rain that contains strong acids, it triggers several environmental problems such as acidification of the seas and fresh waters. This causes the death of aquatic organisms; the acidification of soils that causes the death of crops and the destruction by corrosive chemical action of buildings, bridges and monuments.

Other atmospheric environmental problems are photochemical smog, caused mainly by nitrogen oxides and tropospheric ozone.

Global warming

Global warming is produced by high concentrations of COtwo atmospheric and other greenhouse gases (GHGs), which absorb much of the infrared radiation emitted by the Earth's surface and trap heat in the troposphere. This generates climate change on the planet.

Environmental chemistry of the hydrosphere

The hydrosphere is made up of all the bodies of water on Earth: surface or wetlands - oceans, lakes, rivers, springs - and underground or aquifers..

-Fresh water

Water is the most common liquid substance on the planet, it covers 75% of the earth's surface and is absolutely essential for life..

All life forms depend on fresh water (defined as water with a salt content of less than 0.01%). 97% of the planet's water is salt water.

Of the remaining 3% fresh water, 87% is in:

  • The poles of the Earth (which are melting and pouring into the seas as a result of global warming).
  • Glaciers (also in the process of disappearing).
  • Groundwater.
  • Water in the form of vapor present in the atmosphere.

Only 0.4% of the planet's total fresh water is available for consumption. The evaporation of water from the oceans and rainfall continually provide this small percentage..

The environmental chemistry of water studies the chemical processes that occur in the water cycle or hydrological cycle and also develops technologies for the purification of water for human consumption, the treatment of industrial and urban wastewater, the desalination of seawater, recycling and saving this resource, among others.

-The water cycle

The water cycle on Earth consists of three main processes: evaporation, condensation and precipitation, from which three circuits are derived:

  1. Surface runoff
  2. Plant evapotranspiration
  3. Infiltration, in which the water passes to underground levels (phreatic), circulates through aquifer channels and exits through springs, fountains or wells.
Figure 4. Water cycle. Source: Wasserkreislauf.png: from: Benutzer: Jooooderivative work: moyogo [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) or GFDL (http: //www.gnu .org / copyleft / fdl.html)], via Wikimedia Commons

-Anthropological impacts on the water cycle

Human activity has impacts on the water cycle; some of the causes and effects of anthropological action are the following:

Land surface modification

It is generated by destruction of forests and fields with deforestation. This affects the water cycle by eliminating evapotranspiration (water intake by plants and return to the environment by transpiration and evaporation) and by increasing runoff..

Increased surface runoff produces increased river flow and floods.

Urbanization also modifies the land surface and affects the water cycle, since the porous soil is replaced by impermeable cement and asphalt, which makes infiltration impossible..

Water cycle pollution

The water cycle involves the entire biosphere and consequently, human-generated waste is incorporated into this cycle by different processes..

Chemical pollutants in the air are incorporated into the rain. Agrochemicals applied to the soil, suffer leachate and infiltration to aquifers, or run off into rivers, lakes and seas.

Also the waste of fats and oils and the leachates of the sanitary landfills, are dragged by infiltration to the groundwater.

Extraction of water supplies with overdraft in water resources

These overdraft practices produce depletion of groundwater and surface water reserves, affect ecosystems and produce local subsidence of the soil..

Soil environmental chemistry

Soils are one of the most important factors in the balance of the biosphere. They provide anchorage, water and nutrients to plants, which are producers in terrestrial trophic chains.


The soil can be defined as a complex and dynamic ecosystem of three phases: a solid phase with mineral and organic support, an aqueous liquid phase and a gaseous phase; characterized by having a particular fauna and flora (bacteria, fungi, viruses, plants, insects, nematodes, protozoa).

The properties of the soil are constantly modified by environmental conditions and by the biological activity that takes place in it..

Anthropological impacts on the soil

Soil degradation is a process that decreases the productive capacity of the soil, capable of producing a profound and negative change in the ecosystem..

The factors that produce soil degradation are: climate, physiography, lithology, vegetation and human action.

Figure 5. Degraded soil. Source: pexels.com

By human action can occur:

  • Physical degradation of the soil (for example, compaction from improper farming and ranching practices).
  • Chemical degradation of the soil (acidification, alkalization, salinization, contamination with agrochemicals, with effluents from industrial and urban activity, oil spills, among others).
  • Biological degradation of the soil (decrease in the content of organic matter, degradation of the vegetation cover, loss of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms, among others).

Chemical-environment relationship

Environmental chemistry studies the different chemical processes that take place in the three environmental compartments: atmosphere, hydrosphere and soil. It is interesting to review an additional approach on a simple chemical model, which attempts to explain the global transfers of matter that occur in the environment..

-Garrels and Lerman model

Garrels and Lerman (1981), developed a simplified model of the biogeochemistry of the Earth's surface, which studies the interactions between the compartments atmosphere, hydrosphere, earth's crust and the included biosphere..

The Garrels and Lerman model considers seven major constituent minerals of the planet:

  1. Gypsum (CaSO4)
  2. Pyrite (FeStwo)
  3. Calcium carbonate (CaCO3)
  4. Magnesium carbonate (MgCO3)
  5. Magnesium Silicate (MgSiO3)
  6. Ferric oxide (FetwoOR3)
  7. Silicon dioxide (SiOtwo)

The organic matter constituting the biosphere (both living and dead), is represented as CHtwoOr, which is the approximate stoichiometric composition of living tissues.

In the Garrels and Lerman model, geological changes are studied as net transfers of matter between these eight components of the planet, through chemical reactions and a net mass conservation balance..

The accumulation of COtwo in the atmosphere

For example, the problem of the accumulation of COtwo in the atmosphere is studied in this model, saying that: we are currently burning the organic carbon stored in the biosphere as coal, oil and natural gas deposited in the subsoil in geological times past.

As a consequence of this intensive burning of fossil fuels, the concentration of COtwo atmospheric is increasing.

Increased CO concentrationstwo in the Earth's atmosphere is due to the fact that the rate of fossil carbon combustion exceeds the rate of carbon absorption by the other components of the Earth's biogeochemical system (such as photosynthetic organisms and the hydrosphere, for example).

In this way, the emission of COtwo to the atmosphere due to human activities, bypasses the regulatory system that modulates changes on Earth.

The size of the biosphere

The model developed by Garrels and Lerman also considers that the size of the biosphere increases and decreases as a result of the balance between photosynthesis and respiration..

During the history of life on Earth, the mass of the biosphere increased in stages with high rates of photosynthesis. This resulted in a net storage of organic carbon and emission of oxygen:

COtwo    +   HtwoO → CHtwoO + Otwo

Respiration as a metabolic activity of microorganisms and higher animals, converts organic carbon back into carbon dioxide (COtwo) and water (HtwoO), that is, it reverses the previous chemical reaction.

The presence of water, the storage of organic carbon and the production of molecular oxygen are fundamental for the existence of life..

Environmental chemistry applications

Environmental chemistry offers solutions for the prevention, mitigation and remediation of environmental damage caused by human activity. Among some of these solutions we can mention:

  • The design of new materials called MOF's (for its acronym in English: Metal Organic Frameworks). These are very porous and have the ability to: absorb and retain COtwo, get HtwoOr from desert air vapor and store Htwo in small containers.
  • The conversion of waste into raw materials. For example, the use of worn tires in the production of artificial grass or shoe soles. Also the use of crop pruning waste, in the generation of biogas or bioethanol.
  • Chemical syntheses of CFC substitutes.
  • The development of alternative energies, such as hydrogen cells, for the generation of non-polluting electricity.
  • Control of atmospheric pollution, with inert filters and reactive filters.
  • Seawater desalination by reverse osmosis.
  • The development of new materials for the flocculation of colloidal substances suspended in water (purification process).
  • The reversal of lake eutrophication.
  • The development of "green chemistry", a trend that proposes the substitution of toxic chemical compounds for less toxic ones, and "environmentally friendly" chemical procedures. For example, it is applied in the use of less toxic solvents and raw materials, in industry, in dry cleaning of laundries, among others..


  1. Calvert, J. G., Lazrus, A., Kok, G. L., Heikes, B. G., Walega, J. G., Lind, J., and Cantrell, C. A. (1985). Chemical mechanisms of acid generation in the troposphere. Nature, 317 (6032), 27-35. doi: 10.1038 / 317027a0.
  2. Crutzen, P.J. (1970). The influence of nitrogen oxides on the atmospheric content. Q.J.R. Metheorol. Soc. Wiley-Blackwell. 96: 320-325.
  3. Garrels, R.M. and Lerman, A. (1981). Phanerozoic cycles of sedimentary carbon and sulfur. Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Sciences. USES. 78: 4,652-4,656.
  4. Hester, R. E. and Harrison, R. M. (2002). Global Environmental Change. Royal Society of Chemistry. pp 205.
  5. Hites, R. A. (2007). Elements of Environmental Chemistry. Wiley-Interscience. pp 215.
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  7. Molina, M.J. and Rowland, F.S. (1974). Stratospheric sink for chlorofluoromethanes: Chlorine atom- catalyzed destruction of ozone. Nature. 249: 810-812.
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